Sunday, 15 October 2023

Ghost Adventures "Sutro Ghost Town"

As they approach Sutro ghost town, a female voice comes through with a message on Zak's phone.  Sounds like "thieves?? or eves rush in with the tide."  Engineer Adolph Sutro moved to Virginia City and added wealth to his assets when a streak of silver was discovered.  At least 12 died during the construction of the tunnel.  

A stake sticks out of the ground with Tucker Lyons written on the stake so it could be the body of a baby but no one knows anything about who he was.  A house burned down and a foundation remains.  Chris also shows them something he hasn't shown anyone before.  Unmarked graves of a family of six who died in a house fire.  Buried on the foundation of where the house burned down.  In 1942 the mansion burned down.  Their research showed the entire family died.  Everywhere they walk Zak says there's a new mystery that hasn't been solved.  A lot of death occurred such as in the building of the Sutro Tunnel.  Many lost souls and bodies buried and other events all come to a head at the exit and entrance of the tunnel.  A woman's then sounds like "It's rushing with the tide??  that's where all the lost souls reside in the tunnel.  Zak gets profound speaking of how as we all take our own steps they all will catch their spiritual connection.  That connection started for him earlier and he saw the image of that house which urged him to come here.  The iage of the Victorian house.

Towards every structure they feel energy squirming towards their body.  Vietnam Vet Greg felt something dark in the house where he used to live, in the upstairs room.  He feels threatened by something there.  The tunnel is an "artery to that network of veins" and Zak feels the tunnel is a portal.  Greg saw a Ouija board and it was never closed.  Water comes out of the ground and Zak says there's a geometric source and the house signifies a beacon for those spirits and this is where they go.  Greg takes them to a cabin where he used to live which also burned down.  All mysteriously.  Greg calls it "The Sutro Curse."  Greg believes the source of the fire is a man who comes through the bedroom door who looked like a soldier wearing a tunic.  He saw him through the door on many occasions.  The soldier is the root of the destruction Zak believes.  When Greg moved to Dayton he met someone who lived in the same house and mentioned seeing the same ghost.  The entity hunting his vics, Zak asks if he followed Greg to the cabin and is he holding others there too.

The souls the soldier has taken for himself are locked in the Victorian house.  Nadine entered the house and was confronted by an aggressive spirit which said "F*ck you" to her.  Collette and Claudia also add weight to the possibility of the soldier being everywhere.  He sends Aaron and Billy into the house without knowing anything and he wants to move somewhere else.  They talk of standing in the room by the wall and there were scratches heard on the wall and someone whispered in her ear.  She felt someone trying to push her over.  Which Billy says he fees the same.  Aaron asks if he didn't like that scary joke??  What scary joke??  A reply comes through "hey" sounded like "huh" to me.  "Held tied" comes through on the Puck.   

Billy says vertical shafts on the maps are different claims throughout all of Virginia City and connect to the Sutro mine and that's the only opening left.  Zak says everyone is calling the tunnel a portal.  It's exhaling all the spirits and residual activity.  Every moment of fear and pain and panic are coming through the Tunnel.  Fire, poisonous gas, explosions killed and injured up to 900 miners.  Zak says the veins in their body ie the network of mines are all they've investigated for the past 18 years and they're calling on those spirits to greet them.  They wire an X camera to the tunnel as they can't go into it.  One camera to the old saloon warehouse.  Billy runs a double copper wire from the gate to the old saloon with a current constantly going through it.  A path will be created when they come out of the portal and travel to the saloon from the Washoe Club, the Bonanza etc.  He says they're playing with a very dangerous portal.  The Victorian is left and they haven't even been inside there and that's where they will end their investigation. 

Billy and Aaron use the Paranormal Puck 2 and old time saloon music to call upon the spirits to come out.  Aaron says he heard singing, which I didn't.  An EMF sphere is on the table and a lantern light on the ground, as well as some bells too in the saloon.  The lamp is being powered with a stake wired to the lamp inside the saloon.  Zak says through the Walkie for the spirits to travel to the saloon.  Heat signatures are caught in infra red on the tunnel.   They feel wind from the tunnel as soon as the music plays and there wasn't any wind before.  Billy tells the miners to follow the music.  Jay and Zak hear a door creak open and footsteps are heard in the saloon.  A spirit could've travelled from the tunnel.  After the footsteps the battery on the camera dies.  The thermal camera battery drains too.  

Billy uses the Puck.  Zak does an Ovilus  when "star hang sand aggression" comes through.  "Plan crossover drunk" also comes through.  "Quickly" on the Puck.  "Fire."    Billy asks "is there anything we should know?"  "Burn" comes through and "drunk" also comes through.  Yeah also foreshadowing for Billy and his whiskey shots!!   Zak asks who's in the saloon they hear walking.  "Judge Edison" comes through.  Zak uses the XLS camera.  A strange mist comes out of the tunnel.  

Billy takes a shot.  They ask for the Judge.  A stick figure lays on the table, one in the back doorway and there's one behind on the stairs.  As Billy takes the shot it tries to grab the glass from his hand.  

Billy feels weight on his arm.  The light on the ball goes off too before Zak says later.  They don't see the motion ball going off already.  Billy's addicted to taking another shot as he says he'll pour another one.  Two dark balls head out from behind Billy.  A knocking is heard.  Coming from upstairs??  There's a drunk spirit on the ground.  Aaron tells them to shut up as a door opens.  There's nothing there.  The bells begin to move.  The motion ball lit up ages ago and it was the same one too.  

Billy says it wants him to drink another whiskey.  He starts acting strangely and he's never had an impulse.  Zak says he'll get drunk.  That the spirit is channelling him to drink the whiskey.  Aaron says he was upstairs and the way Billy said he's going to have another drink.  That's what came through with the plan to get drunk.  Zak says they don't need a drunk paranormal investigator.  Billy asks if his breath smells like the dude at a party.  Aaron doesn't want to smell his breath.  Zak conducts a sobriety test on Billy as he walks a straight line.  Well he could've got Jay to investigate instead.  He passes the test.  In the room where the figure was spotted at the back, the Polterpod catches a voice they say is a scream.  A voice sounds like "get help man" not "get out man."  Aaron says he felt like he was  attacked by a bird.  A mist like anomaly shoots out of Aaron.  Those calls for help allude to what Zak said about whether the soldier is holding those entities inside the mansion.  

Was that a shadow in the background when Billy and Zak are talking about Billy taking a third shot and getting drunk.  Or was that Aaron, don't think it was, but can't tell.  Where was Aaron anyway, still upstairs?? The blue is where some shadow appears and what's on the green bit, a shadow on the wall?? Will add video later not uploading right now!

In the Victorian house noises come from the upstairs room.  Aaron finds a mirror and chair and a light anomaly is seen on the handrail.  Knocking is heard from downstairs now.  The chair by the mirror is ominous.  Zak catches a still of a figure appears to be hovering in the window.  Doesn't it look like a baby??

A growl is heard.  Zak asks if it's the same growl Nadine heard.  Billy says something came out of the mirror.  The recorder on the chair records a voice.  Billy says something grabbed the back of his neck.  An anomaly manifests by the recorder.  Aaron smells cigar.  Funny since Sutro used to own tobacco shops and also sold cigars.  Could he be around still?  Did it say "get the f*ck out."  The ITC device captures a woman's voice "you gotta help" I heard the first time then "help me."  A male voice says "go."  Zak stands downstairs and says he doesn't want to leave.  An anomaly goes towards him and then backs away.  Zak says Aaron's getting on his nerves.  A clear voice comes through.  Didn't sound like a woman.  Did it say "can you help"?????  Zak calls it a "strange f*cking house."  

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