Friday 18 May 2012

Supernatural - 6.6: "You Can't Handle the Truth" Review

Dean finally finds out the truth about Sam, well has his suspicions confirmed after he wishes for the truth and people around him start doing exactly that.

Calumet City, Illinois:  A waitress, Jane (Ingrid Nilson) on the phone to her sister, Olivia (Tristen Leffler) says she needs the truth, which she gets from everyone in bucketfuls. She takes a gun and phones her sister who calls her a freak and tells her to kill herself, which she does.

Dean (Jensen Ackles) tells Bobby (Jim Beaver) about Sam (Jared Padalecki) and how he threw him to the vampire.   Castiel (Misha Collins) isn't answering his calls.   He knew Sam was different from the outset.   Bobby says he'll hit the books and not to "shoot him just yet." Sam needs to know what he is first.   Sam shows him his paper reporting four suicides out of nowhere.   Bobby: "Get in the car, he's your case" is the advice Bobby gives Dean.

Dean notices the cat calendar on Olivia's wall and a card with a horn on it, a musical horn.   Sam knows she's lying when she puts her hair behind her ear and he confronts her about her 'tell.'  It's a poker term.   (Jared should know about that seeing as he's a bit of a poker player himself.)   Olivia wanted to tell Jane she's here for her but told her to end it instead.     She had a tuba.   Dean: "What made big sister open her big, fat mouth in the first place?"  That's kind of like Dean moaning to Bobby about Sam, okay maybe not moaning exactly, Dean has every right, but Bobby warns against shooting Sam.   Dean is trigger happy as we know, but he wouldn't shoot Sam, maybe beat him up.   It's a big brother's prerogative.   But it was funny the way Dean said that like he's thinking about little brother, Sammy.

A dentist (Roger Haskett) kills a patient (Michael Chase) who confesses to having the hots for his daughter and admits to sleeping with her.   Dean can't do this much longer.   'Satan as my co-pilot,' he remarks about Sam.   Bobby talks of the worst case scenario, "maybe he's just Sam."  That would be worst case and would mean he's changed in the most awful and dangerous way.   Sam tells him about the dentist.   Dean: "You mean the non-sexy kind of drilling." Dean wants to stay and research.  He's seen the photo before in the motel room and refers to Marathon Man.   Sam claims to have wanted to murder the man too after what he confessed - yet Sam is soulless so how can he feel that way?  Aside from the thought of murder, he wouldn't really have any emotions over why he'd kill.   Only that he'd do it.

Dean notices a sax at the dentist's office and the same shop name.   The man at then store tells him about the stolen horn, it was a museum piece and thousands of years old.   It was stolen the day Jane died.   It's Gabriel's Horn of Truth.   That was a little ironic, seeing as we met Gabriel last season and he turned out to be the trickster from season 3 onwards.     As for truth he wasn't much up on telling the truth, just making people his objects of fun.   Cas ain't listening, Dean berates him over being here for the Horn and yet he's been calling him about Sam.  Cas had nothing to say about Sam, so he didn't come.  He's not Lucifer as he would have felt it if Lucifer escaped.   In a roundabout way when he says tha,t he almost reveals he was the one who pulled Sam from the cage.   It strangely does sound that way.   Cas is at war and disappears.  Cas doesn't know what's wrong with Sam but he wants to help.

Whilst Dean just boozes some more, Sam visits the morgue and finds the other DBs have vanished.   Dean goes to a bar, surprise!  A woman reporter on the TV speaks about the truth, now that was a really big clue.   Sam finds there was a car accident a week before.   The bartender (Vicky Lambert) asks if he wants anything else.   Dean asks for the 'truth' and gets it.   A woman (Holly Eglington) asks him about her big ones and Dean wishes her good luck with those, then comes back for a second look.   As only Dean would.

Bobby's watching Tori and Dean, he's a huge fan.   With revelations about Bobby's life in 6.4, we now get another snippet.   Tori's a real talent ad he gets a pedicure too, for those who couldn't tell, Bobby sounded sarcastic there.   Dean's scarred for life now.  Dean's Bobby's fave, but Sam's a better hunter lately.   What did Bobby's first girlfriend turn out to be?  A man.   Wonders why he said that.   Dean calls Sam to ask some stuff.   Lisa (Cindy Sampson) calls.   Dean can't explain about Ben and she wants the truth.  She comments he's got so much buried within him that he'll never be happy as long as Sam's in his life.   They've got issues.   Well truth be told now we know that's how Lisa really feels about the one person Dean holds dear to him, she should get out of the pic ASAP.   As I said before I never much liked her anyway.  

Sam get out of the undies drawer!  He finds cats everywhere in Corey's apartment and the roommate (Laura Bertram) shows him a box which contains a cat skull.   Dean asks why Sam let a vampire attack him.   Sam claims he didn't - he froze - in shock and was too late.   Sam, a hunter has that feeble excuse of freezing, since when.   Also Dean wasn't really going to accept that he's seen him hunt and Bobby just told him Sam's the better hunter of late so shock wouldn't be an issue for him.   His first instinct would have been to kill the vampire.   Sam can lie since he doesn't feel any emotions.   Dean was right he did see something.

Paradise seed, devil's shoestring are used in summoning spells for a god.   Invokes Veritas.   If they ask for the truth  - kill them and she gets a tribute.   She wanted to be worshipped.   It's the TV reporter of course.   They watch DVDs of her show and Dean calls her creepy.    Lots of eating for Dean.    A dog barks at her and she's got cat's eyes.   They follow her home and try to take her out but she's already waiting for them.   Lots of cats around.   Hey they were taken by a chick god.

They're both good liars  when they base their lives on lies, then the truth comes along.   What does Dean feel about Sam?  Veritas (Serinda Swan) questions.   He wanted to kill him yesterday, thought he was a monster - but "he's just acting like" Dean.  He wanted out and a family and is good at what he does.   "I'm a killer" and he can't change that.   Sam's uneasy.   They look out for one another and she knows Sam's lying.   He's not human.   Sam gets loose and fights her and Dean stabs her, as does Sam, who enjoyed that.   Just when it was getting good Sam had to get loose darn.   Dean confronts Sam who tells him the truth is there's something wrong with him and he let Dean get turned cos he knew there was a cure and needed to infiltrate the nest.  Never trust a person who aims to tell the truth and begins a sentence with "truth is..." It usually ends with "truth is...I'm a liar."

Sam: "Ever since I came back, I am a better hunter than I've ever been because nothing scares me anymore." He can't feel anything and he needs help.  But not two minutes ago he was saying he was shocked at seeing Dean attacked.  Knew that punch was coming and rightly so and the ones after that, it's who Dean is especially as he's been hurt by Sam.   At least we get the revelation now that Sam lied and he can't feel anything and Dean gets to hear from his own mouth that he lied and didn't want to stop him from being turned.   Dean was the one who wanted the truth and he got the truth and nothing but, when he asked for it cos it wouldn't work on Sam asking for it.   Bobby admitting his fave is Dean and Sam's the better hunter cos that's all Sam could do since he came back.

A bit like the episodes from pasts seasons when they needed to talk, when something is affecting them and makes them open up to each other and they fight, sometimes.   Thinking of the well episode in season 4.   Love Sam's smirking and attempts to fool Dean into thinking he was being honest and telling the truth.   Kind of glad Lisa and Dean broke up, wouldn't think Dean would want to be with her after she made those remarks about Sam, cos Sam is everything to him.

Another great episode following on from last episode where time and again Dean has it thrown back at him - who he really is and can't change.   Such as 1.6 Skin where it took a shapeshifter to bring some home truths to the fore.   Even in the last episode and here the same is done again.   It may be deja vu - but Dean knows this is all he can do and he's hopeless at anything else.   Being a family man isn't for him and he kind of wants to make peace with that.   Then he's emotional too when Lisa tells him he'll never have a life and be happy with Sam around.   That was harsh - but think deep-down Dean knows how he fells about Sam: family is everything and he'll never move on from that.   What probably rings true and hurts for him is he tried to have his own life, to be happy without Sam as best he could.   When Lisa says what she does about Sam too, she's not being fair.   She hasn't experienced Dean's pain at losing loved ones - many times over.   On the other hand it's confirmed Sam was lying all this time, he was able to put his brother in impossible danger as he did, then lie to his face, which warranted a beating like that as far as Dean was concerned.

Hey Sam wouldn't be hurt - no soul - though he may be physically bruised, emotionally he's not.   Add insult to injury by Sam knowing all along there was something wrong with him the entire time he's been back and told no one.   A kick in the head for Dean, what another one, the way baby brother could betray him that way.   Super performances from Jensen and Jared here getting to the raw emotions and core of their characters, which is why this show is so watchable.   Also a reversion to earlier seasons where Dean was portrayed as a hunter through and through: remorseless, callous, getting the job done.   He had a soul and knew what had to be done and the distinction must be made he didn't kill humans or allow anyone to suffer in that way.   Now this is Sam and he's only doing what Dean, as Dean told Veritas.

As a god, Veritas came across as weak.   She knew Sam wasn't quite human and yet she acted shocked when Sam was lying.  Such a weak female god and she wasn't weary of what Sam was capable of doing.   Know some were irked by Dean not telling Lisa why he pushed Ben - since Dean wanted the truth, he wasn't giving any back; but it wasn't the best time to tell her why over the phone.   The look on Sam's face when he he had the box with the cat skull, knowing he's pulled the wool over Dean's eyes again.   Dean begins to trust Sam at that point - even a little. He thinks just as he's asked for the truth and is able to get it that Sam will automatically follow and not be bale to lie to him.   Yet Sam appears to be so out of it or so far gone that doesn't even affect him; he can still lie.

'Satan as my co-pilot' was a reference to God is my Co-Pilot also mentioned in Supernatural before.   No need to explain where the title hails from - A Few Good Men and sure enough, Dean couldn't handle the truth, he takes it out on Sam.   I referred to season 4's Wishful Thinking episode cos in many ways this episode reminded me of it.   At the restaurant Sam ponders why Uriel remarked Dean remembers his time in hell; yet Dean insists he doesn't.   Then Dean tells him the angel lied.   Dean didn't want to talk about his time there.   The coin well inside the well was granting wishes.   Here whoever asked for for the truth was bombarded with it cos of Veritas.  Tiamut, the god of Chaos was granting wishes and turning them bad in Wishful Thinking.   At the end, Dean finally admits to Sam that he recalls hell and he apologizes for lying.   Sam suggests he should get help.   As in this episode, Sam says he needs help himself.

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