Monday 21 March 2016

Ghost Adventures 12.8 "Hell Hole" Prison.

Ghost Adventures you could say, is synonymous with its prison episodes and so much evidence captured whilst filming there.  Yet it took season 12 to surpass that as all prison chains were off, to capture the most compelling, intelligent evidence ever.  From the outset the episode got off to a thrilling start, as Zak brought back Patricia Lynn Cody to be interviewed about her experience at Yuma Territorial Prison, Yuma, Arizona.  Aka Hell Hole prison and being physically attacked by a spirit haunting one of the cells.  That of prisoner John Ryan, who committed suicide.
Hesitatingly she entered his cell and got a response from him when she asked how he hanged himself.
Other events of the night, included a shadow figure watching Aaron, ball of light when he feels something on his back in the cell and also how Billy managed to release a trapped spirit there, named Peter.  When he said the doors are open and anyone can leave.  With the sound of a cell door being caught.  Stunning evidence.  As for that scream, was it really a girl?

Some laughs along the way too, but that so-called 'spy' outside looked more like he was taking a leak than actually spying.  It's like he pulls his pants up before the car arrived for him. That would be  #pisstake!
As well as Zak saying a man could go crazy in the prison cos of the bats. Though he didn't use the oft spoken phrase of "bat shit crazy!" Though I admit I did make a joke or two about the 3.10 to Yuma!

Got the most chilling shiver down my spine when Zak was in the Dark Cell and haven't felt that during any episode!  The sound that Zak describes as "laughing or grunting" after he taunts, is actually a voice that says at 33.57, "don't tell them" and not "chu, chu, chu."  It's very deep and forceful!  Now if Zak would stop dropping the f-bomb during the recording when asking questions and taunting, so we don't need the bleeping!! ha.

Also at 33.55, on my video it's about the 3 second mark; is that an orb or a bug right in front of the cell door it shoots from the right side of the wall towards the left. (Also see video below.) But didn't see any bugs all night though.

As well as that EVP on 34.34 minutes (without ads) which said, "figure a way to wake it..."  Which when you think about it makes sense since those sounds heard beforehand, like the footsteps and the one Zak said was knocking, sounded more like stones being thrown.  So the question would be who or what were they trying to wake up?  Some other inmate in danger, or being menaced by the guards, with a snake or a scorpion.

Yet the most spectacular evidence was the actual band being filmed on the SLS camera.  Not only that but they acknowledged the presence of the GAC too.  By taking a bow, waving and also dancing for them!

The green figure looks like he's playing the double bass.

Beyond a shadow of a doubt such evidence proves the existence of the paranormal in the most compelling way.
Take a bow GAC!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry, but the end scene was hokey as it gets. In my opinion, the ghost band members would have been the crux of the investigation and more time would have been spent on that than anything. Sometimes I get the feeling they are void of REAL unexplainable evidence, so a few odds & ends must be thrown in.
