Saturday, 15 July 2023

Ghost Adventures "Mentryville Ghost Town"

 Ghost towns investigation to Mentrville ghost town in Pico Canyon, California, an oil town.  Alex Mentry discovered oil here in 1876 and was the first California oil boomtown and they investigate his 13 room mansion.  Who'd want a mansion with 13 rooms?!!  Reports of place being haunted and some mysteries.  The oil industry was now in Mentryville with over a hundred families .  With a schoolhouse and 13 room mansion until the wells ran dry and his death 20 years later.  Many Mentrville families were buried in unmarked graves.  Zak feels something here is terrorizing what was once a thriving town.  Evan has had a lot of experiences in that house and he's been caretaker there for 10 years.  He's seen lights like a lantern flicker in the hills.  A Native American village where all the oil derricks were located.  Their sacred ground was desecreted and why there are hauntings here.  An old schoolhouse and Michaela says there's an energy in there and she was alone inside where she saw a shadow on the wall.   A man fell from the flagpole and impaled himself on his own tools.  Hammering the flagpole on a ladder leaning against said flagpole.  Zak needs a walk.

Billy takes high readings in the schoolhouse.  She says the shadow was on the wall near the blackboards.  It's very cold inside.  They don't want them inside the school.  Billy uses a new thermometer as it detects changes in temperature quickly.  It's then hot in here with cold spots.  Aaron feels dizzy and says he's not wanted there.  Johnny Pilcher was the flagpole man and Zak asks if they're is manifestations of him.  Zak spots a floating light in the woods that Evan has seen there.  Could be Native American.  Evan tells him of Alex's father and how in September 1886 he went walking and died there.  They found his skeletal remains in the canyon.  His cause of death was unknown.   Did it have something to do with the land his family pillaged or something else.  Michaela shows them actual oil from the place and could be seen as a trigger object guiding/causing the hauntings.  Zak tells Billy to take a sip and see what happens.  Then they have a squabble over who his best friends are, Billy, Aaron or Jay.

They enter with an investigator, Fidel.  Zak states was already connected to the mansion in his subconscious even before they arrived here.  He had a dream the night before and thinks it could be a forewarning.  He felt a strong presence int he room as soon as they got in.  Zak has a bad feeling.  They sense a shift and there's an overwhelming feeling they have set over a boundary.  Zak wants it manifesting for them.  Billy seems lost as he stands by the window and he tries to get him out of it.  Zak thinks he's put himself in harm's way.  Zak stands by the stairs, ha, that's what I've been saying for years, since 2014 and mentioned it in my book too.  Zak almost falls or is pushed down the stairs as Fidel warns him.  

Billy uses the Polterpod but nothing comes through.  He feels his life force being drawn from him.  Bloody hell Zak's just going to stand there.  He feels a sudden burst of cold energy rushing up the stairwell and Fidel grabs him and Jay gets pushed back, slamming against the wall and getting injured.  Funnily enough in my house the hands free function came on the landline phone as soon as all that commotion and chaos started on the stairs.  A surge of energy came through from the TV ha!  Something intended to harm Zak and Jay as the malevolent force rushed him and forcefully slammed Jay into the wall.    

Aaron in the house alone hears two knocks and feels the chills.  Aaron uses sensory deprivation goggles so his hearing and sight is impeded to open him up to more.  That sensory noise sounds like being under the sea.  Footsteps are captured on the X cam.  Jeff enters with the XLS and gets a stick figure.   Aaron coughs and he says he heard a woman chanting in his ear.  Jay asks what his name is as he enters the house as Aaron looks distressed.  The spirit box is on.  Jeff captures a giant figure resembling a giant spider or something.  Seems like the XLS captured the energy affecting Aaron.  As Jay moves to the corner the XLS then captures floating figures which then go up the ceiling. 

Billy and Zak head towards the derrick in the woods.  Afraid of a mountain lion on the loose.  Zak has a fear of mountain lions and most everything.  The golf cart battery is draining rapidly.  They arrive at a derrick and he doesn't want to leave the cart.  Zak sees some light in the tree, which is finally caught on camera.  He sees something like a shining light.  I said it looked like something was standing there, nothing paranormal, and it is some sort of a tower as he sends Billy to investigate what is it by himself and says he won't have his back.  Zak said he has to pee many times but he's too afraid to do it now.  Well pee by the cart then!  They arrive at California's first oil well now an historic site.  Terrified of the hills towering around them.  Billy uses the Paranormal Puck and asks for Alex: Located Friend Feel then a noise is heard like something was thrown.  Who's here: Being And Woods obviously a being such as elementals and Billy felt like something went through him.  What was taken out of this ground?  Puncture Memories comes through.  Words Children when he asks who is inside the mansion with their friends.

At the mansion they find Jay heard a child's voice.  A little girl.  Does she say "help me or "come out to play."  


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