Friday, 15 July 2022

Death Walker "Electromagnetic Sanitarium"

Tourists flock to Niagara Falls each year at New York and two miles away a neoclassical style building stands in the form of the Electromagnetic Sanitarium.   Before this it was built as a Queen Anne style masonry sanitarium where the hospital stands today, by BB Barnard who used electroshock therapy  on patients with nervous or mental disorders. t  This was taken over by the Sisters Of  St Francis in 1907 aka the House on the Corner.  The sisters plans for a modern hospital were acted upon and it opened in 1914 and up to 2003 was a working hospital.  It was also constructed using reinforced concrete and thick wall construction which included fireproof and soundproof housing for patients.  St Mary's manor closed in 2003 and was vacant for over 20 years.  The red brick building on a raised limestone foundation, bringing into effect generally the stone tape theory,  the absorption of electromagnetic and psychic energies.  A gothic tomb, where even the neighbours have spoken about seeing light anomalies and shadow figures.  

Nick  is the first to conduct a paranormal investigation here.  Wanting to determine if this location is being haunted by those passed away  and asks for them to physically attack him at the sanatorium.  Scott bought the hospital after falling in love with it.  When he saw the mist of Niagara Falls.  He talks of the energy under the ground, limestone, crystals and has lots of energy here.  Tragedy is here and a hospital built could be housing something paranormal.  He wants to know if it's really haunted.  As he felt something on the third floor and heard whispering.  Children laughing.  He never had experiences like that before.  


Nick and Justin Wear masks to protect against debris.  Lots of holes and shabby paint falling down.  In the ER still old beds and uses the Geoport.  I hear "haunted" come through. "Haunting me" a voice says when Nick turns on the Geoport and "he's here."  Something always comes through when Nick opens up the Geoport but I won't say profound, though last ep could have been!

Nick sees something run by.  Then hears a metallic sound.  "That's me" after Nick says you heard a loud sound here.   I heard a woman moan too.  Around 9.35 minutes in.  Energy becomes more intense the more they delve into the floors.  The same woman's voice comes through.  Do I hear "help me" twice when Nick asks if he heard a lady come though.  "I am, you are" after Nick asks if he's in here.  Many abandoned beds/furniture left to decay, along with the interior of the building.  He thinks it's creepy in one of the areas.  They're off their "comfort zones."  He's been in many please with history and this doesn't feel right to him.  As he's not aware of what's here.  Dilapidated with holes and also missing steps.

He says they're in an active part where the nurses would deal with patients.  "See me" I hear.  "This is my home"?? Found the dentist's chair for the sanitarium.  There's plenty to explore and Nick says he should've brought the other camera, along with the thermal is what I said too.  I heard "oh my God" (around 23 minutes but that's with ads) when they go up the stairs couldn't have been from outside.  Maybe residual as it was so clear as if spoken in the moment, especially through the headphones.   Nick asks them to speak.  "Yeah I am."  No one wants to grab Nick's arm or make physical contact with him.  Aww man, he's too nice for that, until an aggressive spirit comes along.  Not here though or in many other eps either.   Does it say "Nick..." then "help...sad"  when Nick asks if the doctors/nurses still here?  A sound is heard.  "Yes" comes through.  Nick says everytime they communicate with the lady they get a response, a sound like she's wanting them to move to that part of the building.  Leading them with her voice and the noises.

Upstairs he asks where are you?  Male voice says "outside."  In the pink room, probably the maternity ward.  Nick says fraternity, probably by accident.  
Did you die here? "Yes."  
How did you die?  "accident, fell off the top."  That was said before.  He says sometimes spirits don't know where they are.  On the sixth floor you can feel the energy and emotions to this building.  He's heard of stories of a woman falling or dying from the top floor.  
"I am" here.  Did you jump off the top floor?  "No."  A female voice says.  
Were you pushed?  "Yes."  
Name of person that pushed you?  "Off the top"???  "Send a signal."  

I hear a male voice say "Sam." After  Nick asks what her name is?  
Do you have a name?  "Sam."  A male voice says clearly at around 36.35 with ads.  Then a male voice says "Sam" again.  I had that on my voice memo on my phone cos I was recording to type up later.  I would upload it but I sound awful!  HA. But it's uploaded and stored for posterity by me.  See if I can upload it later! 

"She fell, accident"  I hear again.  In a male voice.  Nick asks if they can see them?  "NO."  Nick injured his ankle and wanted to investigate here and so came as is, in pain.  At the roof they feel they're getting info from a female spirit where she fell to her death.  From the seventh floor, can see the mist of Niagara Falls in the distance and can see Canada.  Great view shoulda got a pic (me that is off the TV).  "Yes - up"?? when he asks if she's up here?  
Did something happen?  "Yeah."  He asks if she came up here to see Niagara Falls?  
Were they here when it was a sanitarium and a hospital.  Something happened and might never know as they doesn't seem to be documentation.  Needs research.  Nick says the energy becomes more positive.  They head to the basement.

Tunnels leading to the boiler room.  Hear noises around them, doors slamming.  Chased a female spirit.  He asks if they died here in the morgue, the basement?  I heard a woman moan too.  
"Here."  "Yeah" a male voice says.  No one wants to use Nick's energy.  The energy becomes heavy again.   Heard a sound after he asks for it.  As well as footsteps.  I'm sure I heard 'Sam' again and then the woman comes through.  Do you have a name?  "Sam"  YES!!!!  Then comes through again!! Another sound and footsteps.  (Or Samantha.)  An intelligent spirit and he says they recognize her and trying to tell them what happened to her.  They lose contact with her.  And move on.  When Nick steps on the metallic object that sounds like the first metallic sound that was heard in the beginning.  
Silence and he waits but they don't her anything else.  The spirit give a clue to her death and what happened in the past.   Oh a thought, they could have resembled medical staff by wearing those masks too.  But I don't think that's why Sam opened up to him.  I feel it's more she trusted him and he was so willing to speak with her.  

Nick describes it as an amazing location after being empty for twenty years. Is intelligent and the lady's spirit speaking.  It's haunted with residual and intelligent sounds.  Was active with direct replies to his questions.  Nothing visual was caught, disembodied cries and intelligent replies.  Also a says a 'true earth bound spirit named Sam/Samantha' following them around.  Other sounds could have been residual in nature.  She roams the halls wanting to be heard.  He wants to carry out more paranormal experiments here to reveal what happened to her and why she's still here.  I feel he could get a lot of mileage coming back here, especially as Sam will know him by now and formed a bound with him.  The first time her voice is heard with someone like Nick, wanting to know what happened and taken an interest in her and her story; after who knows how many years.  Hope he does return here! 

Also thanks for the validation for myself, of hearing "Sam" those times before Nick says it later.  Especially since the number of times, people have contradicted what I hear re EVPs etc and even the shit reviews on Nick's book that I received.  This isn't about me, but I just wanted to add that since it's also confirmation for me for what I hear and say that's what it is that's said etc; for all those years now!  

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