Tuesday 19 April 2016

Once Upon A Time 5.10 "Broken Heart" Review

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This ep shows how Emma (Jennifer Morrison) only became dark after her decision to save Hook and that's understandable as Snow (Gennifer Goodwin) did the same thing, or rather Snow says they did the same and then she gave her heart to save David (Josh Dallas).  Which was a parallel here. Though it seems Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) goes off the rails even more than Emma and so suddenly as he kind of agrees with Zelena (Rebecca Mader) about being dark and living it up.  His darkness however seemed to be more a result of Emma making him become a Dark One when he said he just wanted to die.  She gave him no choice which is what he gave her when he told Snow she'd have to make up her own mind.

Seems Hook was even more prone to darkness after he discovered Emma lied to him about the sword and that she had it all along, probably using it in an effort to control him.  Nice touch watching him emrge from the Dark One's secret lair in his cloak but apparently he didn't get the Crocodile's skin, as Nimue (Caroline Ford) did. What's more he seems to be influenced more by Nimue than Rumple (Robert Carlyle) in his mind.  Since when push comes to shove he took Merlin's (Elliot Knight) heart and he crushed it even though Emma tried to stop him.  This led them back to Storybrooke with another curse which Hook was responsible for this time.  Thus bringing all of Camelot with them and Merida (Amy Manson) too.  Have we finally seen the end of the Camelot story with Merlin's demise now!  Especially since there was no mention of where they'd all vanished too, along with Merida. Emma even warning Hook that if he crushed Merlin's heart then he'd lose his happy ending.

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Eek more purple smoke!!  Curses!
In Storybrooke Hook sets out on the ultimate revenge he waited 300 years for, to kill the Crocodile and in Gold's shop, we get some of the finest acting from Colin when he emulates the mannerisms of Rumple and challenges him to a duel on his ship.  If he can defeat him, Gold'll have Excalibur. Whilst everyone tries to stop this from happening.  Hook even says he would have given up his 'soiled' love Milah if he had won him back then.  So his love is now 'soiled,' a nasty way of describing her, even if he is dark.  Loved also the hair change from his left parting when he's good, to his right parting when Hook is evil.  As well as the change of clothes from the cloak to the usual leathers which Rumple comments on how he also loves leather too.  Hook is hellbent (no pun for future eps) on exacting revenge and treating everyone cruelly, as once was in his nature, so it didn't come as a surprise that he did become dark quickly and even superceded Emma in her darkness when he discovered also that she wasn't really dark at all, but was all this to save him.

Regina (Lana Parilla) thinks Emma should have let him die too but Emma conveniently brings up how Regina saved Robin (Sean Maguire) and used Emma to do it.  As well as Hook taking their memories in the dreamcatchers which he's hidden somewhere.  Leaving Henry (Jared Gilmore) and Emma to come up with Operation Mongoose II to find them and return everyone their memories, cos Emma has a bracelet on her now to stop her magic like Zelena did and Merida's been entrusted to guard her, but she manages to get away when Hook arrives, knocking her out.  Then Hook insulting Emma some more.

As Regina headed to the hospital cos Zelena wanted to see her baby but said baby was with Robin back at the apartment and she'd get to visit her only if one of them was there to supervize.  So said baby still doesn't have a name yet either.  Henry removes Emma's bracelet cos he believes she can help them and they find the dreamcatchers at the clock tower, Hook couldn't find a better place to put them, considering everyone knows that's not such a secret hidey hole anymore.  Remember Regina used to got there a lot in earlier seasons when she was still evil, Zelena went there and even Gold had Hook hostage there when he was about to crush his heart, my how things never change.

Gold wins the duel and even has the sword at Hook's throat, after Hook gave him an even field by removing his limp.  But Hook vanishes in a poof of smoke as per usual.  Rumple heads to the well where he told Belle (Emilie de Ravin) he'd be if she changed her mind and she was there, but decided she couldn't be with him for the millionth time cos he hurt her too many times.  (Still continuing!) Ironically he says his heart is pure now and she knows he's changed.  Emma returned their memories as Hook and Rumple ended up at the lake again as the boatload of Dark Ones approached.  Emma now remembering Hook's going to open a portal to hell. With Nimue leading them as she was the original Dark One.  (And there were some thinking it was Rumple.)

Always great seeing Hook go dark, but somehow they should've fleshed it out more as they did with Emma, cos she was the Dark One for a long time and they could've got much more mileage out of it. Including getting his hair gelled into that style, very fetching it was too love!  Hey I'd like to get my vote in for Colin O'Donoghue for the next James Bond, no really, he's got the looks and he's got the personality to match.  I mean anyone's better than Daniel Craig, but actually Colin would be a good choice.  Plus he's Irish like Pierce Brosnan and those same blue eyes too!

Oh and where's Lily disappeared to, so much for her mentioning her necklace and wanting to find her father.  I say her father was the dragon from Camelot!  Well whilst Camelot is still around who knows, not like there was an abundance of dragons for Maleficent to mate with and procure said human baby!  Who knows!

Think Hook and Regina had similar thoughts when she was implying how Zelena basically seduced Robin as Marion and that was wrong cos it was verging on a criminal act, but also the way in which Hook so vilely described Milah as 'soiled'  Could've used a better word than that!  Not like he was implying she was covered in dirt or anything like that!

Anyway that's why we didn't get to see Merlin finish his voicemail to the others, cos Hook arrived and killed him.  Does he get redemption for the killing though or forgiveness and does he recall doing that, cos no mentions was made of it later.  However it is easy for Hook to go dark so easily cos he loved Emma and yet she not only lied to him and not just about Excalibur, but stealing his memories too and thinking he could remind himself that way.  So if it was so easy why didn't she do the same with her own memory and thus forgetting she was the Dark One and why didn't anyone else think of it.

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