This one was personal for the guys at they went back to Aaron's old house he sold to his father. Was gonna say his old haunt but didn't. (Well I just did.) As he is being haunted by two spirits at least, based on what visitors to the house have seen. This included his friend, Rocky, who saw a girl on the cabinet in the kitchen without eyes or mouth. And she also touched his leg under the table. As well as a woman in dark with long dark hair seen by Don's neighbour and some of Aaron's friends. (Must've been the AG Appreciation Society or something cos those dudes were all bearded too! Ha.)
Aaron thinks he brought something back from an investigation and the same thought crossed my mind as he doesn't like to cleanse and just get through it how he can. I would have liked some background on the house even if it was recently built. How recent and were there any other owners, what the land was before etc. Just general routine questions. Aaron lived here during 2016 which he and Zak say was a dark time he was going through. He was into many things but not the occult or anything dark. Maybe it was from something he collected since he liked to bring objects back from the investigations. They think maybe the witch from Rose Hall in Jamaica. That was in 2011 though.
On the SLS he captures a figure and it looked like it was dancing and then vanishes off the counter. Zak's face when he says he was feeling sick before the figure appeared. The Trifield meter moves but is not from the dishwasher or coffeemaker. Bible phrases also makes the needle move. They set up cameras when Don was sleeping and it looks like glowing eyes cos it seems like it has a body or something behind it too, especially as Billy said the SLS figure looked like it was on its fours at one point, like an animal. Though the girl didn't have any eyes, could it have been the woman. The EVP sounds more a male than a girl when it replies that is doesn't have any eyes. "Nah."
Did they see anything in the Polaroids, didn't say so guess not. But he later refers to them as spectrum photos, so?? where he catches another anomaly. Aaron is drawn upstairs and to a room where he says he used to be afraid to go in. Voice says "It's me...the figure." Then an anomaly comes out of the box when the voice comes through again. "I don't need ya;" is what I hear?? When Aaron says 'behind your back' to Billy, the voice says "Aaron Goodwin" kinda echoy, at the point where the writing on the screen says 'unexplained female voice.' At 25 mins why does it look to me as though something dark is by the doors downstairs, are they doors or alcoves, when they show the picture in three parts. Then they show the dark figure on the screen in the kitchen.
Don returns and is emotional as well as feeling rage. He thought he should come back and he never cries. Zak loses energy in the downstairs bedroom. A voice says "in here" on the recorder. Then Aaron captures what they say is, "I don't believe you;" to me sounds "I don't belong here." Since he says if it talks to them then they won't throw it out. Jay and Billy cleanse the house. Which Aaron said was okay now on Twitter, but will return if anything else happens.
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