Thursday, 30 August 2018

Paranormal Lockdown UK 1.1 "Shepton Mallet Prison" Review

Paranormal Lockdown UK began with Nick and Katrina being locked down in Shepton Mallet Prison.  A prison with an imposing history until the day it closed its door in 2013.  Quite recently too. From the outset they found themselves seeing shadow figures.  Though blowed if we the viewers could get to see any!  They were also told of 'The Woman In White' seen by many but alas not them, which Katrina was a tad sceptical about since there have been so many mentions of women in white throughout many locations.

They met with historian, Paul who took them on a quick impromptu tour of the prison and the main areas where sightings have occurred, as well as providing them with a potted history of events.  Including his own scarring in the Hanging Room: Hanging Shed, at possibly the hands of an American soldier who was imprisoned there during World War II for murder of one and rape of another women.  Paul told of how he was telling the tour group of his final day before being hanged and how his legs buckled under him when he realized this was a reality and uttered, "oh my God I'm going to die."  Paul was then burned with a cigarette as soon as he repeated the soldier's final words.  Carrying the scar to this day.

Other cells were underground ranging from the 1600's where the poor were kept mainly and anyone was arrested and imprisoned for any crime no matter how minor, including children as young as four just for stealing an apple.  Their life expectancy was no more than three months, all huddled in cold, overcrowded cells and plagued with disease. 

As the investigation continued, Nick and Katrina saw shadow figures and in the courtyard they saw the shadow which Katrina described as being that of a cloaked woman.  Perhaps the one Paul told them about as she walked around looking for ferns.  Although Katrina took pictures with a stills camera, they said that nothing was being captured on any of the cameras. Wonder if they tried the kinetic, SLS, stick figure camera Nick used in the beginning, or a thermal camera.  The stick figure camera would have been a good idea right then perhaps.  Cos we didn't see a thing and I wanted to! 

Shepton Mallet is sometimes also known as 'Cornhill'  situated in Somerset.  It was first opened in 1625 but fell into disrepair very early one and was expanded in 1790.  Due to the decreased number of inmates, the prison was closed in 1930, but owing to the outbreak of World War II, it was reopened in 1939 used by the British Army for military purposes and also by the Americans to hold their criminal soldiers.  Hence there was an EVP heard on the Geobox which said "British Army."  The area known as the "Hanging Shed" was built by the Americans for the specific purposes of hanging.  18 Americans were executed here, 16 by hanging and two were shot in the prison yard.  Channel 4 made a film on the prison and how 10 of the18 men hanged here were Black soldiers, and 3 were Hispanic, citing a disproportionate number in contrast to their white contemporaries, which formed 90% of the US army. 
(NB rape was not punishable by hanging (a capital offence) in England since 1841.)

It was only recently opened as a visitor centre this year. 

In the cells where the infamous Kray twins spent six months, they caught the name, "Kray" on the Geobox, as well as other EVPs.  As Nick slept in A Wing he kept hearing doors banging and footsteps, even voices, again we didn't hear those.  As Katrina slept in the room where the condemned men were kept before being executed.  I just then asked whether Nick was going to sleep there, but turned out it was Katrina.  Although she slept soundly the entire night and woke Nick up on two occasions this time round.  As Rob left for the night.
Other voices caught included: "underground" quite a bit and I'm sure I heard, "you found me" when they spotted a shadow figure in the prison corridor.

A cool piece of equipment Nick used here was the Angelus device, which displayed images the spirits would have deemed familiar.  As Katrina pretended she was to be executed and Nick the executioner, they got intelligent responses to their questions by knocking.  These included being kept below and perhaps the amazing one was Cassandra which came through on the Angelus.  As well as Cassandra herself in a British accent saying "I don't want to die."  That was heartbreaking and how she was "killed" for being a thief.  Nick then realizing and piecing together that the knocks, footsteps he heard in A Wing in the night were probably coming from beneath him.  There are 89 cells underground, which have yet to be uncovered.

The Angelus and Light Projection device was used by them courtesy of  Nick's fellow investigator from Ghosts of Shepherdstown and @VIDIspace, Elizabeth Saint and invented by Martin of, which really came through with some great evidence, not bad for a first time experiment on TV.

Nick also slept in one of the uncomfortable 1700's cells with the rubble and a distinct hissing was heard when he entered the cell for the first time.  Although they didn't get anything else when there later, as the energy seemed to dissipate there.  Katrina slept in the courtyard the entire night and didn't get disturbed at all.  Though she did say she didn't realize where she was when she woke up.  That night earlier there were some anomalies flying past her in the courtyard, but again nothing was caught.

The first pic is the one that passed her the first time and the second one is what they specifically highlighted on the ep.

Mind you doesn't this look like a face captured on one of Katrina's shots, facing sideways.  It resembles a suspended head.  Then again I always manage to find such faces quite a bit.
Nick and Katrina played back Cassandra's voice for Paul and this impressed him, as well as shocking, but giving him a new area of investigation in unearthing the remaining cells and finding out more on Cassandra. 

Next ep is Drakelow Tunnels, familiar to UK viewers and not just cos it was the location of an  episode of that awful Most Haunted back in 2014!

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

The Lieutenant of Inishmore - Noel Coward Theatre

An unusual play in some respects, but have to say the ending was predictable and didn't come as a surprise.  Definitely one for cat lovers and once you see this those never ending cat Gifs will be seen in a new light.  Very gory in places for those with easily turned stomachs, although the blood wasn't real.  Wee Thomas turned out to be such a scoundrel after all!  And appeared as a real black cat whose name was Lenny!

Lots of references to the INLA, IRA and splinter groups.  Padraic's (Aidan Turner) opinion of a splinter group: "that's two words".  Though he would've branched out with his own splinter group and called it !Wee Thomas" after his beloved cat.  He was classed as "mad" and losing the plot over the loss of his cat was hilarious at times, but not at others.  Don't call me a killjoy but I wasn't really lough out loud amused with the entirety of it, as was this particular audience!  Perhaps I'm picky!

Overall the cast did an apt job in their respective characters, but gotta say Aidan Turner for all the critic's views and reviews, didn't feature that much and was just his usual self.  For me he didn't really bring anything, much of anything to this role.  Fans of Poldark would've loved him, I'm not a fan of the show or of him, so maybe that left me wanting, who knows.  But this is the one and only time I haven't written a very favourable review about a play.  Generally I love them all, I breathe theatre and always come away with a feeling of satisfaction and much admiration for the production.  But to each their own.

Though I have to add many were disappointed at not getting to see Aidan close up and getting autographs.  That was a bit mean on his part calling, "that's all" when there were many waiting to see him.  If I was a fan I'd be disappointed!  AT least I get to meet my faves after their performances and they sign/speak'photo op at much length too.  That's always a bonus!  And as I tweeted, sometimes there's only two in a certain production and they take time out to meet each and every one waiting for them at Stage Door.  (I won't name drop here!) A shame then that Aidan didn't quite follow through on this.

No I won't award marks out of ten either!  Spoilt sport!

Thursday, 23 August 2018

Constantine 1.14 "Final Girl" (Script)

                                             Image result for 1.14 Final Girl (Script) constantine
1.14 Final Girl (Script)

I added this script summary for anyone who missed seeing the script or didn't read in protest.
Daniel Cerone said Constantine ep 1.14 Judith he wrote the script for this which was "Hack/slash' inspired and she reinvented herself after Newcastle."

As tweeted by Daniel: "Script posted for s.1.14 episode 2K Retweets" 29/10/2015

Constantine gets thrown about again.  Ooh and some fan hopping action too.
Judith another from the Newcastle Crew - all punk rock and goth in leathers.
Constantine: "Judith and I go way back.  Knocked about in the London club scene when debauchery was revered."  (Yeah how would Constantine go down in The Hellfire Club and battling those demons and spirits - would have been interesting to see in an ep!)
Constantine being "gobsmacked" for once at seeing her.  She's changed and doesn't revel in guilt.  Of course appearances can be deceptive.  As he makes a reference to her weapons when Zed comments on her outfit.  Yeah finally he doesn't come across all materialistic.  Ha!  I.e in short, Judith was the female Dean Winchester (well vice versa cos she came first) with her panel truck and stash of weapons.

So much for Constantine's jealously in 1.13 over Zed and Jim he tells Judith he and Zed "it's not like that with us."  [I hear Dark Angel ringing in my ears when Max and Logan used to say the same all the time, how "it's not like that with Logan and me."]
Judith: "since when?  You losing your touch!"  Perish the thought.

At the millhouse - Constantine burns his hand in his attempt to make eggs and yeah it was brekkie all over again.  "I know how to cook eggs anyway.  It's a limited repertoire, best served after a good shag."  No wonder!  This explains Constantine's eggs (fried) obsession.

Judith mentions Constantine and his checking into an asylum (would've been a foreshadowing to LOT which perhaps wouldn't have transpired if Constantine had continued!)  So he'd be right at home.  But also a surefire Constantine reference in 3.10 LOT.  Again reinforcing Matt saying how this was definitely a Constantine ep in retrospect.

Newcastle made Judith hunt psychos instead of suffering a breakdown or fallout.
Oh great - he burns the eggs!  Really!!

Okay so Constantine and Judith get it on!  So more "hot sex" here than anticipated in LOT!!

Constantine sings!!
"Love, adventure, death and glory
the short goodbye, the whispered story
That bit's brilliant."  You mean we missed out on Matt actually singing in the show!!!

Constantine has a scar on his head from a bottle thrown at him by a frat boy drunk.
Constantine demonstrates his hypnotic powers in much the same way he did with Zed.  (Wot you mean he didn't everyday??!!  His hypnotic powers over us and how we miss him still!)  He tells Zed to use the nails from St Padua's coffin if she needs to find him, well he can't whistle if he gets into trouble.  The nails again from 1.3?/ The Devil's Vinyl.

Judith says what I did about food and why he needs it; "protein bars in the cooler.  Make sure you eat so you're not fighting on an empty stomach."
As Daniel Cerone tweeted this for the Constantine series and used it again here:
"One should never battle demons on an empty stomach"

Judith's killing machine and isn't interested in the Brujeria or what's behind the 'Meat Cutter' unlike Constantine.
No Manny or Chas in this.

This ep dealt with necromancy too.  (See Supernatural and also LOT 3.15.
Judith: "I hate you.  You're everyone's best time...then you take it away.  Gary, Ritchie, Anne Marie, Frank; you brought us together then, John, then you tore us apart.  Destroyed everything we were."
Constantine: "I destroyed myself too."  {Truth is he was already a broken man since his teens so he was kinda already destroyed before he found the occult.  However in that instance of losing Astra he lost his soul and that's more valuable and important than any other action he's ever carried out or been a part of.}
In this moment she accuses him of not being able to handle people caring for him, not giving him the chance to explain it wasn't this way.
Judith is behind the necromagik - as she too couldn't get away from Astra without the use of magic and a spell.
Constantine; "the only spell I know that provides atonement requires human sacrifice.  The sacrifice of a damned soul."  But she didn't resort to murder.

Judith reiterates he's killed everyone and walks away with a gathering of cows flying over Constantine.  Of course that reminded me of 1.3?? where Imogen the damned angel took the life of a human to see what it would be like and Zachary was on his way to hell for taking a human life. Thus his soul too was damned.

Anyway, this script shows how much we missed out on not being able to see it filmed.  Another hark back to Constantine and Newcastle and this time Judith went and carried out a ritual to assuage her guilt.
Showing how each one of the Crew handled that night.  She doesn't care about why she kills or hunts.  She just does it.  Again showing the stark contrast between Constantine and the others. All with different motives for getting into this fight.  But Judith is indifferent to helping people.  Whereas Constantine isn't and does do it to save them and for the greater good.  A lesser man would've succumbed to his guilt.  Yet the past makes him stronger and he has a purpose in knowing about the Brujeria and stemming the foothold of the Rising Darkness it aims to get into this world.  Into Constantine's realm and he's having none of it.

Good in seeing the contrast between the Crew as stated: Gary was an addict and tried to prove himself to Constantine.  Ritchie was into his work and teaching, yet in some ways longed for a world where he could be alone with inner peace.  1.10?/
Anne Marie became a nun and found God after all that dark occult magic.  Appears Constantine was the only one who "rebelled" in wanting to continue with what he began.  The only one to stick this out come what may.

My Matt book available here: please take a look it's a fascinating read, even if I recommend it myself!

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Neighbours - The Cassius Plot

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Admittedly I have not written many Neighbours articles, if at all, the only one I did was years back.  However this time I felt I had to get my two cents, Aussie cents that is, worth and add my comments, rants etc, to the ongoing Cassius  storyline.  Now I have to say I was right thus far about everything that has taken place since he arrived: he being the one who rescued Piper from the island, Gabe from Louise, was the book-marker (though it appears that was one way to get Piper on side, or was it really?)

Cassius really gave himself away, that he was there on the night (forgetting about him being a waiter at the fireworks party) since he looked very unsettled around those gnomes.  As well as the scene with the spa and Xanthe and Piper.  (And just for laughs, it doesn't explain why he's afraid of cats and why he didn't want to be anywhere near Clementine.)  Then another burning question not answered yet, the loose end, well there are two for me, one is the briefcase, did Cassius leave that there for Tyler too.  Was it to help him or hinder?  The other question was why did no one carry out a DNA test when Hamish revealed himself as Tyler's father.  They just took his word for it and accepted it at face value.  I mean even Faye came across as not being sure!

Despite how they showed the scene of Cassius 'drowning' Hamish in the spa, I have to say I'm having second thoughts about that.  He showed a side of him that was too different to be Cassius as we've seen him and how he came across.  If he really had that vicious streak why would he save Gabe, Piper, or even bother with Hamish, as it appears he was out of his life.  So the second thoughts came in since it was unfinished, yes he dunked Hamish into the spa, held him under, but he was disturbed.  And who says he was out to actually kill him.  Perhaps he was teaching him a lesson and giving him back  a taste of his own medicine.  The more I watched Wednesday 22 August's ep, the more his mother, Elissa, tried to convince him to return to Paris with her, the more I grew suspicious of her.  Rest assured anything he did or didn't do was on account of her.  Whether it was revenge or not for Hamish's past behaviour towards them.

With each scene, Elissa becomes more convincing as hiding something and as being rather neurotic, almost as if she's trying to convince Cass that he did kill Hamish.  Wanting him by her side constantly.  Her mental problems is one thing Cass isn't lying about for sure.  Well I might be wrong about all of this, but wanted to get it out there.  As we know, there's no certainty how soap writers progress storylines.  There I feel better for writing/venting! Ha.

See this was from Wednesday's ep
and the next pic was when he was found by Steph.

 Of course there are possible explanations for this: such as Hamish was only unconscious, came to and struggled to get out, or someone else held him under.  Was he moved?  The position of his DB was suspect.  Particularly since Cass was disturbed and ran.  He didn't hide to see who it was.  Also why carry around a medallion with the name 'Roach' on it when he didn't want anything to do with him and his name.
Elissa told Aaron he stiffed her in a property investment, what say you that was also some sort of a scam and there appear to be lots of references to property in the show, including from Liz.  Not that anyone suspects Liz is a suspect.

Ahh don't hate me for writing this, it's just a possible explanation of an opinion!

Aside from the fact Cassius is in the opening credits, which I know means nothing here nor there in    the scheme of things, since they can throw someone out of the creds on a whim or impulse, but he is too vested in the show and in Piper.  That he fell in love with her already, but must have had those feelings from afar.  Okay he returned for the medallion, maybe Jane found that with her metal detector, but still I finally decided he doesn't come across as a murderer to me.

Also in the flashback, Hamish was clutching his head and that meant the altercation with Tyler had already taken place, but there wasn't any sign of that dastardly gnome anywhere.  I said they were related too, half brothers and that was where the showdown would come in.  Even more so for putting Tyler behind bars for a crime he didn't commit.  But why did his mother come to Erinsborough, she could have stayed safely tucked away in Paris and Aaron was the only one who's seen her.  She must have an ulterior motive and not just to take Cassius back with her.  Then having Tyler behind bars is a way for Cassius to hold onto Piper for as long as possible.  Yet she keeps saying she won't be over Tyler and will always love him.

Whatever transpires, Neighbours is the best it's ever been right now!

My tweets not in any order:

Replying to 
Let's blame Piper for her harebrained 'plan' to run away! Running away confirmed his guilt in the eyes of the law! Pus that entire intent fiasco the judge went into, I repeat there was no intent on his part to MURDER his scheming, manipulative father!

Aww I wanna defend TY with this appalling writing; of course he didn't have the intent to do in Hamish! Suggestions of premeditation wouldn't indicate that it was heat of the moment and tho that's not right still, he didn't have the mens rea for murder!

Replying to 
that was ridic wasn't it, especially since Ty's one to use his fists not objects! Also no one's still discovered the so-called 'accident' at the garage with Amy wasn't an accident, thus getting Lucas to issue a humble apology to him quick smart!

Replying to  
Still hoping for some connection with Hamish too, but the overseas call, just took me back to that woman in Paris Aaron went to see. But was Cassius on the boat with Piper, or on the island already! Think I'll do my head in thinking about it ha!

And you get the gist of it, can't seem to access the more older tweets.

Saturday, 4 August 2018

Supernatural 13.19 "Funeralia" Commentary

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Did anyone get the impression Supernatural timed 13.19 ep (in the US) to coincide with the release of Avengers Infinity War, especially with its timely references to Loki and the family of Odin and his grandsons.  It felt that way to me, just to make the story more topical.
On the other hand, it was also good to see that Gabriel (Richard Speight Jr) in the end, finally realizes that he must do something good, something to help the world otherwise Loki's sentiments will forever echo in his ears about never having done anything good for anyone.  Thus making him worthless.  All those years he was tortured by Osmodius and being reduced to his sorry self or state of being a nobody.  As Naomi (Amanda Tapping) also said to Cas (Misha Collins) how they need him in heaven so they can become more powerful, get more angels and help in the fight with Michael.  Could he manage heaven and all its pitfalls (no pun) and could he be a match for Lucifer.

Also how there was more reveals on Gabe's backstory of how he became like Loki - the Trickster and Loki explained how he gave Gabe his face when he was on the run and then he also took on Loki's persona and personality by getting in the way of the Winchesters and playing tricks on them.  When they far from deserved this.  Since in contrast to him, they were doing good, saving people and all the rest of it several times over.  Yet it just seemed like a game to Gabe cos he really didn't see their true worth.  Well he probably did in some ways, but sought to play them instead of helping them.

Mystery Spot showed his cruel nature and how he made Sam (Jared Padalecki) see Dean (Jensen Ackles) die several times over.  (My review of this ep in my Dudes and Demons Supernatural book).  Yet on the other hand he wanted Sam to face reality and come to terms with losing Dean and how he would feel, but also how he would and could go on without him.  Oh and I called him Deano first okay Gabe!  ha.  Though Gabe and Dean have some similar qualities in their persona such as getting revenge, porn and more importantly they differ too.  As Dean in this ep also brought up being brothers and how he had to go it on his own cos he doesn't want to hurt Sam all the time.  How it was always his job as older brother.  Sam putting him right that they will fight this Apocalypse together and even if that means dying, they will die together.  Which as we know is the crux of this show and their relationship, one can't function without the other effectively.  Two Winchester's are better than one!

Putting them in the TV shows was just messing with them but was it to teach them an important lesson too.  Yet when Gabe needed help he turned to Sam and Dean now and they agreed to help him if he helped them too, but they didn't ask for help, only tell them what happened.
What was funny about this episode was how the flashbacks always had some crazy '60's porn film fest theme to them as were the clothes! But then that was Gabe all trussed up in a nutshell.  As well as Dean hiding the 3-day old cheeseburger for emergencies!  Eeww dude!

Still we got to see how Rowena (Ruth Connell) mourned for Crowley and wanted him back.  Seeking Death's attention by killing off some reapers.  Though perhaps the highlight for her was not finding that Billie (Lisa Berry) tells her in all the scenarios involving her death, Sam is the one who kills her.  A sobering thought for her.  Also what was Billie's loaded farewell to Dean a foreshadowing for, when she told him she'll see him again soon.  Wonder if it had anything to do with the season 13 finale?  Re Dean and Michael...

Thursday, 2 August 2018

Spiritual Muse

As he looked out the window for looming and lingering shadows he saw his own reflection stirring in the misty glass, yet something else quivered behind him.  Whatever it was vanished as soon as he blinked.  Yet it got him thinking why he bought this studio when renting would've been just fine.  Who knows what skeletons lurked in descending closets and what ghostly apparitions hovered to escape the other world.  His nightly painting session postponed for another night cos this hangover was too massive to shift.  The paint splashed across the walls and the floor reminded him of some crime scene spatter and longing to forget his past he'd spuriously dived into a new hobby.

Art was no mean feat but it was subjective and at least he could portray his demons straight onto the canvas instead of the bottle.  But the demon drink was too tempting to resist on lonely nights such as tonight.  An empty feeling trembled in his stomach, not one of hunger he thought and then laughed to himself.  One more forging of forgotten moments and missed opportunities.  Letting his life drift on and by without laying down solid foundations and memories of happy times and what could have been, a life lived to the fullest.

He lit up another cigarette and poured some wine, whiskey, bourbon it was all the same when nursing his broken heart and soul.  Yet he couldn't let go of her image.  The tall prepossessing demeanour she exuded.  The steamy sexy nights they spent together lingered in his mind, in his paintings and how love was fleeting.  Picking up a brush he tried to create, recreate another masterpiece.  In his mind they were all his best work,  Sadness always brought out the most ardent work of the religious and devoted artist.  Red, yellow, crimson, topaz hues reverberated onto the canvas as the candles blew in the wind.  There was a noise: a slight echo of  manifesting laughter which caught his ear.  Putting it down to his imagination, it was an old building and his drunken mind was probably playing cruel tricks as it always did.

Yesterday was gone, a new day sprung like the leaking tap he could hear.  The dripping and the noise was momentous and thundering like the roar of a lion and he woke from the slumber he needed.  He'd stumbled into a deep stupor more like and yet even this appeared futile.  Once again he heard more noises, soft knocking on the wall behind him and he turned around.  It stopped as suddenly as it began.  He looked at his work and it was shocking, shocking that it was completed.  He had no idea when he finished but he couldn't recall .  His mind was far from clear and devoid of such thoughts.

The completed masterpiece looked abstract but inside he could see waves of emotion.  A face, was it a face, a shadow coming back to haunt him peering out from beneath the mirage of colours.  Radiating depth and colourful rendition of a golden symphony. Something stirred in him again and he couldn't place the thoughts.  Where was all this coming from...he shuddered to think of the complex implications of there actually being something supernatural going on.  Something guiding him to eerily finish his creations.  Perhaps he needed paranormal intervention.  Yet he paused for sane thought and sneered at the possibility.  Snarkily smirking at his stupidity.

Still he thought it was a Godsend.  He needed more work as money was fast running out and blowing it all on her was typical behaviour on his part.  The gallery was exhibiting more work next month and he was in dire need of inspiration.  He felt a cold breath on the nape of his sweaty neck.  It remained for a moment; icy cold and gave him chills down his spine.  Thinking back to her and how she blew in his ear and made him love her.  Sultry seduction could work wonders for an author so why not for the sake of his art.  Every breath, every motion of their bodies sparked a resonance of movement from his brush, of throwing paint in tandem unison. Ending in a violent crescendo!   He did everything for her but still it wasn't enough.  If he had taken his love to greater heights and sang a serenade from the moon that wouldn't have been enough.

He felt cold again and shuddered; turning to see the paint moving with a life of its own, the brush flowed too and fro.  He couldn't fathom the reality of what was before his eyes.  He wasn't anywhere near it but the paint appeared to be covering the entire canvas and the smell of the oils became deep and mesmerizing.  What was this madness unfolding before his unbelieving eyes.  Some ghastly abhorrence.  He didn't believe in ghosts or spirits except for the ones in his head. This was something wilder than his free flowing imagination.  His mind must be coming undone.  Unravelling like some deja vu moment, he swore he could have been here before.  This point in time, his subconscious had tricked him so blindly before.  That woman was real, not invisible. 

She was his muse and he didn't realize the spirit of her was always here. Staying alive always in is work and the essence of his own being.  The gallery was hers.  But was taken from her in a cruelly twisted way along with her life essence and everything she was.  He was destined to own it and to do her justice.  He never found the mystery of her circumstances surrounding that fateful night; but he found his true calling through her.  Her selfless nature and her being by his side always.  People may call him mad but there was no denying his art had meaning, fortitude and an evocative beauty that wasn't a result of deception.  It was honesty and a special spirituality.  A purity that resonated throughout his inner core.

Muses came in all shapes and sizes.  All forms.  So why couldn't this immaculate spirit be his muse.  Creating with him this divine eternity.  For his art to be seen by millions and giving memorable inspiration to those who suffered for their art.