Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Ghosts Of Shepherdstown 2.6 "These Weren't A Few Birds" Review

This episode centred on the activity surrounding two neighbouring properties in Middleway.  The Brown farm and the Watson house.  The Brown's found their animals, specifically their cattle were being mutilated and killed and several dead carcasses were found scattered the land.  Including dead birds and some with their eyes removed.  There was also one cow that had completely vanished from near the river, which was too heavy to have been carried or dragged away.  Elizabeth and Bill went to both houses and found at the Watson house, the daughter, Tammy, had seem the figure of a young girl outside and which then walked into her TV.

Elizabeth and Bill were there when the TV came on by itself, hey our one switched off by itself!  Not the same thing obviously and Elizabeth explains how spirits sometimes come through using ITC Instrumental Trans Communication to show themselves.  But there's no way it could've come on by itself.

Back at HQ they meet up with Nick and Dana and if you were wondering why Nick wasn't there, well he was getting his hair done!!!  But seriously Dana couldn't find any family living in the area and especially without a name, so the girl was probably part of a slave family.  Elizabeth decides to go back with Lorie and she senses a middle aged woman looking for someone.  Once again the Mel Meter goes haywire.

Dana finds that there was a woman there named Suki who had a daughter, Daphne and worked for a slave owner.  Thus they could narrow this down and find a way of bringing them together.  Lorie said the mother is angry towards Tammy's father, no wonder he was slammed against the wall.  Nick finding the entrance to the cave with the help of tracker Gordy, the teeny, tiny entrance and managing to squeeze through it and the cameraman too!  Finding those bones in the cave and hearing further shuffling as in last episode.  Nick brings back some bones which Gordy tells them belonged to dogs.

They set up their equipment for a night investigation, as Elizabeth and Lorie return to the Watson house where Tammy's mother helps Suki and Daphne, reunite, confirming the strong mother/daughter bond between her and Tammy.  The activity on Elizabeth's device goes off after the two reunite.  Nick brings in Ben Hansen again, paranormal tracker and former FBI agent, (who was in Waverly Hills Sanatorium season 2.5 episode of Paranormal Lockdown) and they use a drone to find a herd of cattle running in the night.  You could hear their hooves nearby.  Bill finds no activity by the cave entrance as the Mel Meter leads Nick and Ben to the entrance of the cave.  Nick calls it a night at 1.43am and the time being important.  As in their later discussion, Elizabeth mentions the time and the activity stopped at both places roundabout the same time.

Silly theory on this dark entity, it's like gathering energy from the caves, gets to haunt spirits or ensure the spirits are there in its presence and then vanishes when the spirits are sent away, is it mocking the team into thinking after they do this they will leave and it can continue, cos it's not really genuinely wanting them to find these spirits and lay their souls to rest.  It's too dark and negative to even think that.

But another case where a child was involved, as in the earlier cases around the towns.  It was cruel the way in which Suki was separated from Daphne, just for greed.  And how Suki wondered the land in search for her, explaining the disembodied woman's voice and falling into the cave, as seen by Gordy.  We even got a glimpse into Dana's house.  Strange that the activity was put down to rabid coyotes, but again surely other coyotes would've finished off the animals and how their heads were just missing, as well as the disappearing cow.

As Tammy watched TV in the flashback, they showed a horse and carriage driving, reminded me of 1.3 She Didn't Have A Face with Ray Ray and her mother.  Coincidentally this case was also about a separated mother and daughter.  Good to see them getting closure and reuniting.

Thinking Bloomsburg or Falling Waters for more cave activity.  Well there are just 2 more eps left; but it's just been random activity, no pattern.

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