Monday, 26 June 2023

Ghost Adventures "Hotel Barclay"

Downtown LA again where they investigated the iconic evil hotel in the whole of the US, the Hotel Cecil, but now at the Hotel Barclay and he wasn't aware of "the older, wicked brother."   Named the Van Nuys originally it was built in 1896 for the wealthy and changed its name to the Barclay in 1929 leading to a darker era.  It's almost abandoned today.  Haunted by dark entities a result of a serial killer, a murderer who dismembered a woman along the lines of the Black Dahlia murder.  Mostly 13 deaths and other suicides too.  Most of the information they wanted was from witnesses Star Garcia was to speak with them and she turns up late.  Zak says the interview is important.  

James Bartlett, author, journalist and he was at the Hotel Cecil.  James says there's violent crimes here for some reason.  The three hotels are in a triangle, he calls them "the suicide hotels."  One man left a note for his wife who he divorced saying that as he's roasting in hell cos of what she's done and killed himself with cyanide.  Zak describes himself as a sensitive and he feels this residual energy at a high level.  Have been 'Jack the Ripper' style killings, cutting off arms and legs.  Vergi Lee Griffin in 1944, killed by Otto Stephen Wilson and was discharged from the army.  Picked up a woman at the bar, had drinks and he murdered her.   Cut her from top to bottom and then did the same somewhere else.  Zak wants to know why this happens in this area here and doesn't happen in other hotels they've investigated.

The Skid Row Slasher killed eleven and nine others in eight weeks.  Over 40 males and all drunks.  The seventh vic found at the Barclay.  Salt around the corpse, his shoes removed and the killer may have even drank his blood.  3 February 1975, Vaughn Orrin Greenwood sentenced to life in prison after being found guilty.  Room 528.  Star Garcia turns up three hours late.  Lived in room 320 with her boyfriend in 2017 and didn't want to enter it again.  No one was in there just a few people.  On the third floor just her and one couple on the far end and no one else.  The building was completely empty.  She experienced it on her floor.  He was dead for a week right next door to her, three feet from where she lived.  One died in front of the bathroom.  Her boyfriend lived at the hotel for 14 years.  He felt the building wanted him to come back in and after he left he knew the building was crazy.  Star said a ghost threw the platters off the wall and they lived with the ghost rather then the ghost living with them

15th March 1972 a fire broke out on the top floor.  Fires still continue today.  Ronald said it happened four times around 2-4 o'clock in the morning.  No witnesses to describe how the fires began.  Zak asks if the building could be purging itself by compelling others to start the fires.  Sirens go off as a fire starts across the street.  People dressed as Ghost Busters turn up.  A resident asks who they are?  Began their investigation upstairs but the lift doesn't work, as in the Hotel Cecil.  Tragic events here too, waiter Charles Gamble was crushed between the lift and third floor landing.  1901 the janitor watched the lift up the shaft and the weight crushed him.  See Zak in Jerome Grand Hotel ep where he could've met the same fate in that life and had to be dragged out.   Investigate room 320 and the room doesn't open and it's abandoned too.  The stairs are locked too.  He says the vibe here is worse than the Hotel Cecil.

Billy and Aaron investigate the basement and he and Jay go to the third floor to Star's floor and room.  He says they come in peace and just want to study the people here.  Leaves the recorder on.  He can feel the presence and pain of the people who lived here.  A banging is heard.  They see something move in the window.  In the basement, which is very large.  Aaron asks if those mirrors could talk and later on, one kind of does.  They try to speak with Virgie.  The Trifield spikes when Billy speaks to Virgie if she's there and Billy feels pain under his ribs.  They leave.  Zak feels sick too.  Left motion activated game cameras on second and third floors and a time lapse camera.  At 3.24 am they capture a black mass which rises up towards the ceiling.  In the mirror there is something in the mirror in the third photo.  Looks like a dismembered body.  Well Aaron, the mirror talked.  

Looks like a torso without a head

At 3.20 a man comes out and tries to open room 320 and he acts funny like something is after him.  They say just like Elisa Lam in the Hotel Cecil.  The motion ball lights up. 

On the second floor and the temperature is freezing.   The ball lights up on command.  Aaron's spirit box "need to talk" comes through.  Question if it could be Virgie.  "See those workers Aggie"??  "It's not" when Zak says he thinks he heard murder.  "You're right" as Aaron replies maybe it's not Virgie.  Billy takes the Polterpod to the black mass room. "In they go" is what I hear and sounds parrot fashion, like a parrot repeating itself.  A piece of wood is thrown behind them.  An anomaly comes from the door frame.  Billy says they walked into the room and Billy opened the closet and wonders if it happened here.  Aaron asks if she died here "chopped liver" is heard but doesn't sound it.  Then "you're in trouble" comes through.  Billy feels something on his forearm.  'Closet' comes through on the Ovilus.  Then footsteps are heard.  

Zak uses the XLS.  Aaron and Jay in the basement.  The R2600 synthesizer which produces different frequencies, three different frequencies going at the same time like infra sound.   Responses come through.  Does it say her name is Anne?  Then a spirit asks Aaron if he's "ready."  "Here"??  I don't hear "hate him."  Aaron then feels pain.  Zak goes to 320 again.  First the stick figure lays on the ground, then crawls up the wall before heading to Billy.  'Begin Near' on the Paranormal Puck 2.  It touches his hand.  Class A EVP  "door's not open or door's off"???  A light anomaly vanishes into the door handle.  Zak says they received good evidence of poltergeist activity, intelligent responses and a very dark entity.  

This article is a very good potted history:

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