Saturday 21 February 2015

CSI 15.5 "Girls Gone Wilder" Review

                                                   Image result for csi girls gone wilder photos
Once again the women of CSI are the forefront of the ep. this time they attend a CSI conference at a hotel.  With Finn (Elisabeth Shue) having arranged dinner for them at an exclusive restaurant with dancing.  Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) can't wait for the massage and Finn orders champagne before 9am, so she asks for orange juice with it when Sara (Jorga Fox) points that out.  Finn's also meeting someone she knew from the past, Mark (Michael Landes) and she walks off with him.  She's okay this time round she says as she's known him for years. They also talk of how Morgan hasn't met anyone, but Finn's fine with the whole, 'not too serious' part of meeting men.  Whereas Sara says it's nice to meet someone and get close to them, obviously reminiscing about her marriage to Grissom, even if it was shortlived.

Greg (Eric Szmanda) bemoans not being able to attend the conference and DB (Ted Danson) tells him they're boring where nothing much happens.  They're working on a case where a DB's remains were found in a barrel of acid, which DB terms "gloop."  He's identified as a security guard from the same hotel where the conference is taking place.  As the girls relax by the pool, a sniper watches them with a rifle trained at people by the pool.

Sara meets Dr Jane Snyder (Gillian Vigman) well bumps into and Sara doesn't like her and is even more unhappy when Morgan tells her she's arranged for them to attend her seminar.  Jane being one of those former CSIs who's now all about the fame and fortune.  Snide by name and nature!  Ha. When they attend the seminar, Jane makes a big entrance with strobing lights and men who are strippers.  As soon as she gets to the stage, the same gunman enters and starts shooting up the place with everyone diving for cover.  Morgan's friend, next to her dies, as Morgan tries frantically to save her and Sara has to tell her to let go cos she's gone.  As well as noticing the gunman had long hair and was carrying an assault rifle.   Sara tries to call Finn to warn her, but she's too busy with Mark and doesn't answer the phone.  As they're flirting, the lift door opens and the gunman shoots inside with Mark trying to close the doors, he's shot.  Soon the power goes out in the lift, as the gunman makes his way shooting up the hotel.  Finn tries to help him with his wound to help stop the bleeding.  She learnt first aid and wad wished she had finished her medical training, but she met a CSI and became interested in fingerprinting, becoming a CSI instead.

SWAT arrives and clears the conference room, as well as searching through the hotel.  They come across a man who kneels over a DB saying he's not the shooter, but was helping him.  DB tells SWAT to let him go since the shooter had long hair.  That was very amateurish of him, cos yeah although Sara's got a good eye being a trained observer he didn't really know what was happening, so it was better tot hold whoever they could.  He's still got the Gig Harbour Killer on his brain, cos obviously he wasn't thinking about the task at hand.  Though he wasn't mentioned this ep.

Greg wants to help but DB tells him to help with their case, so they can see if he's linked to the shooter, that way they can see who he is too.  The security guard's keypass was stolen from him and his wife reported him missing three days ago.  The security guard's missing van is found and Greg collects a used tissue from the van, as well as using superglue to print the entire van inside.  He gives the tissue to Hodges (Wallace Langham) to run for DNA since it could be the killer's and his wife said her husband was the only one who used the van.  Greg also finds a hooded man on the CCTV from the garage where the guard parked his van and notices that he didn't walk past it, but broke in and waited for him.  Doc (Robert David Hall) removes the bullet from the guard's remains and it matches the rifle.  Saying those are so high powered and can shoot 700 rounds per minute, that they're for war zones and they should only be used there.  DB says that he killed the guard and at the warehouse, he poured muriatic acid over him to decompose the body.  That means the two cases are linked.  Notice DB used the older name for hydrochloric acid.

Hodges and Morgan use Mark's new software which allows them to specifically retrieve footage from a specified timeline on the photo and Hodges manages to stop the photo on one of Morgan showing panic.  Then zooming in they see the shooter's face.  DB has a warrant for the shooter's phone to be tracked, who is identified as Jeff Lasky (Tor Brown) and it gives them his location.  Obviously he wasn't going to come with them and is shot.  Sara is told of this and she recalls his name.  His wife and daughter were raped and murdered and the killer was set free on a technicality.  She heads straight for Jane spitting blood, telling her this is all her fault and she was the intended target.  She denies any responsibility and says she was doing her job and rooting out the CSI who didn't do his job.  Sara responds by saying it was a typo and the killer got out on a simple technicality.  Sara then receives a text telling her of the DB on the 18th floor.  She goes to it process it and another shooter hides there with a gun.

Greg tries to find a connection between Lasky and the Vics, since he wasn't randomly picking off targets, but focusing on certain people.  As DB earlier told Ecklie (Marc Vann) that the shooter didn't go to every conference room but stopped at their one and also why shoot at Fin then, other than the fact he could've been identified, but there were others around who could've done the same.  Greg searches to see if the people were all from the same lab and he finds that they were CSIs who were assigned to doublecheck the evidence of another CSI named Cliff Ballard (Hugh Scott) from the Baltimore lab whose convictions were called into question.  Greg goes through and finds the dead people were CSIs and then comes across Sara's photo too.  DB also notices one of the men was the dead man Ballard was kneeling over when SWAT let him go.  Sara's phone rings and she gets a call saying she got a text but he sneaks up behind her.  She tells him it wasn't personal and tries to talk him down, but he puts a gun to her, until she hears a gunshot, SWAT to her rescue.

Mark dies as Finn tells him about U2 and having been to Ireland and the power is restored, with the paramedics arriving in time to save him.  She wants him to buy her dinner cos she saved his life. Then wants to 'hang' with him, like a date.  He replies that could get serious and she's willing to give it a go.

Finally CSI comes up with an ep where there's actually some excitement from the tediousness of the past few episodes they've shown so far.  Once again the girls get into turmoil and this time it's not of Finn's making, though why she didn't pick the phone up is beyond me when she was in the lift.  But then again, that's Finn, she's always thinking of herself and more importantly what she's going to be doing with flavour of the month this time (or week even, ha!)  It was clearly gruelling for Morgan as she finds she has to go through the whole being in danger thing again and it was good to see Hodges be there for her again and to sympathize with her, especially when he tells her how worried he was.

Good scene where DB and Greg were trying to determine how the shooters were related, finding they weren't, but they just happened to pick this conference cos all law enforcement would be there and that both had a beef with them. What's that then, happenstance?

Also with Ecklie thanking DB for pulling Morgan out of there.  Which he was right t do cos it didn't look like Morgan could handle being there. Touching moment with her and Sara at the end when she's trying to clean the blood from her fingernails and Sara hands her some hydrogen peroxide to do so, Morgan remarking how they always wear gloves and arrive at the CS afterwards, not be there during the potential CS.

Sara suggests they go for dancing and tequila at the restaurant since their bookings are still valid, with Morgan deciding she could use the tequila.  Finally giving in and having to hug Sara.  Again showing how good friends they've become over the years and their support for one another.  A bit of a morbid moment when Hodges tells DB how he's got his entire funeral planned out, finally being buried next to his mother in their marble mausoleum.  DB hasn't thought of it, but he's thinking being cremated and scattered on a farm where he can do some good!
No Nick or Henry again this week.

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