Saturday, 23 April 2022

Ghost Adventures "Petrified in Pahrump"

Pahrump Nevada, Pahramp Valley Winery and Zak didn't know they had a winery in Nevada.  He says there's something going on behind the walls.  Asking why this place is "plagued?"  There's plenty of death.  16 fatal plane crashes and 280 car accidents.  Pahrump could be cursed in his opinion.  He speaks with Lisa, the general manager.  She's afraid of the office upstairs by an apartment.  She thinks it feels evil and it gets closer to the Exit.  She heard three knocks on the window which of course he mentions is the mocking of the Trinity.  Someone else in the office heard it too and there was no one outside.  Someone else, who wants her identity hidden, agrees with the movement, shadows and a pair of scissors flew at her.  Lisa named a Native American spirit, Tomahawk Joe.  Which he doesn't like in Zak's opinion!  Lisa believes she's been possessed before as her personality changed.  

Previous owners were in the apartment and they carried out devil rituals and invited the spirits in.  Lisa thinks the "evil one" lives in the apartment and the rest move around.  Previous employees carrying out seances, sacrificing rabbits.  Downstairs in the office. Their camerawoman recalls of Lisa changing and having "dead eyes."  Using a Polterpod they get back "hate" and some screeching frequency sound when Billy holds it.  Then when Zak holds it says "I heard that" and before that it says "Yes, F*ck."  After Zak asks if it likes him?  

Sounds like "it's harder" to me.  Zak doesn't want to leave and wants to stay as he feels like he has a connection here.   He goes alone to the apartment.  45 minutes later he has to leave.  After getting freaked out.  He heard someone at the bottom of the stairs shout "noohhh!"  No one else heard him.

Natalie speaks of seeing shadow figures at the edge of the carpark and thinks they're demons.  And mentioning the plane crash.  Remember those five figures Billy saw in that cemetery in De Soto Hotel and Concordia Cemetery (2017)  Using the thermal camera and eventually sees five 'figures' at least in the desert.  After seeing a light in the distance.  Five anomalies and only one is visible to Zak's eyes.  

Going through the evidence they caught before.  The voice repeats Aaron after he says "hate."  When Zak says " That was weird" and I hear "step" not yep!  There's a clear 's' sound.  I hear "yes f*ck."  But it's not the first time that I have heard cursing, it was also in a previous recent ep that they missed!  To tweet or not to tweet.  Cos no one acknowledges.   Jay is sent to investigate on his own again to the desert.  They use various cameras.  At 24.45-ish sounds like a "haaa" a breathy sound.    Jay hears a growl at the edge of the desert and doesn't catch anything, not even those figures/anomalies again.  

The cam in the office doesn't record anything even though the light is on showing it's recording.  Zak's Shadow camera goes off completely.  Then he feels unwell.  Some sort of creaking or someone sitting on leather.  A black anomaly goes up the screen of the camera.  The IR camera also picks it up.  All the electrical devices in the office turn on and the computer screen turns on and off.  Though can't say it's paranormal.  Zak uses the spirit box.  When Zak ask if that's all it can do I hear "on."  Not "Billy."  As it's in response to Zak asking about the equipment turning on.  

Zak and Aaron see a shadow figure at the same time as something knocks back too.  He dares it to show himself.  A female voice is heard saying something like "hmm."  An anomaly goes behind Billy and he hears growling.  Aaron goes down and Zak gets angry telling him to come back.  Billy provokes the entity to make a noise.  When they get to the apartment Billy goes upstairs alone.  They hear a banging sound and Zak and Aaron run but don't tell Billy that they ran down the stairs.  Like a Laurel and Hardy double act leaving him alone.  Ha. On the XLS Billy captures a figure on the wall and then one hiding under the desk later on when they head downstairs.  Creepy!!  Zak shouts for it to do something now and the TV turns on.   As another black anomaly goes up the TV again on the XLS.  Could this be the evil entity that resides in the apartment?

So much caught in this episode.  I was just thinking how those shadows were referred to as demons since it was also Native land, why can't they be from the past still lamenting the loss of their homelands. and the demon rituals being carried out there.

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