Monday 28 March 2016

Ghost Adventures 12.9 "The Domes."

                                                       Image result for the domes ghost adventures
From the outset it was apparent The Domes aka Casa Grande Domes, Arizona would be a creepy episode, but more than that, as I tweeted before the episode was aired, who'd want to work in such a structure, it's so UFO-y.

Plenty going on in this ep too, though 12.8 Hell Hole Prison remains one of the best this season. This was seen when Zak couldn't continue the first interview with the former paranormal investigator, Adam Forner and he had to leave cos of the adverse effects from being inside there, just as Zak too was affected early on even before conducting the investigation.  Then when he was interviewing the former Satanist and now priest, Jesus.  Especially when that voice was heard after Jesus said "my God is greater"  Which definitely sounds like a resounding "nahhh."

Some of the best was yet to come during the lcokdown itself at night, which wasn't a lockdown in the usual sense of the word, considering the Domes were open-ended and in the middle of the desert, so anything, or anyone could've approached.   There was the growling that Billy heard at 22.22 minutes (without ads) you can hear it clearly without any enhancements.  At least we did.)  After Zak asks, "what are yo?."

Also have to say on this one, I got one of my feelings before what happened with Zak.  I said to my sister, that there seems to be something behind Zak's legs at 22.11 when Zak asks, "is there someone in here with us, are there portals here."  I was sure there was something there, but having watched several times over, can't see anything.  I'll mark the spot on the photo below, but there's nothing there, as I said!!
I have no idea why I felt that way, but then he asks what are you and they get the growl which Billy hears (as above) and then Zak feels his arm getting numb after he's touched.  Gosh that was like a bit of a foreshadow, not even being there and not watching the episode until Sunday!  Or uncanny as I'm always saying.
As for the voice on the recorder, that sounds like it's speaking in some sort of 'foreign 'stuff' I can't even call it a language, you know the expression "speaking in tongues" but it's so gruff and it doesn't sound Native American either.  Re the man who cursed the land.  Phonetically it sounds like, "rak salic."   Even my EVP attuned ears didn't get this one!

Clearly it was also a night of distractions, since after that, the monitor light came on, which was the Game camera and sent them to that Dome, where Zak caught the figure on the full spectrum stills camera.  Here you can see it emerging, after Zak says, "show yourself," then it's gone in the shot after and then fully manifests in the shot after that.
After which, came the knocking on the RV, leading them back to the RV and away from here.  Also giving Zak an opportunity to review the findings on the camera!

Later when Billy was investigating the Dome alone and he heard that loud noise outside, did that sound like one of the slabs being thrown or falling to you??  When they think Billy's going a little crazy.  All this and the Jesus card which Billy found under Aaron's chair and the responses Aaron got on the ovilus, made this one heck of an intriguing episode!
(NB the priest Zak interviews earlier, was also named Jesus.)

Think I need to stop writing cos I tend ot get a little away with myself, more like carried away!

Anyhoo, if you love the show, you may want to check out my Zak book.  Giving one away on my Twitter @mila255h by 1st April.

1 comment:

  1. I still want to know what happened after Aaron saw the shadow with the horns?? Or if it was caught at least.
