Saturday 19 January 2013

Body of Proof 2.11 "Falling for You" Review

Don't normally review this show, not a huge fan of it as some of you may know, but I had to write something about this one cos of the presence of Brendan Hines (Lie To Me).  Well it's so seldom we see him in anything these days, but we get to hear his music, some small comfort! In his two CD albums, Good For You know Who and Small Mistakes. Check them out!

So anyway, how did I know he would be the guilty party in this.  Ooh trying to get away from his goody character roles, ha.  But hey watching it you wouldn't have pegged him for the killer, (even though I thought it was him, I kept it to myself, cos he was a bit obvious.  You know killer of the bride, let's see, the intended groom) not that he had much of a big part in this either.

So this ep a bride falls to her death from a balcony and the police have to find if she jumped, was pushed or fell, or none of the above, ha.  Well no, but okay, it had to be the pushed choice.  Yet another DB to examine with lots of people around.  You'd think it'd make more sense if you carried out an autopsy without so many present.  There's Dr Kate Murphey (Jeri Ryan) looking at the bones and how they fractured, Bud (John Carroll Lynch) and Sam (Sonja Sohn) there too, as well as Ethan (Geoffrey Arend) and Curtis (Windell D Middlebrooks) working on his own DB, in between hunger pangs since he's on a diet.  How long will that last.  Doesn't help when Ethan's running around with all this food.

Ethan meanwhile asks Dani (Nathalie Kelley) out to a zombie movie but she's busy, she's going bowling with Peter (Nicholas Bishop).  (You'd think they would have found a different name for him since his charterer in Home and Away was called Peter Baker.  Oh and Det Sam is also called Baker, so you have a Peter Baker in the show too, if you get my meaning!)  Ethan then sees Dani and Peter pinching each other's butts and he gets why Dani's not interested in him.  He thinks it's cos he's lanky and not good enough.  He's peeved with Peter getting all "the tail" in Philly and then dropping them, he doesn't want him hurting Dani.

Dani reveals she's not into casual as far as Peter's concerned and wants more of a commitment, which is news to him.  Lacey (Mary Matilyn Mouser) wants to change her appearance too and is met with obstacles from her mother Megan (Dana Delany) at every opp.  Especially when she talks about a nose job, as the DB, also had this done.  Well the DB had everything altered.  Cue the surgeon, Dr Sarah Hughs (Mim Drew) as another possible suspect.  Throw as many suspects out at us, but there was only one in this that stood out.  We kept coming back to the groom, Marc (Brendan Hines) well I did anyway.  Turns out one of her friends, Amy (Brianne Davis) a nurse, gave her aspirin after a botox injection, cos that's what her party involved just to make her get a black eye.  Apparently she saw Marc first but he saw her.  Amy wanted to get even for her stealing Mark.  Megan coming up with the comment that she didn't steal him, he went after her.  Yeah always coming up with these comments is Megan which aren't really clever!

The bride's father Leonard (Patrick St Esprit) is also suspected when they find out he was the beneficiary of her will, but why would he fork out all that money on the wedding only to kill her.  He tried to talk her out of marrying Mark but she didn't listen.  Funny thing is she ended up calling it off anyway.  She still wanted her ex-boyfriend, Zack (Pedro Pascal). He paid for her surgery!!  Funny comment from Dr Sarah to Megan about calling her about a facelift, cos she's at that age.  Also from Lacey when she points out the way Megan dresses.  That's true, don't believe she has a decent pair of pants in her wardrobe!  Wearing skinny pants/leggings all the time.

Lacey wanted to change her appearance cos of a boy and not being invited to her party, but that's kind of what the Vic was dong too, changing her appearance, which only attracted her to Marc.  At the funeral Megan notices the flower Marc's wearing, lily of the valley, which was her fave flower.  So searching through the evidence Curtis finds the flower with the missing anther.  She was calling off the wedding but he didn't want heh to.  Marc pushed her away in disgust and she fell over the balcony, but why couldn't he save her?  She got hold of his flower as there was her blood on the pin.

Leonard drinks the water from the bottle Bud and Sam have cunningly left on the table in the interview room and doesn't take it with him, and his DNA is matched to his daughter's hair found on her earring, showing he did see her before the wedding.  As did Zack.  Bud is angry at everyone cos he's been staying up until 3 and coffee's not helping.  Megan admits she knew it was a mistake marrying her hubby but her mother would have killed her if she didn't got through with it.

Lots of revelations here for the characters with Ethan, Lacey and Curtis having self-esteem issues, Dani finding out what she really wants. Bud admitting he and his wife eloped.  Didn't mention anything about Peter's real birth parents though.

Brendan is really underrated for his acting, you know, cos we don't get to see him in much of anything these days as I said.  I'll always rant about that!
With three of the cast 'sacked' from the show, John Carroll Lynch, Sonja Sohn and Nicholas Bishop and not appearing in season 3, that'll make for even more boring viewing in my opinion.

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