Friday, 14 September 2018

Paranormal Lockdown UK 1.3 "Royal Oak Pub, Swanage" Review

Royal Oak Pub was a series of cottages which were built in the seventeenth century and became a pub later on.  From the outset there was something a little off about this episode I have to say.  The fact that the current owner Rachel used to work here when little and before she became the 13th owner.  Her friend and psychic medium Terri, knew that Rachel would buy the pub one day and they hold paranormal investigations there.  However they also said that before Rachel became owner there was no reported activity there.  So they had circles and seances and bought in the entities and spirits, including something ark and negative.  However other reports indicate that there was a history of hauntings there.

One of the residents of the pub was the Stevens family and Jack Stevens bought in his sister-in-law Mary when his wife died.  Though it wasn't stated how she died here.  Lots of voices coming through on the Geoport mentioning "the baby" and "what happened to the baby..."  As well as some French too which Katrina believed could be the presence of a soldier.  She translated the words on an app which were said via Geoport to "roche" meaning rock.  I heard "ici" too meaning "here."  As well as other voices saying "he killed her."  Aggressive male voice almost tyring to prevent the timid female from coming through and speaking!
Other voices said: "let me out," I will never forget.."  Perhaps in reference to what happened to the baby.  The impression that she was forced to have a baby and then have it taken away from her, whoever she was.  Since "you lost your baby" came through.

Nick saw a dark mass earlier on and this wasn't captured on camera.  Now is the time to wear some GoPros or other portable cameras since we would like to see what's happening before the handheld is able to catch anything or is aimed in the general direction, cos come on guys, it is all about investigating!  Nick's name "Nick's here" also came through later on when they were in the upstairs bedroom known as the Vortex Room, as there appeared to be some sort of portal or gateway there.  Katrina saw a flickering light reflecting off the candle holder in the Vortex Room where she slept the first night and that's what I saw too when she said she was woken during the night, before she said it.  Nick slept in the second floor hallway and nothing was caught there.  Katrina slept there too the second night and still they got nothing!

Nick used the Paranormalagies box for the voices and the Pint sensor in the bar, a last minute light gadget made by Elizabeth Saint to light up when the pint glass was touched.  Which it was and the various bumps and noises were heard.  Knew that one was Elizabeth's - can tell these things!  Aside from the voices they caught, nothing else was actually captured on camera.  To me this one seemed like a bit of a waste of time, so much for the owner wanting to confirm what they were seeing.  But it didn't seem that interesting an investigation to me.  Perhaps one that could have been foregone in favour of somewhere else, or one where the owner genuinely needed help.

It appears the spirits were agitated and wanted to be left alone, especially when a female voice came through saying "let me rest."  It does appear that Rachel and Terri have stirred up activity there whereas the spirits just want to be left in peace and Nick saying they should let them decide what they want to do.  It appears they are happy for the activity to continue, no comment on that from me.  As for being labelled one of the most haunted pubs: I wouldn't quite agree!

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