Saturday 19 March 2016

Paranormal Lockdown 1.3 Franklin Castle

Franklin Castle, located at Ohio City, Cleveland boasts of being one of the most haunted places in America, or at least one of the most haunted houses in Ohio.  So not surprising it took Nick Groff fifteen years to get to investigate here and what an investigation it was in episode 3 of Paranormal Lockdown.  Franklin Castle has a dark history of criminal activity including prohibition. At any rate, the house saw its fair share of tragedy when the Hannes Tiedemann and his wife, Luise, lost four children there.  One was the daughter, Emma, who haunts the house and was seen by the Ramano family children, who moved to the house in 1968.  As Katrina said, it was good to be able to speak with actual former residents of Franklin Castle, who have seen Emma.

The investigation got off to a thrilling start as Nick and Katrina were joined by John Tenney and he felt his clothes being pulled at and felt constricted in them, the same time Nick spotted a shadow figure and then John's batteries in his mic dying. Wonder why that happened to him and it would've been interesting to see what else may have happened if John could've stuck around a while longer!!

This was also the episode where fellow paranormal investigator and sensitive, Elizabeth Saint (of Ghosts of Shepherdstown (GOS)) had her very own invention, the E-Box used by Nick.  After they met on GOS he asked if she'd like to build something for the show as her background was in engineering.  She came up with the E-Box and very excellent it is too!  A shame that she wasn't shown on camera when it was used.  But Elizabeth said in an interview that she was there at the time!

Interesting games of hide and seek were played with Emma and Katrina receiving the knock back when she knocked on the wall and asked for some noise to be made.  As well as Rob, the cameraman seeing something in the basement, which couldn't be verified for certain and then finally seeing a mist in the same place later during the investigation.  Showing plenty of activity in the basement.  Making you think exactly what took place there; where Nick was brave enough to spend the night.  After setting up motion sensors which went off when an orb/light anomaly was seen at the 35.53 minute mark.  Think that was missed by them, as no mention of it was made.  However it appeared right on cue after Nick says, "I'm all by myself now..."  From the EVP he recorded it could've been a spirit asking for help, as it said "I need help."  However, not sure if the EVP was caught at the same time the anomaly appeared.  (See pic below).

The other amazing capture was the mist that was seen by Rob in the same place as before, between the doorway in the basement.  Though I'm not sure whether I'd have spent the night in or by the closet like Katrina did.  I mean it was black inside, that was creepy.  Though Nick was the only one who felt anything inside it.  Maybe Luise didn't want him invading her space.

Another brilliant episode and it's still exciting to see the affects that little, or no sleep has on them and their investigation during 72 hours and continues to bring a fresh approach to the style and concept of the show.  I'm still hooked!  Can't wait for episode 4 at Randolph County Infirmary.

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