Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Death Walker 3.5 "Carrie Blast Furnace"

 Pittsburgh Steel City has more than 300 steel related businesses.  Pennsylvania was the hub of import/export of iron/steel in the US.  In 1910 more than 60 per cent production of steel took place here.  After World War II the industry declined and there was a crisis in 1974.  In 1979-82 workers lost jobs and industries closed.  Today most were torn down or renovated but the Carrie Furnace still is around.  The two furnaces numbers 6 and 7 built were in 1907 and ran until 1978.  Over 15k steel workers and known for the amount of iron and steel production.  Steel workers still are around today but not here.  Mistakes and accidents still occur on sites today.  Even if they did back then, the public would overlook them and without the safety protocols and procedures today, they had to do what they had to in the early days.  Hot steel burns and once covered a worker's body, would 'cook' them to death.  Also carbon monoxide poisoning would suffocate them.  A National Rivers of Steel Heritage Corporation exits and many paranormal activity documented today at the furnace is by them.  Paranormal investigators and tourists have seen this activity.  Nick uses new equipment built by Steve Haltay, an engineer.   Nick wants to see what extent the spirit can manipulate emotions, conscious and relay messages and give answers and why this place is still being haunted.

Two furnaces in 1907-1978 were the best of the day.  Risk of injury and death was high.  The Stockhouse were shadow figures and apparitions have been seen.  The Stovedeck where many chains rattle.  The locker room with feelings of being sick.  The cast house where people have heard voices. Much power here and people that he knows and trusts have experienced the paranormal.  One saw full body apparitions.  The first night they investigated and one saw a shadow figure appeared.  The Corporation have conducted investigations here and have seen and caught evidence.  And the electricity and force stays.  The presence of the men and women who worked here.  Saw a man with a hardhat and he vanished.  

Traumatic and sudden deaths on the site thus much activity.  Some residual.  As they worked so much here and they know the place.  Casthouse number 6 was where the furnace was opened and iron was taken out.  Sulphur fumes and temperature can reach 400 degrees.  Working 12 hour shits for 6 days a week.  In later years they got regular hours due to the unions.  People would slip and fall in.  Material sticks to the sides of the furnace and slips and forces the plug open and molten iron squirts out.  Which happened in the 1920's and 34 people died.  Furnaces are powered by gas.  Furnaces had to be opened and closed by hand.  In the early years had to be in a gang and if not out in time, needed to be rescued.  Gas level indicators worn today but it's still dangerous. The Stockhouse here materials have been removed.  Many investigators felt something move past them.  His dogs were afraid of that end of the site.  

Nick starts his investigation in the furnace.  Where people died in the gaps/large trenches.  He can feel the energy.   He asks for a name?  He fell into the area "yeah."  "Smith" is what I heard.  He can tell what happened to him "yeah."  He tripped and fell.  No one wants to grab Nick's hand or they can't.  A voice says "no...too hard."  That's what I said: that they can't.  He died " shit."  

Steve Haltay's new equipment: a highly skilled paranormal engineer.  He uses the Tesla coil again.  As well as the The FM Chaos Box and the ITC device.  "I touch it" I heard come though when it's switched on.  "We here."  They can see him from the other side.  His name is "Nick."  "Ghost" comes through; "a little bit."  He ask if they think they're ghosts?  Jim is here?  "Yes."  He's doing "good."  He's working on "the machines."  Was involved in an accident "oh yeah."  "You're a man" when Nick asks how they see him.  "Fell through."  

He uses the Chaos Box.  They're here with him.  "Yeah."  "Edward."  They work all day and night and they come to the locker room but as a spirit they come back not knowing they died to get their belongings.  So much energy and emotion in the room.  Try to use his energy and pass through him.    "Brain injury".  "Hurt.  ""  "Heart."  "Dead...cry."  Nick asks how they know they're dead?  But nothing comes through.

"That's them."  He asks if they can seem them from the other side?  "There's no way out."  I heard a "yes" in response to his question of whether they can see them.  The Stockroom where solid figures have been seen.  He asks if he died right here..."yes...I did."  He feels an eerie presence there.  He can pick up on their emotions.  No reply to what it's like on the other side.  A noise is heard.  Justin says something ran by.  Nick uses the lasers.  Something breaks the lasers, a figure walks through it but not seen on camera.  Justin doesn't see it either but hears it.  "Heat" when Nick asks how hot it gets in here.  What happens when you die, did it say "end."??  It asks "are you dead?"  Nick asks what they see?  Nick comes through.  He's standing right there.  They don't answer as to what it's like on the other side, or wherever they are.  Some sort of sound is heard again, could be residual from working there.

He felt like he walked with the souls who risked their lives to build America's foundation.  The steel stood the test of time through world events.  Communicating with spirits shows energy of people can manifest even in the afterlife to tell their stories, telling them what they went through.  His investigation can document the history of the workers here. 

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