Saturday, 11 June 2022

Deathwalker "Northeastern Hospital"

Built in the late 1800's and housed in a two story brick home and expanded to fit 40 beds for more demand.  Grew in the 1970's.  Also known for accomplishments in the advancement of medicine.  Security guards shared personal experiences in the building.  One story was where a security guard heard a child crying.  Shadow figures been seen and walking into cold spots.  The tenth floor is where the longterm were housed.  Tessa Delzoppo was a patient here in the early 1990's after her body began shutting down after an infection that almost became life threatening.  She believes she touched the other side.  She visually witnessed full body spirits hover over her.  These white lights and faces saw her.  Gail, her mother, spoke about that time in hospital.  Nick has been granted exclusive access to conduct an investigation here.  

Gail says Tessa had five surgeries in four years.  She went into the operating room with her once. That was her major surgery.  Tessa felt there were more people standing around her.  They had to work on her kidneys and organs had to be removed and then replaced when they finished the surgery.  She came so close to death.  "She was hearing more than she should have at the time."  Tessa's memories are still vivid for her.  She felt the anxiousness when she was a child.  She was terrified and her mother was touching her arm.  She saw people looking down at her and she thinks it could have been her loved ones.  Or anyone who could've passed away here.  She believes they were spirits and enhanced her abilities being that close to death.  Her first experience with spirits was here and weird being back after 30 years.  She was in bed for two weeks and she watched the thunderstorm from her window.  The door opened and a white light came in, was warm and surrounded her bed and saw the smiling faces.

Nick says the place has a life of its own when you walk around.  With all the tragedies and deaths here.  A door closes.  He can hear a man talking and someone coughed.  A door slams again.  Foot steps and he uses the Geoport.  

"Sarah" comes through and Tessa said she saw the spirit of a little girl called Sarah who moves around the hospital.  Tessa asks if there's anyone else here with Sarah?  "I missed her"??  Nick tells him he has two little girls too.  A man's voice says "Sarah."  Nick tells them about Tessa being in the hospital and almost dying.  She saw spirits and other things she couldn't explain.  To grab his hand and he feels cold around him.  He asks if she's in room 11.  "Who's she?"  Did the man say "hold her hand?"  It sounds like he doesn't want Sarah to speak.  Says Sarah's in the room.  "Seven" comes through.  Static electricity around him.  "Seven and Nine."  Did he say "Sarah" again and "died here"??  Everytime Nick asks to be touched he doesn't get any response.  He asks if she needs help.  "I was" brought into the surgical suite.  Justin had footsteps behind him, a door slammed.

At the surgical suite.  He says you can feel the trauma, death and trauma.  He feels creepy walking around with Justin in the hospital by themselves.  Feels a cold breeze again.  Nick stands where the operating table was.  Did he say Nick?? Nick asks again if he knows what happens when you die and if they linger here.  He mentions Tessa and seeing faces.  Do they have names?  Nick asks.  "Closure."  Names :were "Leanne."  Did he say Tessa??   "Yeah in the other room" is what I heard when Nick asks if he died here?  

Nick sets up the Tesla coil to see if it will help get more paranormal responses.  He asks if the Tesla is helping his energy?  Then what room he's in.  Nick mentions when he almost died when little after he fell from a tree and ripped open an artery on his arm and he almost died and they saved him.  Saying there's a bigger purpose for living and searching for those answers from the other side.  He wants to trace the chain of events when Tessa et al were at the hospital, bringing him closer to finding out answers to death and what's beyond. 

The hospital is very quiet.  They arrive at Tessa's room lying on the bed and with entities communicating with her.  She didn't know she had the ability then.  He doesn't like this part of the hospital with its creepy vibe.  "In memory" comes through.  Using the Fent box.  Nick asks Tessa if she can hear him.  Imagine as a little girl she can hear him, she saw the bright lights on the camera and her mediumship foresaw them here.  As Justin is wearing a mask.  Nick sees a dark figure behind Justin.  The static camera captured the shadow figure near the hallway door.  Did he say "me" when Nick asks who was standing behind him?  

Nick wonders how many spirits are there.  Tessa was talking about the anomaly forms that would fly into the room and turn into faces and he just see someone standing behind Justin.  The autopsy table he asks what happened when someone died here?  Did they figure out what happened to you after you died?  Do you know that you're dead?  "No."  He asks who he keeps communicating with?   He feels like his hand was on fire.  He feels sad and morbid feeling with everything being drained during their autopsy.  The energy's all dark down there.  He feels like a beacon to the other side where he's a voice for them to move on and get closure.  I hear the voice saying "accident, wasn't me, fell down" almost like something happened to someone and he was trying to tell Nick what it was.  As though it was something bad.  I mentioned it in a tweet to Nick.  

Being the first to access the historical hospital; the epicentre of life, first breath and souls back to the spirit world in the same place.  All emotions and bodies have passed through the buildings and have been through here.  Leaving lifelong expressions on those who feel them, connecting them to the spirit world they don't know before.  Did Tessa's experience open her abilities as a medium he questions.  This hospital and history as he searches for answers on the other side and wants to know how they communicate and their physical presence from the other side.  Voices validating they walk through the doors and interact with the living.  A sign from her grandmother was found on the window sill of Tessa's room. There's so much more to their journey in finding answers.  

I feel perhaps we aren't meant to know about the other side, the afterlife and what happens next.  To remain a mystery until everyone experiences it for themselves.  Kinda would be a spoiler, but also maybe they aren't meant to tells us what happens when we pass.  Maybe they're here or allowed back here as long as they keep things to themselves.  Or perhaps they don't know what happens when they pass since they don't know they are dead.  Or they stay to terrorize, reek havoc and revenge, lost souls, or just don't want closure or to move on.  SO many questions and yet I feel we won't be getting answers.  Cos bless him, Nick keeps trying and he doesn't get any response, though they are sometimes more than eager to communicate and tell their side of the story or to stop others from communicating.  It's all still so fascinating!! And there's still so much to learn too.   At least Nick has made inroads in trying to finding answers instead of just remaining static and just investigating the paranormal for the existence of ghost and evidence.  For those of us who believe don't need to be convinced of this.

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