Saturday, 11 June 2022

Deathwalker 2.5 "Kendrick House"

Built in 1849 Kendrick House, Jasper County, Missouri.  During the Civil War it used as a field hospital during the battle of Carthage.  35 Confederate guards were killed the Union lost many less.  The wooden table was used during surgery procedures and used as a hospital by the Confederates.  Was occupied by bushwackers and many were killed here.  The Kendrick family and their house survived.  Remained in the home until 1980's.  A slave woman hanged by soldiers has been seen and also shadow figures.  Nick will sleep on the table used.  The family were blacksmiths and were prosperous.  The dining table was used on 5th July 1851 when the first land battle of the Civil War began.  The Union army took the table for using to operate on soldiers.  Under UV light the blood splatters can be seen and where the blood ran off the table into buckets.  Much activity has been seen around the table.  People who lay there felt like they're being looked at by a doctor and some men leave and vomit.

The family made a trap door in the floor to keep the women and children safe.  The slave woman was dragged from the house to the orchard and hanged.  They left her 12 year old daughter for dead and the family nursed her back to health.  Rose is still here and voodoo was used as protection for the women and children.  People have been touched also.  Nick has the keys and remains as a guest.  

Nick does a session with the Geobox/Fentbox.  "Nick" comes through when he asks what his name is.  He places the keys on the bed by the music box and says the spirit should try and take the keys which will trigger the music box on the bed.  Asks for physical contact and he doesn't get any.  They hear footsteps which were clearly heard.  "Who's he?"  Comes through.  I hear 9 first in a female voice when he asks how many deaths there are.  Then 11 in a male voice.  "Both, same sides, no sides."  When he asks what side they were on.  This background music was so very Midsommer Murders ha.  The music box goes off and they manage to capture the keys being moved, the middle and right ones move towards the right of the bed.  Nick hears footsteps again.  I think I heard "Austin" in a low tone, when he asks for a name, "do you have a name?"  Then "house" comes through when asked if they're a part of the house.  

Nick says the energy has changed in the house and the electricity lingers and he feels it through his body.   He's picking up on some soldiers too.  The music box goes off a few more times.  Nick asks if it's Rose when the keys moved or someone else.  Has to be Rose doesn't it especially when her name will come through later.  Whenever Nick asks to be moved physically, nothing happens.  He wants to know if there's something after death.  He asks for the boards to be moved so they can get into the secret space in the floor.  There's spiders down there!  Also he thinks there may be other belongings down there like jewellery and leaving it all there.  Being afraid for their lives.  Terrifying to hear the footsteps and then discovering this hole.  Who moved the keys?  "Rose" I hear first in a haunting voice and then "me, yeah."  Nick asks how something physical can be removed in our reality?  One day he will get a reply to all these pertinent questions.  I really feel that he will.  Whether it will be true or real or not will have to be seen.

"Yeah you're welcome."  After he asks if his energy is being used. Then "Rose" comes through again.  "Yeah after he dies on the table.  Their names: "Megan, Luke, Dixon."  Dixon did the medical procedures.  Then "Noel" comes through.  I heard 20 too after he asks how many have died here.  

Nick enters the slave quarters where he doesn't get anything.  They were either being very cautious or not wanting to get through.  He invites the spirits over to the house to communicate with him and he's going to lie on the table.  He can feel the lingering energy and emotions from the dead.  He uses the thermal but nothing comes through.  Why were those two light dots on the mantlepiece disappearing when Nick was standing to the left of it and Justin wasn't near there??  Nick uses the Tesla coil to generate energy into the room.  He asks for his hand to be used.  He feels cold around the edge of the table.  

Justin leaves and Nick lies on the table.  He says this table is one of only a handful left in the country, from the Civil War.  That's when the house goes off now.  With noises and bangs coming from upstairs and after he hears footsteps walking.  He also has goosebumps.  SO much goes on now but can't see anything.  Didn't even get any anomalies/orbs here.  Wonder why these are only visible in some places and not in others.  Nick feels the energy has changed.  Due to the coil and also maybe since Nick is alone now so they don't feel so threatened.  Were the noises residual like someone is looking for something.  The bushwackers, soldiers or the family?? 

Justin returns.  Nick felt uncomfortable on the table.  Three days brought him closer to those who lost their lives.  'Still plays out the emotions soaked into the buildings and experienced by those who walk the grounds.  Objects moving and sounds still unfolds in our reality.'  He feels the emotions.  The house continues to tell the stories and his investigation shows the emotions of those who passed and how they're able to see glimpses into the unknown and better understand the afterlife.  And the after life bleeding through into their reality.  Sometimes I think we don't need to see the little flashing images with the actors, as I'd rather see more of the location and Nick. 

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