Monday, 10 September 2018

Celebrity Ghost Hunt Haunted Holiday 1.2 "Loftus Hall"

Loftus Hall is a veritable haunted horse in Ireland and I love the legend behind it about the dark stranger who pays a call on the family, has his way with the young daughter and then she sees his cloven feet.  Thus the devil called that dismal night.  However not the part about the family murdering the baby she had and burying it in the walls!  This was also the investigation of a Ghost Adventures Hallowe'en Special in October 2014 where they also got some great evidence.

Plenty of activity here with Nadia and Sam both being burned and then Simon feeling the part about the man hanging himself even before Alex told them of this.  All suitably creepy.  As well as the cat's meow when Alex mentioned animals.  But that ticking from the meter actually sounded like a clock coming through.

Also in the card room you can see another orb shoot out from where the tail end of the arrow is to behind the man.

Sure there was a rapid movement of some orbs when they entered the room with the bed, the Tapestry room, that did not look like the movement of dust at all.

28.16 orb shoots into Simon's back, no wonder he was feeling so nauseous and having the most experiences with the activity.  Whether it was to do with his colours as he pointed out is anybody's guess, but did back this up with the activity he was getting and going through physically.

28.24 Another orb here but you have to see the actual footage since they zoom about very quickly.
Sam hearing the rattling of the handle when he was in the room alone upstairs tallies with Zak Bagans capturing a door closing there in the Ghost Adventures investigation, though it wasn't the same door.  And the experience of a girl who felt something brush across her face which frightened her and similar with Alex when she said she felt something brush across her hand.  They also caught an orb in the Tapestry room too.

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