Friday 18 May 2012

Stargate Atlantis - 5.6: "The Shrine"

Rodney is affected by a mysterious parasite leaving him only a few days left to live, whilst Ronon has a way of making him say goodbye to everyone. Jeannie arrives to say goodbye.

Rodney (David Hewlett) on video tape doesn't recall his name and he's not a doctor anymore as he's no longer smart.   He asks about Sheppard (Joe Flanigan).   Jeannie (Kate Hewlett) got a message from him four hours ago and he was fine.  Woolsey (Robert Picardo) wants her to have a chance to say goodbye to her brother.   Sheppard tells her of the "snafu on the last mission." Dr Nicol's team hasn't called in.  Sheppard and the team were sent to the town and discovered the stargate under water.   He sends a message back to send through a jumper.  They must stay until the stargate is accessible when the water level lowers.   Sheppard complains he got wet when he had to dial the DHD.  Ronon tells Rodney he's letting the hot air out of his mouth everytime he opens it.  Rodney fell asleep in the jumper when they were rescued eventually.   The story is told in flashbacks with Rodney's deteriorating state shown with his recorded video messages.

Woolsey decides it's prudent to send a MALP through before each transmission. Sheppard states, "Stuff happens."  What happened couldn't have been foreseen.  That MALP thing didn't last long.  Jeannie calls him Meredith, his actual name and he claims it's a girl's name.   Jeannie cries.  Ronon (Jason Momoa) has a way for him to say goodbye.   He knows a place where Rodney will be himself and he's willing to risk it if Jeannie is.  Rodney recalls his name.  Well he remembers Jennifer's name so...  There was something he wanted to say and Jennifer (Jewel Staite) stops the video there.

Tendrils have spread in his brain and he was affected by their last mission to M44549: a condition suffered by old people in the Pegasus galaxy.  Ronon's people call it "second childhood."  Jennifer missed the symptoms when he returned.  If she wasn't so taken by him she could have found it and operated.  Sheppard says they can go to the planet with a plan since there's a Wraith outpost there.  Ronon says he was there and knows how the place worked.  Sheppard doesn't believe it's real.  A magical shrine behind a waterfall.   Teyla (Rachel Luttrell) calls it having 'the gift of one day and then a quick death.'  Woolsey is more surprised with Ronon going hunting when he was 6.  Ronon believes it's a chance for Rodney to die with dignity.

Woolsey recalls his own father's battle with Alzheimer's and he had a moment of absolute clarity.  Ronon owes Rodney this and will take him himself.   Teyla agrees but they need Jennifer's permission.  They talk to Rodney first and she tells Rodney about the Wraith.   Sheppard is also willing to risk it.   What's a few Wraith between friends, not like they haven't encountered any before.  Jennifer still maintains the decision is hers and she hasn't given up on a cure.   The decision is Jeannie's and they're going.  His log monitors the progress of Rodney's memory loss, which is ironic.  Woolsey wants then to say goodbye for him.

The MALP goes in first.  Sheppard thinks the smokescreen should have worked against the Wraith and so they won't be detected.  In another flash, Rodney runs to Sheppard cos he left him when he was asleep. Sheppard takes him to the pier and they drink beer.  Rodney tries to recall the name of Jeannie's child and Sheppard calls her 'Betty.'  Rodney recalls it's Madison.   Rodney has forgotten more than most people and wants to say goodbye to Sheppard now.   Sheppard refuses and he's stuck with him.   He's a good friend and Rodney calls Sheppard 'Arthur.'

Jennifer picks up faint energy readings at the shrine and Rodney wants to go home and gets better.  On the tape log, Rodney forgets.   He sees a face when he close his eyes, probably his mother.

It's the Shrine of Talus and calls him 'Ronon the explainer.'  He recalls Sheppard not wanting to say goodbye but why now.  Rodney thinks he can just stay here, but the planet is overrun with Wraith.  Jeannie picks up ionizing radiation.  It was Ronon's idea to come here.  Rodney's last supper.   Sheppard: "suit your Messiah complex." Jennifer asks why it worked.  The parasite expanded when they left the area.  She thinks she can operate on Rodney here.   The parasite is radiosensitive to the shrine.  Sheppard can't radio for equipment but they can get it from the jumper, rudimentary tools.   Use the life signs detector to see the parasite.  Rodney refuses the operation and Jeanie tries to modify the scanner.  Rodney says goodbye to everyone on the log.

Sheppard assists Jennifer, she's shown it a way out and it wants to get away from the radiation.  She manages to take it out and Ronon shoots it.  Sheppard tells him he could have steeped on it; but Jennifer told him to shoot.   Back at Atlantis Rodney can't sleep cos of their talking and on the log Rodney tells Jennifer he loves her for some time now.  

Wow what an episode and I could just leave this as a comment.   This episode leaves a lump in the throat.   There are so many moments which bring together different, yet similar and separate emotions of all the characters.   Who'd think Ronon could be such a big softie - over Rodney of all people: his love rival for Jennifer?   That Sheppard could be so emotional and actually show - express his feelings in hoping he doesn't lose his "buddy." Aww.   Even Woolsey wants them to say goodbye for him.

What I suppose I didn't like was Jennifer's attitude, she's a doctor first - yes - she has to look out for her patient too.   The scene with Jeannie where she says she was too emotionally involved to spot the parasite earlier.   Then she vetoes them taking Rodney off world; even if this may be his final chance to say his farewells in person, instead of recording them.   She didn't want to let him go, but she didn't want to let him go either if you get my meaning.   So it was good when she came through for him and saved him with her idea to operate at the shrine.

Rodney declaring his love for her cos it's his last chance.   The heart-wrenching scene between Sheppard and Rodney on the pier (I'm easily moved).  Much wasn't said but it was the acting feats of Joe and David which said the most.   Sheppard's smile when he recalls that memory which could never be recorded.   Such a convincing performance from David, especially since Rodney's whole life has been his geekiness.   His entire being revolves around his work and his intelligence, oft quoted by him on numerous occasions of course!  He wouldn't be Rodney if he didn't display some arrogance.   Rodney calling Sheppard 'John' and Sheppard calling him 'buddy' and 'pal.'

On filming this scene on the waterlogged stargate, David posted the following on his blog: "...shooting the entire Atlantis away team - looking like drowned rats, cowering atop a submerged stargate - Joe, Rachel, and Jason are crouching and look more like the glistening sea panthers...but I'm doing my part and representing for the bedraggled geeks with sinus problems."

A prime example of a character study in a TV show.

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