Sunday 12 August 2012

CSI: Miami - 9.12: "Wheels Up" Review

CSI:Miami ventures into the world of rollerderby, with Walter showing his knowledge of yet another sport. Horatio exhibits more of his anger, venting on yet another suspect.

Women fight in a roller derby and one goes off the track and doesn't return.   She's sick in the locker room and her DB is later found.   ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) identifies haematoma and a rib fracture on her DB.  "Significant wound means a significant hit."  Horatio (David Caruso) asks for COD which he believes to be bleeding out internally, taking 150 pounds of pressure to break a rib.   Intent was present which makes her death murder.   Horatio asks what sort of weapon was used and Delko (Adam Rodriguez) thinks someone would have noticed a weapon.   Not really since anything can be used.    Horatio: "'s called blunt-force trauma."  Well that wasn't much of a one liner.

Ryan (Jonathan Togo) tells Walter (Omar Miller) he hasn't been skating since Junior High.   Walter calls "Roller derby real."  Walter demonstrating yet more knowledge of such pursuits, well someone has to.   Ryan asks how 'bad ass' the women can be, which he soon learns when he sees them brawling and is punched in the face by one when they try to stop them.   Before that he comments he doesn't know if the sight is one of the most scary or sexiest things he's seen.   Also mentioning the Raquel Welch movie, Kansas City Bomber (1972) or most people will recall the Charlie's Angels roller derby episode, 1.12 Angels on Wheels.

Ryan questions Miami Spice who tells him Deb (Zoe Bell) took a cheap shot at her and she ended up in the 'Sin Bin'.   She slaps her butt when she leaves and Ryan doesn't think that's very professional and then adds, "not bad."  Natalia (Eva LaRue) checks out the locker room.   Commenting that Beatdown Deb and the Vic, Wrath of Connie (Clare Grant) were close.  Delko finds her helmet on the floor and the smell of vomit oozing from the toilet.   He didn't take a sample for analysis but instead says ME Tom can check out the remaining contents of her stomach.  Connie spat out her mouthguard onto the floor too.

Dave (Wes Ramsey) checks out the video footage of the game and they find Spice, aka Olivia, (Hayley Marie Norman) was in the Bin when she said, so that's her alibi confirmed.   Walter tells Dave he told him the women were hard core.   Deb left the track and didn't return.   She tells Calleigh (Emily Procter) she went off the track and didn't come back.   She was hurt and had to walk it off.  She was best friends with Connie and she got waylaid signing autographs.   It wasn't as if she knew Connie was being attacked.

ME Tom finds Connie bled out internally, caused by a broken rib.   Saying it's "probably a way of life or way of death" for her.   The way he was ladling out the contents from her DB shows he's really into his work, again.  Yet he still has a caring side.    She ingested Ipecac.   As you'll recall this is the method of choice for CSI shows when someone needs to be made ill.   This was found on her mouthguard which didn't fit her, so it wasn't hers.   Natalia discovers the mouthguard was a DIY version and needed the person's own mouth to shape it but she's only been able to obtain the Connie's DNA profile.   Until she gets another hit.   Travers (Christopher Redman) returns for one scene, but good continuity from the previous episode would have been maintained if she'd asked him how he got on with his girlfriend on his day off, casually, in passing.  

The DNA matches Vince, (Matthew Currie Holmes) he swapped it and Tripp (Rex Linn) tells him "you moulded it yourself, idiot."  He gets some of the best lines in this, along with ME Tom and Walter.   Horatio says they can match it to him and he'll be under an assault charge.   He claims he wanted to make her sick cos his team would only win if Connie didn't play.  Tripp comments he's the sportsfan around, but what Ben did was just stupid.

Connie's roommate, Lucy (Johanna Braddy) is brought in for questioning and she, in CSI:Miami fashion was way too helpful, thus confirming her as my suspect.   Thus showing that the try hard in this show are guilty.    When Calleigh was filmed from the back, to sit down to talk to Lucy, that didn't look like Emily at all, especially since she was majorly thin for someone who was pregnant.   She tells her about 'Tara and Feathered' (Lindsay Pulsipher) and their fight.   Tara's in physiotherapy.   When Horatio and Natalia turn up to question her, they find her in a wheelchair.     She fractured her vertebrae when she hit the rail, but doesn't blame Connie.   Vince arrives up and Tara turns out to be his sister.   Natalia takes him by the arm and drags him out, that was unnecessary.   She then gets angry cos he lied and her sister being inured by Connie is motive enough for Natalia.   There she goes assuming again.  Where's her evidence?    Tara didn't blame Connie and Vince knew of this.

Horatio asks her what Connie could have been struck with and she identifies an elbow pad from the photo.   Ryan and Walter collect pads and the woman who punched Ryan says sorry.  Natalia, now with new lab tech in tow, so what was the point of the other one, tests out which pad caused the injury to Connie.   Forcing the elbow pads into the dummy, called Rick, after Rick Stetler (David Lee Smith) no doubt!    Delko had to walk in and show off, he's got more arm mass and and breaks the rib, then assumes the killer had to be a man.   The tech corrects him on that, it could have been a really strong woman, but both were wrong in this instance.   Seeing as the pads were weighted.

ME TOM discovers the source of the internal bleeding from the thoracic aorta, torn by a dislodged part of her rib.   He finds a fractured rib chard does not fit the rib and the bone has signs of older fractures.   Natalia associates the injuries as intimate and a result of domestic abuse.   Funny ME Tom texted Natalia, seeing as she has experience in that area herself, but he doesn't know that.   At least we don't know he does.   Lucy blames Connie's biker boyfriend, Jake (Todd Lowe).   She recalled his name easily enough and then feigned fear.   She doesn't want to go to court and then she exhibits dodgy eye movements too, lots of looking sideways.   The derby made Connie feel in control.   They rode out to Miami shores.

Tripp gives chase in the car and guess what, Horatio and Delko head him off at the pass, as per usual.  Oh give us something new, not predictable.   Out pops Delko's gun and his venting.   Their apartment is searched and Horatio calls Jake a coward for beating up on women.   The punching bag belonged to Lucy and Connie, see she just gave herself away when she told them about Jake.   The indentations match the elbow pads.   Jake says he'll be out on bail soon.     Horatio replying, "that's all I'm gonna need,2 to get rough and ready again.

Lucy tried out for the team but didn't make it.   Steel weights were placed in her pads and test positive fro blood.   It was Lucy's idea to join the derby and Connie no longer had any time for her, or gave her any tips.   So Lucy got her when she was down.   Natalia posits "Friends forgive."  A bit late for Lucy to apologize now.   Natalia, Ryan, Walter, ME Tom and Dave watch the women at the derby whilst Horatio engages in a "beating down" of his own on Jake.  

Can't believe CSI:Miami is so out of its depth now and Horatio is so out of control, can't also believe (I've used this phrase twice) that he actually keeps getting away with it.   See without Rick around, no one's been found to keep them in check and here's where the show would have become interesting, as it once was, when Rick and Horatio would go head-to-head.   At least Rick only stole from the evidence locker, I'm not in any way condoning what he did in stealing, but Horatio et al, just are persistently rough and a law unto themselves.   It's getting so repetitious having to write that every week.   How is he honouring the badge that he wears by beating suspects, that's what courts are there for.   Hey with what's happening surprised no one, not even Rick cried 'evidence plant'.   Wouldn't it be good if he got out on a technicality and returned.   Cos this show needs a fast pick-me up, okay forget technicality, but was released on the basis of being set up.

Why have none of these suspects complained?  The show is completely unbelievable, even more so than before.   Are there any viewers/fans who actually cheer when Horatio gets his gloves out as his character wasn't like that before,  Yes he killed Marisol's murderer and beat up on the paedophile, but they could be seen as aberrations.   Nowadays it's a free for all and shouldn't he be spending his energies on finding Meemo and other criminals out there, instead of engaging in such despicable behaviour for a cop.   Have absolutely no idea what producers/writers are hoping to achieve here and quite frankly, I don't really care either.    Tripp is  a cop and we don't see him engaging in such behaviour, so what makes Horatio and his team above the law.

Roller derby was already covered by CSI:NY in its season 2 episode Jamalot, where they suspected murder of one of the players by a jealous teammate, or bitter team rivalries between the Manhattan Minx and Brooklyn Clobbers;  but turned out to be the boss of the team.

 Oh spoke too soon, Memmo turns up next episode.

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