Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Ghosts of Shepherdstown 2.7 Review

As soon as the episode began, had feelings of deja vu already, (yeah I have strong feelings in that sense) especially when they got the call from the Chief about the stalker in the house, at least the reports of a possible break-in.  Then when Kate described the events and how she had seen a woman in the park and also in their house and specifically the basement, with the noises and pleas for help, as well as the gunshot.  The single, solitary shot, that sealed it for me.  It was season 1 all over again.  As I told my sis, okay I blabbed and she got fed up of me cos I wouldn't shut up!  You just knew it had to have been a spirit.  Then the noise that Elizabeth and Nick heard outside, it wasn't a loud gunshot, but more like the remnants of one!  I thought they would have asked where Kate had gone, that she got the attachment from, but they didn't.  It would've been a place to seek out and investigate.  But why would you build around a limestone boulder with no attempt to remove it.  Again the limestone was the definitive factor in this and how it would be used as energy.

Have these deja vu-y feelings quite a bit and has nothing to do with my brain working on overtime and then Dana sealed it for me a second time, when she mentioned German Street.  That  was mentioned in 1.1 of the show, the bakery/sweet shop was on German Street/Queen street.  To top it all off, they get the call about the stalker at the tea shop.  The Chief said that Kyra has a stalker but she hadn't seen him until now, the beard, it had to be Harry, the only spirit stalker we had encountered in  the town.  Only for the place to be turned upside down in so short a space of time and this meant it couldn't have been human.  As well as my question of how the 'stalker' actually got in cos the door would've been locked and she would've heard the bell, which is what I said.

Then the Mel Meter readings around Kyra and the symbols in the table cloth, all paranormal, or as my eyes kept leading me to the crescent moon in the salt on the floor using the salt to do this, it all led back to King Street/German Street.  I had to think of Susie and Harry, her stalker and how he shot her at King Street in 1.4 Grave Stalker.  It was her cries for help and somehow they were back. Lorie feeling their presence.

Then Nick and the Chief found the cave opening in Shepherdstown, that was bloomin' narrow, but they managed to squeeze in there, hear noises and the Chief finding the upside down cross, two of them on the cave walls, was uncanny.  And not coincidental, as he said Shepherdstown was the only place where these were ever found, re the woods in 1.5 It's Behind You.  Which implied not witchcraft but a demonic presence.  The perversion of the symbol of Christianity.

As Elizabeth and Nick said the epicentre was Shepherdstown, it had to be.

Then narrowing it down at HQ with the five places they had been to, the five towns and five being a symbolic number with Elizabeth drawing that upside pentagram, which definitely confirmed demonic activity/presence.  Thus showing the entity was demonic.  Nick adding that it would need someone to attach itself to and hence the beginnings of the activity/possession with John in 2.2.  As well as the symbols on the wall in the basement.  Clearly the entity was using the spirits and attempting to influence and attach to the residents by causing the spirits to be active.  Said that last episode.  I also said that there's no pattern and here it was when Elizabeth drew the inverted pentagram; that Bill described is the devil's horns with the two points facing the top.
Lorie wanting to send Harry and Susie back to where they came from and Elizabeth setting up the device for the girls so that they would be protected within it and they would know if any spirits were present.   Harry attaching himself to Kyra and Susie to Kate.  Whilst Nick and Elizabeth conducted their investigation upstairs, again there was activity upstairs; until Harry and Susie were sent back and then it seized.  With Elizabeth hearing that creepy growl at around 36.30 and it was scary enough to get her swearing (she's not done that before!!) which could be heard on film, hey it sounded like nostrils flaring a little like a bull when it gets ready to charge; and Nick capturing that EVP, sure part of that said "go." At 36.57 does Nick's EVP say "...tea shop?"  I have to listen to it over again, not done that yet but will repost when I do.
But that growl was distinctive.  It wasn't on the recorder, but it was caught on the video, otherwise we wouldn't have heard it.

Not seen Elizabeth with this expression before!  Freaky!

What I noticed about this episode was that it contained most everything that happened in the 6 episodes of season 1.  We had the gunshot, the stalking, the EVPs, some dark presence which was put down to the witch in 1.6, the upside crosses and also the same streets, but it was also the EVP they got this time round which said "kill."  Doesn't it sound like there are two voices there, the 'K' sound is much more deeper and then the "kill" sound is more high pitched.  There was such an EVP captured in 1.2 Do You Know You're Dead, which is heard as "...trying to kill you" which I thought was a future warning back then for season 1, when they sensed the activity and the presence of Anne.  It was as if the entity was making certain events play out again in some form of manipulation and more particularly, as Nick said to attach onto someone.  Reinforced by the call that they get from the Chief back at the tea shop again.  With a butcher knife being thrown and the owner sounded distressed.
The final episode to come, but is there any way they will actually be able to rid the demon for good?  Appears some sort of exorcism will be required.

Not making anything of this so don't read into it, but was that "k-ill" EVP a residual of Harry and Susie, or something else, considering Susie was in the house and pleading.  Just a thought as I said.  Even the owner's voice sounded very high pitched over the phonecall with Chief Mike.

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