Monday, 18 April 2022

Ghost Adventures "Mountain Oaks Mayhem"

People in the house who have feared for their own life.  The house was brought over 60 years ago.  The son's room wasn't safe and he left for some reason when he was 18 as soon as he could have left and a cause to the family falling apart.  Zak says the places they investigate come to them, not the other way around.  He talks of the chaos and fighting within the family and ask if the cause is the house and what's inside.  Something "powerful and territorial" is awaiting them.  Linda, is connected to the house emotionally and her parents both died in the house.  Zak says the house has been through much.  As well as spiritual happenings.  Linda loves the house and is very emotional about it.  She is estranged with her brother and the house is empty as her brother want the house sold.  He reported her for hurting their mother and someone said he hated her so much that he wanted to hurt her.  She thinks he's possessed. 

A 1970 family Hallowe'en party was photographed by the papers.  Another family were also affected.  Her brother couldn't wait to leave.  He would wake up with someone on top of him when he was little.  Something not human.  Her mother saw a man outside the house and he told them about the house when he was a boy.  He wouldn't come into the house.  He had the same bedroom as her brother and was affected in the same way.  SO why didn't they move him out of that room!  There was a fire in the corner and the bed moved with him inside it.  There were burn marks in his room.  Her brother's not allowed in the house.  Hayley says the room is emotionally draining and led to people being aggressive.  Josephine cared for Linda's mother, Della.  She says every other homecare aid wouldn't come back to the house.  She saw a spirit in her room, a woman.  Her room was opposite Linda's brother's room.  Something took her covers off.  

Linda's father, Bill was a LA sheriff.  He transported Charles Manson, who tried to bribe him into helping him escape jail.  He refused.  Former home of Terry Melcher who rejected his music and that's why Manson targeted Sharon Tate's home.  Zak wonders if he cursed Bill for not helping him and then he bought the curse into the home.  Boy, he got around!  They don't know what they're going to find.  There is geomagnetic energy in the California hills and can create an outlet for the paranormal.  They hear noises from upstairs.  Zak demands the entities to show themselves.  Zak spots a clown doll on the bed.  He asks for the religious doll and says there's nothing religious in the most evil room in the house.  Aaron needs to leave.

They find a Ouija board that was used by Linda when little.  Aaron refuses to use it so Jay does.  The planchette moves and goes over the letters 'E' and 'G'.  Zak has thoughts in his head and says out loud not "to put those thoughts in my head."  The EMF goes up in the room and he has to get out.  Feeling pins and needles in his feet.  A figure is seen on the stairs on the SLS.  A figure is seen going up the stairs.  Aaron comments on the darkness of the room with the spirit board.  The Portal says "Dick" more than sounding like Zak!  It has a pronounced 'D' sound.  They feel hot but Aaron feels cold.  What does the voice say on the portal: "unbolt it?"  What's the point of using the Polterpod if they're not going to listen to the rest of it.  SO easily distracted by what's happening to themselves!  Man investigate! A figure jumps across the bed and reappears again on the bed in the brother's room.

A female voice says "listen" and then a male voice says "I'm bad."  Billy captures an anomaly in the mirror going in or out as though the mirror is a portal.  Zak tells Aaron to lie on the bed.  Zak asks the spirits if they're there.  Aaron refuses to go back into the room unless Zak comes with him.  He then collapses on the bed.  Voice on the recorder sounds like it says "I'm watching after her."  Who was that, Linda's father?? Or is he watching for the clown doll?  Did Zak play the same recording back twice or did the voice say the same thing twice? Zak feels aggressive and Billy catches a light anomaly coming out of Zak.

Zak forces Aaron into the spirit board room.  A click is heard in the master bedroom, the IR light goes up and down by itself and the IR switch is turned off.  The voice they say sounds foreign, appears to be saying "then let's go chaplain."   "Hold up tight"??  Zak uses the Ovilus on the clown doll: "thanks."  'Grace' comes up on the Ovilis.  Then "touch."  "Shy."  "Cook."  "Reveal."  Aaron is in the kitchen.  Zak asks whether Aaron could be feeling the residual energy from Linda's father who died in the house of  a heart attack.  Aaron mumbles and wants to lock them out.   Something flies towards Aaron on the depth camera and IR camera.  

Zak wants the clown doll for the Museum and asks Jay to call Linda and her son, David.  They both say they don't know where the doll came from.  They got the letters 'G' and 'E' on the Ouija board, obviously it must have been spelling the name Grace, yes??  Especially since no one knows how the doll got here and that's what they picked up on the Ovilus too.  They also said it's playing with them.  Could her brother have left it there?  This house was creepy though.  Also I will never understand why parents always leave their children in rooms when clearly something is affecting them paranormally.  Will it kill you to move them somewhere else?  Particularly with babies.  Sometimes it's like they would prefer the child to go through it than themselves!

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