Monday 21 January 2013

Revenge 2.3 "Confidence" Review

Emily: "In a race between danger and indecision the difference between life and death comes down to confidence, faith in our abilities and certainty in ourselves and the trust we put in others."

The episode opens with a now familiar narrative by Emily as a prerequisite to what the ep will be about.  Emily (Emily VanCamp) and Aiden (Barry Sloane) are being chased in a maze by dogs and they have to find a way out.  She suggests the only way is to climb over and he picks up the white flag before she does.  Which she calls cheating. Of course Takeda (Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa) will have words of wisdom as to what his actions really mean, trust no one.

Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) watches Emily with Daniel (Josh Bowman) again and he tells Victoria how she cleans when she can't sleep, yeah cleaning up the messes she has with the Grayson's when her plans fall apart.  She steps into the white haired man's (James Morrison) blood.  They search his DB and Aiden takes a key to a motel when Victoria calls Emily.  As well as finding Victoria's fake passport.   Emily asks Nolan (Gabriel Mann) to check out his phone but he can't find anything on there.  There's a number on the simcard belonging to the white haired man and he won't be answering, he tells her.

Aiden drives to the motel and searches the empty room and then looks at the air con sign outside.  Inside the air con he finds the flight recorder, what a stupid place to put that.  He meets Kara (Jennifer Jason Leigh) but doesn't recognize her as Emily's mother.  This was strange, why doesn't he know what she looks like.  He aims to swap the flight recorder for everything the white haired man, Gordon Murphy had on him.  Emily keeps the pocket watch.  She doesn't trust Aiden and he keeps saying Takeda didn't send him but he's also after the Initiative too.   We hear mention of them again but nothing more.

What with more  twists this episode than usual, could that be possible in a Revenge episode.  Victoria has arranged a press conference and she tells Conrad (Henry Czerny) the family will all stay together at the mansion for the Summer.  They are not leaving the house.  He tells her Summer is a long time.  Charlotte (Christa B Allen) feels Victoria should tell Daniel the truth but she's still angry with him for taking Conrad's side and believing his lies.  Thus there's a plane load of people dead cos of him.  She fears for her life and Conrad says the entire family should leave.

Padma (Dilshad Vasaria) rears her ugly head again at the office still under the guise of helping Nolan out, re lunches and tax deductions.  He cancels her meeting with him cos Em's needs him and she overhears his conversation about things hotting up and the ten o'clock news, as does Daniel.  Emily ropes Amanda (Marguerita Levieva) into helping her out again and threatens exposing the truth about Jack (Nick Wechsler) not being the father of her baby.  Amanda says she finally has the family she always wanted and has  no choice but to help Emily out with her scheme of giving Charlotte their father's journal, written by Emily of course, in which she makes statements about Victoria.  Amanda lies to Jack  about going shopping with the godmother since he didn't want her to be anywhere near the Grayson's.

Daniel is angry with Victoria and Charlotte interrupts her interview by saying she knows about her involvement with David Clark and that she's his daughter.  Someone hands in Victoria's fake passport with a note to Daniel and he learns how Victoria faked her own death.  Charlotte admits she wanted to tell him.  Emily is at the mansion too even though she was meant to stay away and Victoria takes the initiative (no pun) and shows a united Grayson family for the benefit of the press.  Introducing Charlotte as David's daughter, Conrad and Daniel, as well as Amanda to the world.

Declan (Connor Paolo) is out robbing houses with his new found buddy and he drops his driving licence behind.  A man, Kenny Ryan (JR Bourne) arrives and wants his belongings back in return he won't go to the police.  Well Jack didn't give him much of a talking to or even ask why he's doing that.  Seems he's preoccupied with Amanda.  Jack tells her he'll accommodate her lies this time and will commit to their baby but he can't commit to her.  She tells him Charlotte begged her to come and he claims he'd do as much for Declan.

Aiden attacks Nolan when he arrives at the beach house and Nolan leaves the house, telling her he's leaving town.  Well he won't really be going anywhere cos the show won't be the same without him around.  Emily explains about the white haired man being dead and she'll try to repay Nolan one day for everything he's done for her. That was a touching parting.  Aiden and Emily were lovers and he tells her even Daniel wants her back and wonders why Emily can't trust him anymore.  Conrad breaks the exclusive news to the reporter about his and Victoria's intended wedding with the honeymoon being in Tuscany.  Payback for sharing how he was a  cuckold to the world.  That's the second time he's used that phrase.  Well she didn't think she could get away with it that easily.  The Initiative will leave them alone if they cooperate and he blames her for having to deal with them again.

Kara calls the white haired man and leaves a message about a detective coming down.  Emily realizes she and the white haired man were intimate with each other and in a first this episode ends without a narration.  Daniel seemed to have doubts about his mother's honesty re her kidnapping and Emily confirms them here by telling him he needs to play her mother's game but be better at it than her, which he obliges as he plays the dutiful, loving son once more.  He may be with Ashley (Ashley Madekwe) as he tells Victoria but he still has feelings for Emily.

Declan becoming a thief in the space of a short while was unbelievable, is he really that stupid and how long did he think he could get away with it without big bro finding out.  Though Ryan clearly has an agenda, calling Jack "barkeep," how does he know that and maybe he'll have something to do with the sinking of The Amanda.  Apparently it was Aiden who revealed Victoria's passport with the note at the mansion, but it looked like it was Emily who did that as she usually does, also cos she was there when told to stay away.  Funny Victoria asked her to stay away from them and Jack asked the same of Amanda, but none of them listened.

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