Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Neighbours - The Cassius Plot

                                               Image result for what is cassius mother's name in neighbours
Admittedly I have not written many Neighbours articles, if at all, the only one I did was years back.  However this time I felt I had to get my two cents, Aussie cents that is, worth and add my comments, rants etc, to the ongoing Cassius  storyline.  Now I have to say I was right thus far about everything that has taken place since he arrived: he being the one who rescued Piper from the island, Gabe from Louise, was the book-marker (though it appears that was one way to get Piper on side, or was it really?)

Cassius really gave himself away, that he was there on the night (forgetting about him being a waiter at the fireworks party) since he looked very unsettled around those gnomes.  As well as the scene with the spa and Xanthe and Piper.  (And just for laughs, it doesn't explain why he's afraid of cats and why he didn't want to be anywhere near Clementine.)  Then another burning question not answered yet, the loose end, well there are two for me, one is the briefcase, did Cassius leave that there for Tyler too.  Was it to help him or hinder?  The other question was why did no one carry out a DNA test when Hamish revealed himself as Tyler's father.  They just took his word for it and accepted it at face value.  I mean even Faye came across as not being sure!

Despite how they showed the scene of Cassius 'drowning' Hamish in the spa, I have to say I'm having second thoughts about that.  He showed a side of him that was too different to be Cassius as we've seen him and how he came across.  If he really had that vicious streak why would he save Gabe, Piper, or even bother with Hamish, as it appears he was out of his life.  So the second thoughts came in since it was unfinished, yes he dunked Hamish into the spa, held him under, but he was disturbed.  And who says he was out to actually kill him.  Perhaps he was teaching him a lesson and giving him back  a taste of his own medicine.  The more I watched Wednesday 22 August's ep, the more his mother, Elissa, tried to convince him to return to Paris with her, the more I grew suspicious of her.  Rest assured anything he did or didn't do was on account of her.  Whether it was revenge or not for Hamish's past behaviour towards them.

With each scene, Elissa becomes more convincing as hiding something and as being rather neurotic, almost as if she's trying to convince Cass that he did kill Hamish.  Wanting him by her side constantly.  Her mental problems is one thing Cass isn't lying about for sure.  Well I might be wrong about all of this, but wanted to get it out there.  As we know, there's no certainty how soap writers progress storylines.  There I feel better for writing/venting! Ha.

See this was from Wednesday's ep
and the next pic was when he was found by Steph.

 Of course there are possible explanations for this: such as Hamish was only unconscious, came to and struggled to get out, or someone else held him under.  Was he moved?  The position of his DB was suspect.  Particularly since Cass was disturbed and ran.  He didn't hide to see who it was.  Also why carry around a medallion with the name 'Roach' on it when he didn't want anything to do with him and his name.
Elissa told Aaron he stiffed her in a property investment, what say you that was also some sort of a scam and there appear to be lots of references to property in the show, including from Liz.  Not that anyone suspects Liz is a suspect.

Ahh don't hate me for writing this, it's just a possible explanation of an opinion!

Aside from the fact Cassius is in the opening credits, which I know means nothing here nor there in    the scheme of things, since they can throw someone out of the creds on a whim or impulse, but he is too vested in the show and in Piper.  That he fell in love with her already, but must have had those feelings from afar.  Okay he returned for the medallion, maybe Jane found that with her metal detector, but still I finally decided he doesn't come across as a murderer to me.

Also in the flashback, Hamish was clutching his head and that meant the altercation with Tyler had already taken place, but there wasn't any sign of that dastardly gnome anywhere.  I said they were related too, half brothers and that was where the showdown would come in.  Even more so for putting Tyler behind bars for a crime he didn't commit.  But why did his mother come to Erinsborough, she could have stayed safely tucked away in Paris and Aaron was the only one who's seen her.  She must have an ulterior motive and not just to take Cassius back with her.  Then having Tyler behind bars is a way for Cassius to hold onto Piper for as long as possible.  Yet she keeps saying she won't be over Tyler and will always love him.

Whatever transpires, Neighbours is the best it's ever been right now!

My tweets not in any order:

Replying to 
Let's blame Piper for her harebrained 'plan' to run away! Running away confirmed his guilt in the eyes of the law! Pus that entire intent fiasco the judge went into, I repeat there was no intent on his part to MURDER his scheming, manipulative father!

Aww I wanna defend TY with this appalling writing; of course he didn't have the intent to do in Hamish! Suggestions of premeditation wouldn't indicate that it was heat of the moment and tho that's not right still, he didn't have the mens rea for murder!

Replying to 
that was ridic wasn't it, especially since Ty's one to use his fists not objects! Also no one's still discovered the so-called 'accident' at the garage with Amy wasn't an accident, thus getting Lucas to issue a humble apology to him quick smart!

Replying to  
Still hoping for some connection with Hamish too, but the overseas call, just took me back to that woman in Paris Aaron went to see. But was Cassius on the boat with Piper, or on the island already! Think I'll do my head in thinking about it ha!

And you get the gist of it, can't seem to access the more older tweets.

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