Thursday 19 February 2015

The Mentalist 7.2 "The Greybar Hotel" Review

                                                 Image result for the mentalist the greybar hotel photo
A couple steal a car from the valet outside a building and the woman, Marie (Brit Morgan) drives it away, police give chase and she's caught.  Her boyfriend, Cole (Val Lauren) gets home and finds she's been arrested.  Marie doesn't give him up and Abbot (Rockmond Dunbar) threatens her and is charging her with being a co-conspirator if she doesn't tell them where he is.  Cho (Tim Kang) and Abbot agree to go to Plan B.  Lisbon (Robin Tunney) will go undercover in the prison to find out Cole's whereabouts from her.  Patrick (Simon Baker) gives Lisbon a few pointers: to tell only one big lie and then the other ones will follow from it.  Also that she's ticklish, which she denies and he tells her to wear flip flops in the shower, so she doesn't slip and will look less attractive too.

Patrick ponders the map and says that Marie was driving in a  zig zag pattern to put them off the trail, when she actually should've been heading in a different direction, meaning she should've been heading towards the industrial area of Houston with abandoned warehouses, where stolen cars could easily have been kept.  Abbot reassures Patrick they'll get Lisbon back okay.

Lisbon tells Marie she wants the upper bunk cos she gets claustrophobic and she asks her if she wants to challenge her for it.  Lisbon gives up and takes the bottom.  Also helping Marie stay out of trouble when another prisoner picks a fight with her when it comes to using the phone.  She didn't want Lisbon's help.  Lisbon tells Patrick she hasn't gotten anything out of her when he comes to see her and he says they need to get Cole to come to them cos he's still here, as his accomplice tells them.

Lisbon tells her about Patty being her boyfriend, how they knew each other for years but only got together now cos she wouldn't let herself believe that she loved him.  Marie says the same thing about Cole.  Marie sees Patrick with Lisbon when he comes to visit her, hatching up this plan of escape, he says they should instigate the plan, but she'll need someone on the other side to get them away. She wants to leave Texas and get to Florida, that's where Patrick is.  Lisbon tells her that the DA is charging her and she's going away cos it's her third strike, after Abbot tells her they're sending her to a max security prison, where she's kept in the cell for 23 hours.  She doesn't want that and tells Lisbon as she breaks into things, so she can break out.  Lisbon replies it's harder than it looks.

Wylie (Joe Adler) tells Vega (Josie Loren) to put Patty's tea cup back and to wash it, she drinks from it and he tells her to do the same again.  She and Wylie listen to phonecalls and  he tells her he used to date a prisoner called Big Val.  Marie calls Cole and tells him of the escape, but not in so many words.  Patrick co-ordinates the escape, Lisbon needs to take a bucket with a hole and use it to prop open a door, then remove the plug so the water leaks out.  The water will eventually cause the bucket to get lighter and will move causing the door to shut.  They then get into the guard's room, take the tool to break open the employee lockers and walk out with the canteen staff.  Which was easy, those guards can't check IDs, lazy.  Hendricks waits for them and the they stop at a gas station for food.  Cole walks in and decides to take Tom Kiesche) Lisbon with them, then shoots the shop assistant out of fun.  As Lisbon tries to write a note for him.  Cole tells them they're taking a helicopter out of there.

Abbot and Cho having lost Lisbon when they change cars in a parking garage, so the helicopter can't follow her either.  Patrick decides to go and search for her himself and arrives at the station, where he sees her bootprint Lisbon left in the man's blood, pointing to the right direction and also finds her unfinished note.  He takes bottles with him to leave as a trail on the road and arrives just as Lisbon is rumbled.  He sets up a mirror in the trees, pretending they're surrounded by FBI snipers.  Cole doesn't fall for it and shoots the mirror.  Just as she's about to shoot, the FBI arrive.  The CIA want info from Cole cos he's in league with international smugglers, including terrorists which he agrees to but the only deal Cho gives him is not facing the death penalty for shooting the assistant for nothing.  He even doesn't care about Marie when he tells her she won't be charged for the killing.

This episode reminded me of an NCIS episode 2.10 Chained, when Tony (Michael Weatherly) went undercover and then had to break out with the other prisoners, having to be found by the team.  Still it made a change from the normal eps when it's Patty's turn now to be worried about Lisbon.  Patrick noticing Abbot changed his cologne as he's having dinner with his wife, who's going for a DC promotion.  As well as pinpointing the location of the warehouse and saying, he's not going to do everything for them!! Classic Patrick at his best.  But the best moment of this ep was Patrick actually putting himself in danger to save Lisbon, whereas in the past he ensured he wasn't in the firing line, ever!  Leaving them to do the dangerous stuff.

Vega wanting to work with Cho to get some pointers, cos he's not 'crazy,' which he'll think over.  She seems like a loose end they didn't need, just to give Wylie and Cho some interaction.  Britt Morgan was in True Blood and also in an ep of Ghost Adventures, The Glen Tavern Inn from 2013.

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