Saturday, 21 October 2023

Ghost Adventures "Ghost Island"

What's Zak singing for and what about!!??  Getting killed again or was this in relation to the accident he and his assistant almost had on their way to Utah??  The edge of the coast of Utah's Great Salt Lake to Antelope Island aka Ghost Island.  Unmarked graves on the property and an uncontrollable presence to the Mormon Fielding Garr ranch property.  Had to come during a snow storm.  Zak wants them to prepare spiritually being here.  A force prowls the island and the ranch that attacks whenever it wants.  Authorities want help from them.  They feel oppressive psychological weight.  Park Ranger Carl Aldridge believes Fielding is buried on the property but they don't know where.  A noise is heard which didn't sound like snow falling from the roof.  Carl laughs when Zak asks about the ranch hands cos they were hobos and outcasts.  One killed his wife and then himself.  Another drank himself to death after drinking lemon extract.  A visitor experiences a brutal attack inside the ranch and his hands started bleeding.  This ranger guy was abnormally smirking like he's affected by the property.  Even Zak wasn't laughing at all.  This happened in the living room where Fielding was meant to have passed away.

Park Ranger Amy and a friend were exploring the ranch house and she felt a presence and became afraid and she backed against the wall.   She was afraid and trapped.  They came back into the house and they felt cold air outside and they left.  Her friend was badly affected.  The Great Salt Lake where salt is used to contain a negative activity.  The salt is so concentrated and can be used to confine something to the island.  Inside the barn the same sound is heard again but it wasn't snow.  It was more metallic which is what I said.  They didn't investigate the barn at night if it was meant to be really haunted too.  A breath is also heard.  Also some sort of dripping is heard that was probably snow.

They assess the ranch house and Zak says they have to be careful here.  The entities live in the woods and come inside to feed.  An unseen energy.  In 1862 Jean Batiste an undertaker turned grave robber was banished to Antelope Island and a ball and chain was attached to his leg and had a tattoo on his head.  Bones were found years later.  Could he be the evil spirit.  Three members of a local paranormal group tell them about being lost in the woods and lose direction.  That's what Aaron said at the end when he felt like he was in another dimension and didn't know where he was.  Members have been attacked, scratched, things rushing them.  Also reported on the local news.  

They investigate the ranch house and the EMF on the Trifield which shows some of the highest readings they've ever captured.  Even up to a thousand miligause.  In the original part of the house, Zak feels intense fear.  "Close" is seen on the Ovilus 5 and another high spike is caught.  Zak asks who is close to them and it says "Murder."  The living room where he uses the digital recorder.  On the playback he gets touched and his hand gets cold.  That's when it reaches a thousand.  Zak left the recorder on the dining room table recording.  Just as they leave there's just talking the entire time for two minutes.  It's not very clear some sort of growl and aggressive voice but can't decipher them.  He's left the recorder all the time and gets nothing on it after leaving it alone in locations.  On the Polterpod "I love here" sounds more than "I lived here" or "I love it..."???  The other voice says "this is a mess" rather than "this is a man."  "That's a yeah" when Aaron asks if he is the grave robber here.

Jay gets to go solo in the woods like Zak really needed three of them in the ranch house with him.  Jay uses two bodycams front and back.  Jay provokes it and asks for it to show his power to him.  He hears a growl and captures an anomaly on the thermal that could be an animal.  But it doesn't look like it.  Jay swears he heard his voice come through on the spirit box and complains of stomach pain.  He lifts up his top and before he can show the scratch he says something is attacking him as something snaps some sticks underfoot.

Zak goes inside alone with the mic.  A hmm sound/voice is heard.  Something like a door being rattled is heard.  He asks for it to appear in front of him.  Another sound like something on the table.  He says something rushes up on him in the bedroom.   A growl is also heard.  On the kitchen X cam a ball of light enters the dining room at ninety degrees.  He knows it's the man talking to them in the room.  Billy interrupts him to say the man who killed his wife slept in that same room.  Aaron hears a sound and Zak says he probably needs his hearing checked.  He says Zak never hears anything.  The room also had a Polaroid of a feather on fire floating above the bed.  His hand goes ice cold.  "Get out is recorded.  "Yes it is" after Zak asks if it's his land.  

Zak and Billy argue about whose jacket makes the most noise.  I say that to my sis about her coat!  Aaron finds it funny they get aggressive just like the convo they picked up on the recorder.  Billy said he desecrated 300 graves and asks if he's mad since he's stuck here.  He says to do something to show his presence.  The vibe at the table changes.  The EMF sphere lights up and Jay comes through.  Zak asks if he heard that so Aaron had to tell him it's Jay.  So much for Aaron having bad ears!

Something ran up to Jay.  Something moves in the bushes and Zak tells Aaron to go look.  Who says it's Billy's turn.  Billy says something's out there, could be an animal or not and they should just get out.  Is this what the paranormal investigator told them about something being in the weeds and she thought it could be a wolf or something.  Jay's been marked and he asked for it to show itself.  Aaron seems to be lost and he feels he's in some weird dimension.  They left Jay back in the woods and didn't even wait for him or bring him out with them.  Billy uses the thermal cam and they hear a gunshot inside the ranch house.  Zak wore his mask in the woods the entire time.  The XLS cam doesn't focus on Jay.  Was the wife shot by the man??  Or was that something that happened to Fielding since his body wasn't found.  The stick figure goes up to the ceiling and looks as though it's holding a gun.  That was similar to that hotel ep where the groom shot his wife. 

An anomaly manifests under the table.  Jay leaves and finds he's near the woods entrance.  Zak says nothing will attach itself to any of them.  Billy uses some Palo Alto to cleanse Jay and that it won't attach to any of them.  Zak doesn't want to ever return here.  What an ep frightening but funny at the same time with their bickering and petty arguing!  

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