Monday 13 August 2012

CSI 12.21 "Dune and Gloom" Review

The CSIs investigate the burnt out wreck of a vehicle in a race.  Vartaan (Alex Carter) comments there's a trophy for them for getting to the CS so quickly.  He also adds he'd call this case a mystery since when the race began there were two people in it.  The driver is still inside, a DB and the co-driver is nowhere to be seen.  Nick (George Eads) "80 mile an hour missing person's case.  On your marks, get set, go."  Nick also says, "live fast, die young."  David (David Berman) explains his wife wants him to buy a safe car and he doesn't want that to be his child's first impression of his father.  Nick thinks he'll still see his father as the coolest man on the planet, until Uncle Nick comes along in his GT500.

Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) tells Sara (Jorga Fox) she'd rather watch The Notebook, which Sara finds hard to believe.  Hey in Malice in Wonderland, Ecklie made a comment about Sara watching the ads and she didn't like that either.  Sara finds the helmet and fibre glass from the wreck, someone drove over it.  They both reconstruct the crash.

DB (Ted Danson) finds out the drivers' names were White and they were part of A Pharoah's Motorists.  Doug and Alex's rig is missing and it was parked next to the Veck Oil one, just incase you needed a clue.  I was going to say Veck oil rig, ha.

Finn (Elisabeth Shue) says the 'man in black had a secret' after Morgan says the whole thing sounds like a country music song.  The names were aliases and they work on the DB's clothes.  A logo is revealed.  Cathy Veck (Paula Marshall) CEO of the company and the sponsor claims not to have seen anything whilst racing and doesn't have a co-driver.

Doc Robbins (Robert David Hall) states he suffered a blood and cerebral injury as spinal fluid came out of his ear.  He suffered a basal skull fracture.  He also has growths on his eyelids and brain as he suffered from a disease  which meant he had no fear.  He read somewhere that obstruction of the medulla results in lack of fear.

Finn has a conversation with Carlos Moreno and tells him she wouldn't let him sleep in his place and then thinks it was embarrassing when Morgan overhears her.  Morgan is glad she's having a personal life and Finn thought she was dating, Greg (Eric Szmanda) or Nick or Hodges.  To which Morgan gives the loudest denial to.  Me thinks she doth protest too much.  The logo is revealed as belonging to the 530th and the DB was in the military, Jack Breslin (Ryan Ahern).

Greg is studying for his Criminalistic Certification and hated Maths.  He thinks Sara is looking at the case wrong and thinks it was too big for an explosion for the size and direction of the impact on the fuel tank.  It was a larger explosion.  Sara says it was like explosives exploding.  The CS sketches show the distribution of debris spreading out.  Sara: "don't patronize me mathehlete."  The point of detonation was a hundred feet back.  Sara says they should "test your big bang theory."  Dynamite and gas was used.

Morgan and Greg analyze the crash site and she uses a metal detector.  Morgan feels like her grandfather and finds the top of a beer can.  Greg says he'll buy her a beer unless she and Hodges have plans.  Her father and Mrs Hodges are getting on.  Greg finds the detonator, the RF receiver and it was remotely set off.  A metal fragment also reveals a VIN number.  Sara talks with Weber, (H Richard Greene) his wife is dead and he met the boys when his truck had an oil leak and they bought him a new one.  One of them said there's "a lot of bad in the world and they're trying to make something good."

Hodges (Wallace Langham) wears new musk, Rosa Mysteriosa (what just for Morgan, ha) and she says it's too strong.  The treads were unique and the tyres were from two racing teams.  Cathy was behind them and didn't stop.  She has enemies.  DB tells her people also hate him and she gets e-mails everyday.  Ecklie (Marc Vann) comments how he got e-mails from his third wife.  DB thinks domestic terrorists could be involved.  Henry (Jon Wellner) looked at the voicemails from Jack's phone and background noise reveals Athrock the Conqueror' which Finn wanted to watch.  She saw Lord of the Rings forty times.  One motel had this rented out

Vartaan finds cash was paid and the room was paid for by Malcolm and Clive.  A man climbs through the window, Vartaan: "this is a new one."  Sara asks if they're planing another attack.  He notices the camera in the room which DB tells him is for all of their protection.  He likes Db's glasses.  Greg finds photos on Clive's  (Dustin Seavey) laptop of the court, City Hall and Cathy.  They think they entered the race to blow her up.  DB doesn't think Clive was involved as no bomb residue was found and no nitrates in the motel.  Clive was afraid.  Morgan says he was paranoid and is being treated with Malcolm and Jack was an out patient.

The Dr Amy Berkman (Zabryna Guevara) mentions them being The Three Musketeers and Malcolm is schizophrenic.  They all loved racing and got together for a race.  DB reconstructs the anagrams of A Pharoahs Motorists to read, Athos, Porthos and Aramis, and they forgot there was also a fourth Musketeer in D'Artagnan.  DB says he was obsessed with racing and Clive isn't a killer.  His cousin was paranoid when he tells Sara about his 'crazy, wandering family.'  He didn't have a happy ending.  Sara recalls her mother but not her story.  Henry texts her so she's saved by the bleep.  Henry found an e-mail from Malcolm and finds it was routed through the desert.

Nick and Vartaan find bodies in the Veck trailer and also Malcolm, who dies.  Cathy is with him, it has to be Weber of course.  Nick found an empty box of dynamite and 20 sticks.  Morgan says there were no other Musketeers but there were as Finn tells her, though she doesn't want to sound like DB and everyone knows about D'Artagnan.

They're profiling Clive.  This was their chance to show money doesn't rule, but trust, loyalty and truth does.  The bomber had access to the truck and it was Weber's idea to enter the race.  There's "a lot of bad in the world."  Sara's heard that before as it's what Weber told her.  Ferndale Mining Co uses dynamite and is a part of Veck Oil.  Weber used to work for Ferndale and he blames Veck for his wife and his bankruptcy.  Sara says he missed his target and intends to make a bigger statement.

DB takes Clive who manages to talk him round and Cathy's not worth it.  He loved Jack and Malcolm.  DB recalls how Clive saw enemies in every shadow and he met two friends and they fit together.  Sara says someone was lurking in the shadows and it all went up in flames.

So Olivia Hodges and Ecklie are dating which didn't come as a surprise and is mentioned by Morgan here in anticipation of the season finale.  Yet another personal family story from DB which sees him showing how tumultuous life has been with his 'crazy family' as he calls them, which can be equalled by Sara and her own sad family history when she mentions her mother, but not any details.  Think DB was expecting something more from her.

As far as the romance stakes go, it appears Morgan so has the hots for Hodges, I put it this way.  Well her quick outburst when Finn mentions who she's seeing when Hodges' name comes up proves otherwise.  Finn mentions Nick and Greg, but why does it have to be someone from work that Morgan or anyone else may be with.  They do have lives outside of work.  Also Morgan's face pulling, er, facial expression to Hodges' new musk suggests her advice for him to ditch the musk is for her own own benefit.  As for the other 'romace' between Finn and Carlos suggests lots of steamy/sweaty scenes judging from Finn's conversation on the phone, which devoted Enrique Murciano fans would be jealous about!!

Veck reminded me of Lauren Holly's character in CSI:Miami episode from season 2's Grand Prix who was also the team sponsor and a suspect too.  As for Sara's "cite your source" comment to Greg, that was going back to season 1's Unfriendly Skies episode, one of my all time fave CSI episodes!  Grissom: "high altitude enhances the entire sexual experience.  It increases the euphoria."
Sara: "well, it's good.  I don't know if it's good - cite your source."  Grissom has also used this phrase about source citing too.

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