This time for the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) it's another matter of life and death and as the Master (Sacha Dhawan) tells her about the story of the Doctor's regeneration and how the baby was found by Tecteun (Seylan Baxter) and then one day she fell from the cliff just like Brendan in the previous ep, she finds her regenerating and having to get to the bottom of this. Finding out how to regenerate and splice genes until she found a way of doing this and it worked. She experimented on herself and then made a group of twelve, no more than twelve and created 'The Division.' It all seems so messing with genes and stuff, you know coming up with genetic engineering or whatever you want to call it, and create a superior race. At least that's how it came across. With the Master showing the Doctor how she is the Timeless Child, erm didn't we all say that eps ago!! She's unwilling to believe she is since they played together and how she couldn't be that orphan. Thus turning the whole Doctor Who canon and mythology on its head. In our time this means that there were many generations of her in female form even before Doc Thirteen.
So the Cybermen arrive to take over Gallifrey on the invitation of The Master as he's scheming to take over the Cyberium for himself and the Death Particle that is carried by Ashad (Patrick O'Kane) inside of him. The particle being capable of destroying all organic matter. This is what his end goal is, to became AIs without any organic part left inside of them. Which the Master doesn't think very intelligent as they all want to become robots, that's all. His scheme on the other hand as he demonstrates by shrinking Ashad is to make the Cybermen invincible by allowing them to generate. Thus never dying.
The others hide out in the Cyberman shells to escape and save themselves from the Cybermen discovering them. As Ashad checks out the suits but misses them as they arrive at Gallifrey. Ryan (Tosin Cole) Ethan (Matt Carver) and Ko Shamus (Ian McElhinney) all try to take out as many as they can and run around the camp, but as Ethan thinks it's the end for him as the others arrive and shoot the Cybermen, revealing it's the gang from the ship. Then searching for the Doctor, Yaz (Mandip Gill) is the first to go through, well she would be wouldn't she. Think she's still trying to prove a point here of being brave enough to do whatever. As seen from the time she had her flashback in ep 5. The same ep where the Doctor met the other version of herself. Do we really like the idea of so many Doctors around.
Inside the Matrix the Doctor is shown her memories but only what the Matrix wants her to see, as we end up to last ep where Brendan was being destroyed of his memories by the Division, as the Doctor reads on the back of the clock. So who exactly is the Division, Time Lords, Masters, since they take away memories when they're done with them. But the Doctor is shown no more as the Master tells her the rest has been redacted (yeah yet to be made up). As he leaves, the other Doctor, Ruth (Jo Martin) appears and tells her she can't give up and she can fight as only she knows herself. Kick starting her memories as we see more flashbacks of the Doctors again and her past memories, thus escaping the Matrix and also meeting up with the others.
She tells them to set the explosives on the Cyberman ship and she wants to meet the Master one to one. Ko Shamus finds the explosives begin detonation already and they have to run and go to the other TARDIS the Doctor found, which the Doctor says will take them back to Earth. Ko Shamus has one explosive left but it can't be set on a timer and so the Doctor must use the Death Particle on the Cybermen Time Lords herself sending the others away. Yaz doesn't want her to go but Ryan tells her to let her go. But the Master turns up with his Cybermen. She tells him she will destroy them all and he can't believe she will do that and destroy herself too in the process. He knows her inside and out cos he knows she won't call his bluff since killing is not in her, not like the other version of her. Ko Shamus turns up taking her place since this was his fault and not hers. The universe needs her still. As she enters the TARDIS and leaves wanting to rejoin her fam. Her fam and the others who have already arrived back on Earth.
Obviously The Master will survive cos he has the Cyberium inside of him or some explanation will be made of his getting away. Though we don't really get explanations in this show, or at least if we do, they're not the ones we're actually looking for or want. "Everything you know is a lie! Indeed it is/was. All this, everything we know is turned on its head to fit this narrative version. Is that one reason why the Doctor lies, thinking about it. It was all too familiar in the time of Doctors Ten and Eleven.
As the Doctor wants to get back to Earth, the Judoon board the TARDIS and transport her back to a prison ship for life...oh yay Daleks next time!! Well these companions have to meet them at least.
Also it's Graham's (Bradley Walsh) nifty idea to escape disguised as Cybermen since there was no other way out for them, though with the Cybermen able to detect the presence of humans why weren't they up on this especially when Ashad was right under their noses in the suits. Thinking here of Clara and wasn't she also inside a Dalek. We didn't get much of an explanation for that back then either. Same thing here I quickly add with Ashad and who he really was, also with Brendan, his background as he spent so much time on the Division and regenerations. Where was Ashad's story after all what was the point of having him as the lone Cyberman if he didn't have any context in his own life, why he wanted complete ascension and becoming a robot??!!
Ryan is now ready to use a gun, but in his defence it is to save themselves and the last survivors of humanity out here. But the Doctor wasn't able to kill even if they were only Cybermen so that wasn't turned on its head here, though we don't see why Doctor Ruth was not shy at taking life.
So the Timeless Child stems from the regeneration of the Doctor over and over but we don't know why this happens only that this ability was created Tecteun became her adopted mother. The Division seems to be some secret Gallifreyan organization which resets memories when their time as part of this organization is done, when they have interfered in other lives/histories/affairs. Thus Gat in Fugitive of the Judoon says she was in charge of Ruth. There's a rehash of Time Lord history with reference to the Citadel, the Panopticon and the Matrix. Rassilon is not eluded to.
Also see 1976’s The Brain Of Morbius.
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