Sunday, 16 July 2023

Ghost Walker 3.10 "Broadwell Funeral Home"

The Broadwell Funeral home in Felicity, Ohio.  He thinks in the mortuary that something immoral might have happened leaving it haunted.  Mike purchased it in 2015 and now believes in the paranormal after his experiences during renovations.  Speculations of who the spirits are as it was the family funeral home business until Christopher Broadwell sold in 1944 and Carl sold it in 1974.  Bought in the 1970's by a family and the man of the house passed in the second floor back bedroom and the same bedroom was the site of the similar passing of the man of the house later.  Mike wanted to live there but his wife doesn't want to enter there.  Workers have also left.  Neighbours have seen apparitions out the window.  Others inside have seen apparitions, disembodied voices and a Poltergeist that moves tools.  Others have become ill in the basement area.  On death bods decompose and bacteria digests itself and the funeral home embalmed the bodies with chemicals to slow down the process.  The first law of thermodynamics states that if conscious energy is neither created or destroyed then it must be changed from one form or another.  He wants to see if the two men who died of natural causes and if their conscious energies still remain.  Also if the funeral home has led to the dead peoples' conscious energies remaining or returning.

Mike didn't know it was haunted even though others had said it was.  Plumber left and didn't come back and the electrition said it was haunted.  His tools were moved and couldn't find the wire.  The room Mike was in upstairs got cold in the Summer and when he walked out it was hot.  The dogs would see things and howl and also wag their tails.  His wife hasn't been in here for three years.  There's an entity called 'The One' and he controls the other spirits.  There are good and bad apparitions here.  They were throwing up when they entered the embalming room in the basement.  A bucket moved from under one person after they said they didn't believe.  There were plenty of flies in the window in one room.  They've heard a little girl's voice.  Rosalie lived in this house, she was mentally or physically disabled so the child was hidden away.  She was a Broadwell family member.  She could be the apparition in the window.  

The Amonyx device which I didn't like.  It's like a loud spirit box.  "Me" comes through.  Nick calls for Christopher Broadwell.  His hand feels static electricity.  He feels a stabbing pain, like a hot needle like he's working on him.  The copper wire he set up in the experiment is moving and there's now wind coming through.  Nick jumps to show that the wire shouldn't be moving.  Something trips the laser but nothing was caught on camera, there wasn't a camera there.  Dead flies are at the window.  Nick attributes to a high EMF.  The laser is tripped again.  A girl's voice comes through.  "You ?? with me" sounds like this.  Nick feels a hand on his back.  I hear a "yeah" when he asks for the Broadwell family. 

"I'm in the attic" in a girl's voice.  But no cameras.  " can walk up...Somebody help me" I hear but I don't like this device.  Nick sets up different audio devices in the attic, first floor and basement leaving it overnight.  A girl's voice is heard, footsteps and a voice.  "Sleep now."  "It's me."  Nick asks who me is and it replies "me."  They hear footsteps and Justin says someone's trying to shake the ladder to make him fall.  Nick's name comes through a few times as always.  

In the basement "morgue" comes through.  Did it say "we hunt"??  I hear "Rosalie" when he says if you're upstairs go to the light.  "In the deep" when he asks what they did with the bodies down there.  He uses the EEG band on his head and Austin Maynard will monitor Nick's brain energy.  A lightning storm strikes.  he feels the energy as very negative.  Nick uses the Inkbox built by KD Stafford.  The door didn't move for him as it did for the other investigator.  Nick comes through.  He asks if their energies connect and if the conscious energy can connect.  Is it difficult to break through into their world.  A scream comes through.  "Robert" comes through and "death."  Was that "there is" before the "yeah" when he asks if anyone's buried here.  Was that "him" when he asks who comes down here.  

Nick concludes that something from history let something more powerful to come in and overpower the others.   The spirits that still manifest here but something in the darkness dwells here and also absorbs their energy when they come here and this investigation is just beginning.  He says more research is needed.  The home has dark secrets lost in time and the paranormal evidence convinced him an intelligent spirit haunts the property.  No information is available to substantiate a little girl or Broadwell family member died here so could be a shapeshifting entity that takes on various forms to communicate with whoever's there.  New research and evidence is required to see what happens when a natural body is redistributed into other forms after death.  He feels there's something darker here that disguises itself, something like a shapeshifter.  

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