Sunday 20 January 2013

Mr Selfridge Series 1 Part 3 Review

Another day, another episode, this time Harry Selfridge (Jeremy Piven) is spending more time with Ellen Love (Zoe Tapper) and she kind of gives him an idea of how he should arrange things in the store and what to stock in plain sight.  Well he was watching her apply her face, you know, her make up.  That and the stench of the horse manure strewn across the road on his way in.  He suggests they move the perfume displays nearer the door so they can smell it when entering the store and it will mask the smell from the street.   A new innovation back then which still survives even today.  Thus you're bombarded by perfume being sprayed on you by assistants as soon as you enter a department store, but I've noticed Selfridges does it a lot.

He also decides they should display make-up and cream as well as other toiletries in one place together so they are easily found.  Currently everything is displayed on different floors.  Pond's Cold Cream is a best seller but it's not selling in Selfridges since no one can find it.  Henri (Gregory Fitoussi) suggests an advertizing friend of his Valerie Maurel (Josephine de la Baume) should come from New York and could give some ideas on what to sell.  Henri being very forward this episode and Harry trying his best to be supportive of him, whilst still fawning over his mistress, Ellen.

Agnes (Aisling Loftes) has to take time off work since her father, Reg (Nick Moran) hits her and gives her a black eye after he gets laid off work and is drinking again.  She can't recall a day when he wasn't drunk.  Victor (Trystan Gravelle) brings her some breakfast he's made himself and asks if she's walking to work.  She suggests he should walk with George (Calum Callaghan).  Seems Victor has some competition from Henri.

Rose (Frances O'Connor) asks Lady Mae (Katherine Kelly) for help with Rosalie's (Poppy Lee Friar) coming out in society and she mentions how the Selfridge's are the talk of the town.  There of course being a difference between talk and gossip.  Then mentions Ellen again and what she means to Harry.  Also that he's bought her a flat.  Rose dismisses her as just a "chorus girl" and she's learnt to deal with Harry's dalliances by just ignoring them.  Lady Mae lets on she was one of those chorus girls too once, showing her a photo of herself.

Ellen sings in the store and dances and asks Harry to dance with her which is seen by his mother, Lois (Kika Markham) and she disapproves of his "relationship" with her, telling him he's got lipstick on his cheek.  Harry's visits to the music hall increase just to see Ellen and he even takes Henri with him.  Where they have an argument as he doesn't think she's pretty but she has "other assets."  Rose returns to Roddy's (Oliver Jackson-Cohen) and thinks he should paint her.  Obviously there's a lot more to this burgeoning relationship than just painting her.

Valerie tells them how powder is on display on ladies' dressing tables for men to see and shows them some rouge and lipstick which has the reputation of being used by prostitutes and suffragettes.  Crabb (Ron Cook) Miss Mardel (Amanda Abbingdon) object at these being stocked over the counter as they are too risque to be displayed.  Since red is associated with arousal within a woman.  Cue guilty glances between Mardel and Groves (Tom Goodman-Hill).

Harry plays poker with Tony (Will Payne) and wins, Tony lamenting he's got plenty of money already.  Harry reminds him the first rule of poker is to "accept defeat graciously."  Of course Lady Mae has plenty to say on the matter, reminding Harry she helped him get backers and he takes her money.  Now she wants a favour, a table for the suffragettes on Tuesdays and to display the colours of the woman's movement, openly supporting them.  Harry is a little dismayed by the colours being of Emmeline Pankhurst as she advocates violence against men, even if it is as a last resort.  Yet he agrees.  She also takes a shine to Victor and thinks it's time to move on from Tony.

Agnes comes in to work and her 'shiner' is noticed by Kitty (Amy Beth Hayes).  She's sent to work behind the scenes amongst the stock, well it appeared that way.  Agnes notices the cologne counter and comments on how she wouldn't touch the bottles since they look expensive and they are priced the same.  Leading Henri to come up with the idea they need a perfume which is the Selfridge own brand.  Something everyone can buy and wear.  Valerie returns to New York and Harry offers her a job here which she refuses.  Henri wants her to stay but she doesn't.  Agnes notices the two kissing.  Henri wants Agnes to hep him with ideas for a fragrance and is about to sniff her lavender when she's called away.

Selfridge wants Ellen to endorse this new scent as the "Spirit of Selfridge.'  Agnes comes up with lily of the valley flowers.  Her mother used to pick them in the country.  Henri goes with it and draws some flowers and a bottle.  Ellen refuses to be the face of the scent as it's cheap if everyone can buy it.  Harry bribes her with the idea of having her own window which she falls for.  Anyone can see by now, if they haven't noticed it before that Ellen is only after what she can get for herself, a veritable gold digger.    Henri takes some shots of Ellen making her look provocative in the poses which was exactly his intention.  Since Harry takes one look at the pouting poses and tells him they're a family store so can't be used.  Henri then shows him the sketches of the flowers and the perfume, calling it 'Unforgettable.'

Agnes looks at the display in the window, as Henri tells her it's her window and Victor watches them from afar.  So he'll have no qualms about becoming Lady Mae's new toyboy.  Harry returns home to see Rose but Rose isn't there, a turn up for the books since Rose is firmly taking a few pages out of Harry's manual on how to have a good time without your respective spouse around.  Okay she's giving him payback for all the times she's had to put up with his 'mistresses.'

Ellen's now shown snorting cocaine a few times and even offers this to Henri who claims he couldn't work without a clear head.  Fans would have been glued to the screens as we got a scene of Harry without his shirt! 'Oh Mr Selfridge you've been working out', ha!  Ugh, Ellen can't sing, she sounds so childish.  She throws the Teddy bear up to the balcony for Harry to catch as he did the first time round, but Harry's not there, ha!  Well he's had enough of her.  Lady Mae also breaks the news about Rosalie's coming out party to Harry which is news to him, as he and Rose aren't talking anymore, could he make it more obvious, aside from the fact Rose is no longer at home.  Thus Harry can no longer have his cake and eat it too!

Was hoping Henri would have given some credit to Agnes for coming up with the idea of the scent, mere thanks isn't enough.  Then again he seems to be a sly one, cos Agnes clearly is more creative than him but won't be recognized for her abilities, cos she's a woman and only a shop girl too.  In contrast to Valerie who is working in advertizing in the US and women working isn't shunned or disapproved of.  Agnes can't resist asking him about Valerie and he states he asked her to marry him and she refused.  Agnes is clearly infatuated by him.

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