Tuesday 14 August 2012

The Mentalist: How Much Darker?

It's August and right about this time I stray into The Mentalist territory and give my two cents worth, or maybe a few more pennies worth, gearing up for the season 5 opener.  Luckily we don't have to wait as long  as next year for this show here.

Once again the season 4 finale of The Mentalist ended with yet another killing, only this time Patrick Jane (Simon Baker) wasn't behind the killing, or pulling of any triggers, no he was involved  but as a bystander and as innocent as you think he may or may not have been.  Luthor Wainwright (Michael Rady) was the hapless or helpless Vic this time round, or perhaps he wasn't a Vic at all but another one of Red John's disciples, minions, acolyte,s whatever you want to call him.  That Patty had the argument with him and 'milked' it for everything he had before being kicked out of the CBI seems as though he knew Wainwright may have been involved.  Though he could have been abducted just for the sake of it.

However the main reveal, other than Patrick not suffering any crisis of conscience, breakdown and throwing in the red towel as far as Red John was concerned and it being a rouse all along, didn't come as that big of a shock.  He would never let someone like Red John get to him or indeed rule his mind or actions.  Though Patty has us rooting for him either way, that's how strong a character he is and also Simon's portrayal of him.

His lamenting and agony over his family's anniversary, sharing a drink alone without them and through all this he kept his head to try and coax Red John out into the open, not that that will happen anytime soon.  He did manage to snare the next best thing, Lorelei (Emmanuelle Chiriqui) after spending a night of 'rough and tumble' (did I really just write that?! ha) with her, wonder if he enjoyed that or was it all part of the con?  Can't believe Red John didn't see that coming, may be he did; so the question remains of whether she will help Patrick, or if Red John will get to her first and have her eliminated, as he has always done so in the past.  Except it was Van Pelt (Amanda Righetti) who put paid to O'Laughlin.  What a shame.

Lots of red herrings abound in this show; about as many as the number of FBI agents floating around.  Darcy being so convinced Patrick is connected to Red John in a big way, well he is but not really in the sense she imagines.  I was kind of hoping she would be dealt with swiftly by Red John and that he hasn't just leaves us with more 'suspects' in the Red John pool, is she one of the good guys or someone more evil?

As for Patrick Jane becoming more darker, he always had a dry wit, a wry sense of humour and made no bones about speaking his mind, whether to suspects or to Vics.  Most of them he treated alike, especially if he needed to break the case fast or put  a point across.  He also had his dark moments, setting up Panzer to be killed by Red John and then pleading ignorance in Blinking Red Light.  Getting off in court in season 4.  But says creator Bruno Heller to Entertainment Weekly, that we're about to see him grow even more darker.  "The show is not going to turn into a much darker show, but that character will show more of those colours.  We're getting closer to the meat of what the show is about."  At least this will mean his character will not be stagnant and develop.  It could get boring seeing the same Patty for five years running.  (Patty was always my affectionate name for Patrick.)

He also expects the show to go at least another two seasons; which is great news for hard core fans. As long as the episodes don't become repetitive or slide in terms of story or plots.  He also stated many fans/viewers will be perturbed at Red John's real identity when finally exposed.  Well, as long as it's not Patrick Jane himself.  That'd be too obvious although I did and do have a particular penchant for it to be Patrick.  Maybe it's one of the CBI team.

Since the episode with Rosalind (Alicia Witt) 4.13 Red is the New Black, we saw who appeared to be Red John sitting cross legged, listening to her play piano, cup of tea in hand, a carbon copy or mirror image of Patrick Jane.  No wait, Patrick's got a twin.  I jest, that'd be too unoriginal.  I'm still sticking with Kristina Frye (Leslie Hope) though that's old news by now.  Wait, I've learned with this show, nothing can be considered old news. She will always come close to being Red John for me for so many reasons: her appearance on TV goading Red John, getting 'kidnapped, or 'disappearing' in the season 2 finale Red Sky At Morning.  Turning up unharmed in The Blood On His hands.  When from past experience, everyone Red John has an encounter with never remains alive. At least not for very long.  Her use or Red John's use of the voice distorter when Patrick was abducted himself in the season 2 finale, didn't change her phrases, syntax, pronunciation, etc, as I've said so many times in my other articles.

Heller: "the trick is going to be  - and this is coming - bringing the audience along and making them second guess themselves and ask, 'is that him?  Red John ultimately is just a man and whenever you see the great criminals reduced to the flesh - it's sort of disappointing.  I have two seasons or so to make it come true...you might already have seen him."  Should have used 'him' loosely there?

Cup of tea anyone?

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