As we return to the gripping finale, though this is Doctor Who when do we ever get a finale as certain scenes lead on to more questions - unanswered - and more episodes tailing off from them. As the plane hurtles towards certain doom for the three on board, Ryan (Tosin Cole) finds some messages on the walls of the plane for him, some mostly at eye level on the floor by the seats. The laminated message in the back of the seat leads him to open up an app on his phone which tells him how to fly the plane, as he remarks to Yaz (Mandip Gill) he can't ride a bike but he can fly a plane. The Doctor (Jodi Whittaker) also appears on the monitor on the plane as a pre-recorded message so she tells them they can't ask any questions. Also telling them that the cockpit door must be shut and it's very robust, which Graham (Bradley Walsh) closes. Without Ryan being able to level out the plane. This allows the plane to land safely back in England and Barton (Lenny Henry) is told it's due to it being pre-programmed. The Master/O/Oh (Sacha Dhawan)is very upset that this happened as is Barton who turns up at the airport. The staff being angry since he didn't inform them of any tests.
The three watch him and as this is Essex, Graham's haunt; he knows the area. As they traverse the high street, Barton locks into them via their phones and via message on the big screen tells them they can't escape him nor can their families or friends. Ryan smashes their phones and Graham takes them to a development where there isn't any available tech. Here they think what the doctor would do or say and Graham reassuring them she's not dead and will return. Graham says she wouldn't want them to give up and Yaz says they shouldn't panic. As the creatures return and surround them wherever they run to.
[Perhaps this building site was more of an homage to where Graham and Grace first encountered the Doctor in the 11.1 opener.]
The alien creatures are now given names as the Doctor finds out they're called the Kasavin. Ryan and Graham try to fend them off using their gadgets which they both confess to have maintained, including Graham's laser shoes which come in handy, although he doesn't know how to use them. This leads them to the warehouse where Barton killed his mother.
He apparently brought his mother (Blanche Williams) there so she can tell him he's done well, but of course she's the first sacrifice of his to the Kasavin who finish her off. As Yaz calls her sister and tells her she's alright, they track them down and again the laser shoes are used by Graham to steal their car. As Barton tells them he's only 97% human since he allowed them to experiment on him, revealing the larger picture, they can now take over humanity completely, wipe out their DNA and use them as human storage. As he gives his keynote speech later on.
The Master found what the Kasavin were going to do and intervened to ensure this happens but also so the Doctor would get involved. The Doctor meanwhile finds an ally within the Kasavin she was transported to and she says the creature is her guardian. As it shows up, the Doctor takes her hand and is transported back to her time - being in the nineteenth century. She meets Charles Babbage and finds out the woman is Ada Lovelace (Sylvie Briggs) Lord Byron's daughter and the achievements she and Charles Babbage (Mark Dexter) will make for the future. The Master shows up there too and uses his device to shrink people out of existence. As the Doctor tries to stop him, he tells her to kneel and call him "Master" in an attempt to garner her to obey. Ada returns and uses the machine gun to stop him, as well as shooting him in the shoulder, which he later calls "painful" and throws a 'cluster' bomb at him.
Escaping him they return to Babbage's house where he shows them the Silver Lady. A light statue which the Master also had in his TARDIS (the farmhouse) apparently it's not bigger on the inside?!! He's using the statue to transport the Kasavin and the Doctor says she needs to return to her time using the statue. However as she leaves, Ada grabs hold of her hand and they end up in Word War II Paris, 1943. Ada disrupted the line so she couldn't return to the twenty first century. They're met by a woman who takes them to her house for safety, as a German patrol approaches, led by none other than the Master. He enters her house and has the soldiers shoot at the floorboards where he believes the Doctor must be hiding.
He then leaves and the woman who turns put to be a spy named Noor Inayat Khan, codename 'Madeleine' (Aurora Marion) uncovers the Doctor and Ada beneath another part of the floorboards, where she keeps her machine. The Doctor sends out a message on the wireless and it's in the form of the Master's heartbeats, a rhythm we're familiar with. She gets him to meet her alone on the Eiffel Tower of course. He tells her the Nazis accept his appearance as he used a snippet of psychic paper on them. Telling her about the destruction of Gallifrey, how it is burning and there is nothing left of it. She leaves her phone with Ada who uses it at a particular location and the Doctor uses her Sonic to send a message to the Nazis. Who decode the message finding that the Master is a double agent who's been sending Nazi info to England. They come for him as she removes the psychic paper so they recognize he is not a Nazi. Meeting up with the others she has gotten hold of his TARDIS and uses it to return home.
Barton at his speech hooks the users onto their devices, including Yaz's family as he continues with his plan. When she returns, everything stops and his plan is foiled. She tells the others how she went back into Barton's office last year and messed with the statue in his office. As well as showing us how she used the Master's TARDIS to send messages in the plane for Ryan and the others to save themselves.
In the TARDIS by herself she goes to Gallifrey where she sees the horror of the destruction firsthand and is able to communicate with the Master who tells her he was the one who did this and how they were lied to.
When the others meet up in the TARDIS they tell her how she knows everything about them but they know nothing about her so they ask about her home. She tells them where she's from and how she can regenerate, the Master being an old friend, she stole a TARDIS and ran away, time travelling. But she can't take them to Gallfrey just yet. Not only as she's just processing the horror of what she's seen but effectively she hasn't worked out anything about the Timeless Child and the lies. Once again finding, realizing that she's the last of the Time Lords. Doctor Thirteen finally gets to show some emotion concerning her own character and history from the result of the loss of her home. Something she didn't get to do last series as everything was new and we were just getting to meet the new characters.
Actual history alluded to here with Noor and Ada and two female heroines of their times. Nothing to do with the Doc being a woman of course. As well as being topical when Noor asks if the Fascists win. "Never not as long as there are people like you." Having to brainwash Ada and Noor's minds at the end since history can't be changed. Sad as Noor died at Dachau at the age of 30 and didn't get to see her work and sacrifice for the masses and the defeat of Fascism. And Ada having the technical achievement erased from her mind too, as the Doctor lets slip the word "computer" in front of her. Ada also dying young at 36.
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