Friday 18 May 2012

Stargate Atlantis - 5.5: "Ghost in the Machine"

Atlantis is overtaken by some entity in the computer systems and it turns out to be Elizabeth Weir. She brings the remaining Replicators back to Atlantis.

Sheppard (Joe Flanigan) and the others talk about the planet they have checked out and about the flying monkey.   Rodney (David Hewlett) claims it's not the Wizard of Oz.   Teyla (Rachel Luttrell) believes the planet was suitable to inhabit.  There's a power spike in the jumper and Sheppard loses the steering, then power is lost and they miss entry into the stargate.   There's interference and Rodney finds there's displacement current in the jumper, which should not hit them as it's dangerous.   They find themselves in decaying orbit.   The pod powers up and they lose life support.   The power then returns.   I quite like the floating stargates in space.  Being sustained there in the middle of nowhere.

No other jumpers have been exhibiting such problems so it was Sheppard's flying of it, but that was funny, no?  Sheppard says the alpha site is perfect except for the monkeys.   Rodney says the jumper is in perfect condition now and Zelenka (David Nykl) believes there never was anything wrong with it.   Woolsey (Robert Picardo) ends up in the wrong place when he uses a transporter.   Lights flicker at Atlantis.   Sheppard is almost zapped by a bolt of displacement current.   Rodney says the anomaly couldn't jump systems.   The laptop boots and a message appears after power is lost.    It's from Elizabeth Weir and she needs help.   She's in the computer.   Rodney comments they're spread out like fragments and he could put them in one programme, thus allowing communication.

Sheppard finds Elizabeth sounds different; her physical body is dead since the day she ordered them to leave her behind.  Nanites were released in her body, when they encountered Replicator versions  of the team.   She recognizes Woolsey.  Sheppard: "He's the new you." Obesoth was hunting them down and the Replicators were wiped out.   Sheppard explains that was them destroying the Replicator home world, but Elizabeth was there in the jumper when they decided they were going to do that as Rodney activated the base code and she agreed to help.   So why the explanation, except for those who didn't see it?

Elizabeth continues they could begin ascension.   Koracen (Robert Moloney) wanted them to embrace their origins and exist as a field of energy, without their bodies.   Nanite bonds will be severed.  Rodney calls it "machine ascension." Weir says it didn't work and they occupied Wraith tech for a while which was unpleasant.   Atlantis's computers big enough to house them.   She connected with the jumper.   Ronon (Jason Momoa) is certain it's a trick and it's not her.    Rodney wants to build another Replicator body to house her.   Woolsey thinks Replicators are too powerful to be trusted.  Sheppard comes up with uploading her to a virtual reality like Ava.   Weir is building herself a body and used the Replicator template in the machine.   She can't replicate her consciousness which is controlling her body and has uploaded Wraith tech to the computer in a bid to earn their trust.  Rodney wants to keep her under guard to study her.   Woolsey calls Weir a Replicator, but Rodney says FRAN was safe, that's cos Rodney built her and Obesoth could be in Weirs body.   Sheppard: "That's creepy." Rodney owes it to Elizabeth, and so do they all.

Woolsey wants her uploaded into virtual reality where she can't do any harm.   Teyla speaks with Weir and tells her Sheppard isn't the father, she was quick to say that.   Like I said before, everyone suspected they had feelings for one another, or at least it would develop into that.   Weir has been found by the other Replicators and are on their way to Atlantis.   Rodney could write anti-virus software, but it's too late.   Sheppard believes she set them up and tells them to go elsewhere.   There are eight of them and Zelenka pulls the ZPM.   Koracen wants a body like Elizabeth.   They are stopping them from leaving Atlantis and are sinking the city and destroying their way to get a physical form.   Woolsey calls their bluff and they relent.   Weir proposes human bodies, nanite manufactured and existing like flesh and blood.   Rodney says it will take time to build humans.

A forcefield is placed around the lab and Woolsey let's them go.   Sheppard asks what if one of them wants to stay, meaning Weir.  Ronon keeps watch on them.   Koracen takes the power out and escapes.   Sheppard orders to shoot them all and one begs for their life.   Koracen claims Weir knew and it was her idea to come to Atlantis.   She had to do it.   Sheppard: "You may think that you're Elizabeth but you're not."  She destroys Koracen.   Woolsey allows them to continue with their work.   Weir thinks it too risky and puts things right by leaving them.   DHD configurations worked and they float into space and are left to die.   Rodney posits that answers their question of whether she was really Weir or not.   Since she was willing to accept her fate and save Atlantis once more.

FRAN remained unconvincing as Weir cos we just kept associating her with being FRAN.   Though this story was sad in many way's it touched upon, especially seeing how Weir ends up at the end after making the ultimate sacrifice of her life in helping them rid the Replicators.   Good to see Woolsey keeping a straight head and be the voice of reason.   Yet he was giving the Replicators every chance to prove prove themselves trustworthy.   The one had to spoil it for the rest.   Woolsey is really fitting into his role as head of Atlantis.

At least we get to see how they really felt about Weir and Rodney had to drive the point home at the end - maybe by this time we had to be convinced even more if this was Weir or not - just incase there were still doubters at episode's end.   Ava was in the episode Outcast.   Episodes alluded to this time were Lifeline, Be All My Sins Remembered Part 2.   This Mortal Coil.   Torri Higgenson didn't want to return to this episode and wouldn't like to be brought back over and over when she didn't feel her storylines were progressing and heading towards closure; if the series had continued.   Joseph Mallozzi in his blog said, "Is Weir conscious, floating through space, did her systems shut down...if anyone is foolish enough to mount a recovery and then attempt to awake them, they'd be asking for trouble."
At least Torri was seen on other shows, including NCIS.

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