Meeting Allen Greenfield for the first time and his thoughts on Hellier. Being lead to "access to a greater public, the very things they have been discussing here." Alan referred to numerology as the number 93 shows up. Took him 30 seconds with a list he sent to Greg. Allen is a tholomite in the footsteps of Aleister Crowley. As 93 refers to Christ which Greg found significant cos of David Christie, specifically his last name. Aleen thinks they should keep going until it becomes dangerous to their health and thinks it is a ritual. Suggesting they should ask who is behind it and who the source is behind all this. Bring them to "a higher level of understanding of nature." He thinks Terry Wriste is being associated with here and what Terry said was real. Terry would be 75 now. Allen said he has a code word he would give Greg off camera if they try and contact him. Due to the existence of tricksters.
He suggests they run "Hell ier" through the secret cipher as Terry spells it. Terry reactivated his e-mail which Allen is typically Terry so he wants to meet them on his terms when he's ready. 31 is significant the only authorized edition of The Ufonauts was edited by Allen. Magical significance as 93 related to Libra 31 or 7 7 7. He feels the numbers are a code but he's not a code breaker. Allen doesn't recall the name of the town until Greg brings up Ashland and he says it could have been. Karl thinks the '70's are what they were looking at. Greg felt Allen wasn't Terry and Connor agrees. Allen saying they were "being guided by The Third Order."
Conner asks why they would do that: with reference to initiation, "the creation of a crisis and the resolution of a crisis and the assimilation of that crisis resolution dialect." They wanted to get abducted by aliens back in 2012. Greg thinks an experience is more about the movement of the mind rather than their body being relocated. So they did the reverse and only came up with lights in the sky which were the only phrases that came out. Show Allen footage of this 'experiment.' They interviewed the subject years later and he's now afraid of extra terrestrials. Allen and Greg thinking that he might have already had an experience. Allen thinks if not a physical experience then they could be unethically introduced by another human, or they tuned him in.
After the interview they spoke of the balloons Tyler found in the woods. 4 Feb 2019 California: they met a man at a bar and he shows him a video with a silver balloon floating down which had 'happy birthday' on it. The balloons happened on the same day. The dates in February were important as the Wriste/Amy e-mails were received. He thinks they're on the path due to these synchronicities. When they returned from Atlanta they went to Somerset. The tree on the road prevented them from going any further. They find a balloon here. Allen told them they weren't "impressed" by the two balloons. Is that why they got this one now and shows there's something more to it than just coincidence, more than a synchronicity. Allen calls it a 'gift.' He mentions balloons on 5.26 on the clock time; but the interview ran far longer than this after beginning at 3.27 on the clock behind Allen. As Connor says they mentioned the balloon after the interview??
Aleister Crowley is mentioned so many times in so many places and in reference to the paranormal, occult that to not know him or his works by now is unmentionable. There seem to be more than just synchronicities again with the balloons and their appearances, just as they dismissed them as being nothing. Then to find one again and being led on that direction or path, just pulls everything they find into relevance again.
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