Sunday 22 February 2015

Mr Selfridge Series 3 Episode 5 Review

                                           Image result for mr selfridge series 3 episode 5 photos
Harry (Jermey Piven) and Nancy (Kelly Adams) spend the night together and he has to leave for work, telling her all he wanted to do was kiss her again.  "I know we had all night, but all I can think about is when are we going to kiss again?"  A sentiment that will be echoed by Gordon (Greg Austin) to Miss Calthorpe (Amy Morgan) later.  Like father, like son, in many respects.  Outside the store, Harry is questioned by a reporter wanting to know if he's had anymore trouble and if he's coping.  He doesn't reply and Kitty (Amy Beth Hayes) and Connie (Sacha Parkinson) arrive for work at the same time.  Harry calls in the staff and tells them he's looking to replace the two members of staff and he's going to go outside for the Head of Design but for Deputy Store Manager, he's collecting applications from in-house.  Grove (Tom Goodman-Hill) thinks he'll try for the position since he's been here a while and has dealt with plenty.  Crabb (Ron Cook) says he's too old for it and Gordon tells Harry he's too inexperienced for it, when clearly Harry wanted him to try.  He mentions the mishaps he had with the display for the dresses and Harry seems disappointed.

Connie thinks Miss Mardle (Amanda Abbington) should go for the job as she was head of two departments and she knows the inner workings of the store, but she doesn't think she's suited for it. Not until she tells Grove about it and he comments on how a woman wouldn't be handle it since she'll need experience with finance, stock taking, and bigger issues.  Which she says she has done a lot of in her department.  The same reporter returns to the store later and asks Connie for an interview about what happened to Kitty and how he'll set the record straight before all the papers paint her in a horrible light.  Connie of course would fall for it and tells him everything about Kitty, which he takes and turns it all around, as reporters do.  Saying Kitty asked for it, working late and then not staying at home like women are supposed to.  Kitty's shocked when she reads it and Connie says she didn't know he'd write all that.  It even has a photo of Kitty on the front page, now everyone knows it was her who was attacked.  She tells Harry it was her sister who spoke to him and  Harry writes a letter back to the paper expressing his distaste and feelings.  

Something which Loxley (Aidan McArdle) uses to his advantage as he's still gunning for Harry.  He's invited members of the Procurement Committee to sell them on an idea of his but only a few of them turn up.  He apologizes for what he did to the soldiers and putting profits before them, before lives as one of the men puts it.  But he wants to make it up.  Talking of how society and the country has changed, with foreigners renting hotel rooms and women working when they should be at home, "looking after home and hearth." (Yeah no wonder Lady Mae did a runner!!)  He tells them he's decided to start the Loxley Charitable foundation for the soldiers who served King and country, to which he's applauded.

Kitty later receives  hate letters, which she doesn't recognize the writing of and Harry tells her the security in the store will keep an eye on her.  Grove shows him file full of letters and Harry is angry, she can't stay home forever and not come to work.  Nor should she.  Showing how women were treated and just the sort of treatment Loxley wants them to continue to be subjected to, when he talks of traditional values and how things were before the war, as well as women wanting the right to vote. Frank (Samuel West) tells Harry about the reporters and Harry thinks he might have made things worse with his letter, but also that Loxley's on the warpath and is trying to help soldiers.  Making people think Harry is against the soldiers and is in favour of women.  Of course Harry is livid since he did plenty for the war effort and the country and says he loves this country.  Also how they've all forgotten what Loxley did.  He's just doing what Harry is doing, only trying to show he's on the side of the soldiers when really he's not.  It's all for show and all for revenge, trying to get his reputation back in the process.

Harry meets Nancy and tells her to get the plans of the housing built into a model when she introduces him to the architect.  Thought he looked a bit shifty.  Harry throws a press conference and wants her to be by his side cos she'll be good at it and he needs her.  Unveiling the Selfridge Estate. Nancy wearing that suit he gave her.  Which is impressive and Crabb says it looks expensive and he's glad the store isn't putting up any of the money.  No, Harry says he will fund it personally, getting the money.  When Nancy told him she's too interested in the bank account and how it's not been set up yet.

Lois Selfridge (Kika Markham) gets the file on the Princess (Zoe Wanamaker) from Miss Blenkinsop (Deborah Cornelius) and finds she has a whole list of creditors.  She calls on her at the hotel, where she comes 'clean' about having to rely on friends and that's where the money came from, cos she and Serge (Leon Ockenden) were penniless when they barely escaped Russia with their lives and her title. Telling Lois she has some jewels stashed back in Russia and only her maid, Olga, knows where they are.  She will send them to her when it's safe.  But of course it doesn't seem like there will be any emeralds, if they were any to begin with, would the maid really keep them.  Not likely.  Lois wants her to move into their house and to talk to Serge, to get him and Rosalie (Kara Tointon) back together.

Miss Calthorpe encourages Gordon to apply for the job since he's been to all the departments and knows how they all work.  That he's as good as his father, who hasn't been in any of the departments, or knows about things like tea.  Before they steal kisses in the storeroom, see, father, son.  Kitty forgives Connie and Frank's publisher cancels the book deal, cos they know Kitty's married to him and someone in the police blabbed about the drink after hours.  He thinks it's more important than what happened to Kitty and as she tells him, it was only a book.  So once again he finds himself in     the position where no one wants to know him.

Crabb and his wife come for dinner with the Groves and Doris (Lauren Crace) shows off the baby, later admitting to Miss Mardle that the baby isn't Groves.  The man at the store was her childhood sweetheart and she saw him at her mother's.  She was desperate for comfort and didn't know what was happening with Grove.  Asking Miss Mardle to keep her secret.  Especially after the remark she made about how much the baby's grown.  Well, called this a few eps ago, when I said she's probably had an affair and even mentioned the baby probably isn't his.  Must recall that a tin of biscuits will cause people to relieve themselves of their secrets!  Ha.

Violette (Hannah Tointon) goes to the club again, having lied to Harry and Victor (Trystan Gravelle) calls the bar closed at 9.30, with Purkiss (Rocky Marshall) watching him.  Next night he comes back again and raids it, forcing a woman to drink from the bar after hours.  As well as Victor and Violette getting it on, on the office desk of all places.  Should've got a room!  George (Calum Callaghan) tells him he's not going to get away with it as he arrests everyone there, including Violette.  Inspector Johnson (Simon Chandler) drops the charges against Frank cos Kitty needs him at home.

Gordon tells Harry he wants the job, it's what Ma would want and she'd be proud of him.  He's done a lot around the store and knows its workings inside out.  Nancy gets a visit from the architect and both of them are in cahoots together.  More scammers, seems they're just after the money too and he finds out she slept with Harry and she wasn't meant to go that far.  She tells him the money is as good as theirs.
Seems Harry just cant get away from the gold diggers, the revenge addicts and the freeloaders.  All of them want his money and that's all.  He doesn't appear to have learned his lesson from the other women in his life.  The Princess moves into their home, as he tells them about the Selfridge Estate.    

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