Saturday, 23 July 2022

Death Walker "Old Lavaca County Jail"

 Hallettsville, Texas where most of the records of Lavaca jail were destroyed by floods.  Nick wants to find the secrets of jail, look inside, see and experience the energy and time left behind. The town was prominent during the American frontier.   The hanging tree is half a mile away from the jail .  With190 years of unhappiness, was built 1884 and opened 1886 and closed in 2005 as a county jail.   Multiple suicides are said to have occurred but can't be confirmed.  The gallows replaced with a carport and residential units.  One inmate said he was innocent of child murder.  

Debra Fawcett made deal with the owner that if she cleaned and made it better she could have lifetime access for investigating.  At this location for the last 6 years and has witnessed paranormal activity.  At the jail there are disembodied voices, conversations, shadow figures, whispering and cold spots; doors open and close by themselves, feelings of being watched.  They have lost time there and heard themselves in places they're not there.  As well as residual activity and also something intelligent.  Nick finds them fascinating beyond a typical haunting.  The entity scratches and growls at those who mention it.  Have made contact with an intelligent entity.  Nick gives them permission to lash out at him physically at the old Lavaca jail.

Lisa says the cells were made in 1864.  Men and women on opposite sides.  There are two deaths not sure of, one is a hanging in one of the men's cells and one in woman's.  Jacob Hornshoe in 1890 was brought in for alcohol poisoning and he died from this and morphine.  In the late 1800-1900's men tried to escape from the women's side and went down the side of the building and were brought back.  Some climbed on top of the cells into the attic and they were caught too and brought back.  She feels heaviness in hallway and finds it harder to breathe.  She can't see hands in front of her face.  Twenty three public hangings confirmed.  Debra heard some steps and she felt pushed and fell down the stairs.  

Second oldest continuously operating jail in Texas.  She's been investigating the paranormal since late 1970's.  Her friend didn't have the time to spend on it so she offered to help him with it.  The Sheriffs lived with their family until Dodds was killed with his deputy.  Heard a growl in the Sheriff's room.  One of the deputy's hated being there by himself.  The intercom kept going off and there weren't any prisoners and toilets would flush.  Debra heard a noise in the hallway by the side of the doorway, became black and she saw a giant shadow figure.  Lisa felt heaviness on her chest.  

Nick wants to make physical contact and he wants to make contact with the shadow person.  A woman's voice comes through and heavy breathing.  "Yes I am" comes through after he asks if Mary's here.  "Dead" comes through and "cellmate."  Cody is here "yes I am."  Eight prisoners are here "more outside."  Did it say "f*ck."  "Lisa" comes through.  "Hallettsville" comes through when asked where they are?  

Nick asks the prisoners to grab the keys.  Jail doors close and they're really heavy.  But nothing happens.  There was some sort of light back there and not coming from in the cells.  Also looked like a shadow, have to look again.  Nothing grabs at his arm.  He wants interaction and physical touch.  Uses Geoport, Fent box and hault box.  A man says "five" after a woman speaks.  A man says "Mary."  Lies in the cell and footsteps are heard outside and a door is heard.  On the main floor he adds the Tesla Coil providing power to manifest.  He feels static.  Tries to speak to Sheriff Dodds.  I heard a "yes" twice and "I am."  He asks if the twenty three men are attacking and a voice says "maybe."  "seven men."  

He sleeps in one of the jail cells and asks if it's okay.  " A female says "yes."  He hopes it's not Mary.  He goes to the part where someone was found hanging there.  He has goosebumps.  "Yeah" when he asks if his arm is being touched.  Justin stays in the jail cell here and Nick goes back to the older cells.  Nothing happens in the night.  He can't fit his bed mattress in the cell so has to put it under the bed in the cell.  They head to the attic to see if anything is lingering.  Finds lots of wasp nests - yuk!  I hear "who."  "I said leave me...not safe."  Uses the Lotus box to communicate.  Also uses the paralight.  Nothing happened to that.  Uses the custom built Geoport.  They have a haunted mirror too but nothing happened with that either.  Nick says he just looks older living there.  "That changes" ?? comes through.  He hears "hmm mm" when he asks about the inmate trying to get out and attacking others.  

He wonders if the guard is the shadow man who's keeping everyone in their cells.  That's why it looks imposing.  That would make them fear it.  He tries to hang the keys up clumsily ha.  Then heads to the Sheriff's room to spend the night.  Who's room is this?  "Sheriff."  "Was a mess...who is this?"  comes through after he asks if it must be hard to keep up.  He receives responses on various spirit boxes as the spirits want to be heard; some were offensive others were direct answers to questions and others could be residual.  The intelligent spirits still live at the jail.  Yeah you spirits, what's with the "shit" responses!  I don like the more active locations and where spirits are visible, but sometimes there are only voices that come through as they just don't want to show themselves!

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