Thursday, 23 August 2018

Constantine 1.14 "Final Girl" (Script)

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1.14 Final Girl (Script)

I added this script summary for anyone who missed seeing the script or didn't read in protest.
Daniel Cerone said Constantine ep 1.14 Judith he wrote the script for this which was "Hack/slash' inspired and she reinvented herself after Newcastle."

As tweeted by Daniel: "Script posted for s.1.14 episode 2K Retweets" 29/10/2015

Constantine gets thrown about again.  Ooh and some fan hopping action too.
Judith another from the Newcastle Crew - all punk rock and goth in leathers.
Constantine: "Judith and I go way back.  Knocked about in the London club scene when debauchery was revered."  (Yeah how would Constantine go down in The Hellfire Club and battling those demons and spirits - would have been interesting to see in an ep!)
Constantine being "gobsmacked" for once at seeing her.  She's changed and doesn't revel in guilt.  Of course appearances can be deceptive.  As he makes a reference to her weapons when Zed comments on her outfit.  Yeah finally he doesn't come across all materialistic.  Ha!  I.e in short, Judith was the female Dean Winchester (well vice versa cos she came first) with her panel truck and stash of weapons.

So much for Constantine's jealously in 1.13 over Zed and Jim he tells Judith he and Zed "it's not like that with us."  [I hear Dark Angel ringing in my ears when Max and Logan used to say the same all the time, how "it's not like that with Logan and me."]
Judith: "since when?  You losing your touch!"  Perish the thought.

At the millhouse - Constantine burns his hand in his attempt to make eggs and yeah it was brekkie all over again.  "I know how to cook eggs anyway.  It's a limited repertoire, best served after a good shag."  No wonder!  This explains Constantine's eggs (fried) obsession.

Judith mentions Constantine and his checking into an asylum (would've been a foreshadowing to LOT which perhaps wouldn't have transpired if Constantine had continued!)  So he'd be right at home.  But also a surefire Constantine reference in 3.10 LOT.  Again reinforcing Matt saying how this was definitely a Constantine ep in retrospect.

Newcastle made Judith hunt psychos instead of suffering a breakdown or fallout.
Oh great - he burns the eggs!  Really!!

Okay so Constantine and Judith get it on!  So more "hot sex" here than anticipated in LOT!!

Constantine sings!!
"Love, adventure, death and glory
the short goodbye, the whispered story
That bit's brilliant."  You mean we missed out on Matt actually singing in the show!!!

Constantine has a scar on his head from a bottle thrown at him by a frat boy drunk.
Constantine demonstrates his hypnotic powers in much the same way he did with Zed.  (Wot you mean he didn't everyday??!!  His hypnotic powers over us and how we miss him still!)  He tells Zed to use the nails from St Padua's coffin if she needs to find him, well he can't whistle if he gets into trouble.  The nails again from 1.3?/ The Devil's Vinyl.

Judith says what I did about food and why he needs it; "protein bars in the cooler.  Make sure you eat so you're not fighting on an empty stomach."
As Daniel Cerone tweeted this for the Constantine series and used it again here:
"One should never battle demons on an empty stomach"

Judith's killing machine and isn't interested in the Brujeria or what's behind the 'Meat Cutter' unlike Constantine.
No Manny or Chas in this.

This ep dealt with necromancy too.  (See Supernatural and also LOT 3.15.
Judith: "I hate you.  You're everyone's best time...then you take it away.  Gary, Ritchie, Anne Marie, Frank; you brought us together then, John, then you tore us apart.  Destroyed everything we were."
Constantine: "I destroyed myself too."  {Truth is he was already a broken man since his teens so he was kinda already destroyed before he found the occult.  However in that instance of losing Astra he lost his soul and that's more valuable and important than any other action he's ever carried out or been a part of.}
In this moment she accuses him of not being able to handle people caring for him, not giving him the chance to explain it wasn't this way.
Judith is behind the necromagik - as she too couldn't get away from Astra without the use of magic and a spell.
Constantine; "the only spell I know that provides atonement requires human sacrifice.  The sacrifice of a damned soul."  But she didn't resort to murder.

Judith reiterates he's killed everyone and walks away with a gathering of cows flying over Constantine.  Of course that reminded me of 1.3?? where Imogen the damned angel took the life of a human to see what it would be like and Zachary was on his way to hell for taking a human life. Thus his soul too was damned.

Anyway, this script shows how much we missed out on not being able to see it filmed.  Another hark back to Constantine and Newcastle and this time Judith went and carried out a ritual to assuage her guilt.
Showing how each one of the Crew handled that night.  She doesn't care about why she kills or hunts.  She just does it.  Again showing the stark contrast between Constantine and the others. All with different motives for getting into this fight.  But Judith is indifferent to helping people.  Whereas Constantine isn't and does do it to save them and for the greater good.  A lesser man would've succumbed to his guilt.  Yet the past makes him stronger and he has a purpose in knowing about the Brujeria and stemming the foothold of the Rising Darkness it aims to get into this world.  Into Constantine's realm and he's having none of it.

Good in seeing the contrast between the Crew as stated: Gary was an addict and tried to prove himself to Constantine.  Ritchie was into his work and teaching, yet in some ways longed for a world where he could be alone with inner peace.  1.10?/
Anne Marie became a nun and found God after all that dark occult magic.  Appears Constantine was the only one who "rebelled" in wanting to continue with what he began.  The only one to stick this out come what may.

My Matt book available here: please take a look it's a fascinating read, even if I recommend it myself!

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