Sunday 18 August 2019

Ghost Brothers Haunted Houseguests 1.1 "The Bad Man"

                                               Image result for ghost brothers haunted houseguests
The anticipated trio return in a new series of an altogether different show.  It's still about the paranormal, but this time round they're using their knowledge and experience as investigators to help out families being menaced by spirits and evil entities.  This time helped by Juwan's little black book!! Ha. Was hoping for a little of the other show to return, but at least we get to the Ghost Brothers on our screens once more and delve further into their alternate style of investigating. 

They find themselves in Vassar, Michigan to help Jessica, her husband veteran, Conrad and their four year old son, Xavier, who have been plagued by an evil spirit they call, The Bad Man.  Jessica was attacked by him when the mirror in the bathroom was thrown at her, a fragment cutting her leg, causing her to have a few surgeries in which she almost died.  Leaving a massive scar on her leg.  She has also heard the man call her name whilst in the kitchen and has appeared in her son's room too and he has also seen him.  There is also a 'pretty lady' in a white dress who roams the house.  Known as The Wedding Cake house cos of its tiers, a house Jessica had always dreamed of owning.  Built by original owner Richard Burdis who Dalen found out also passed in the house and a wake was held there.

Carrying out research he also spoke with journalist, Mary Drier who provided him with photos and also a photo of the second owner, Byron Coles, who she was told by an offshoot of his family how he was trouble.  Byron also died in the house.  Their initial investigation found Juwan filming a figure on the SLS by Xavier's room and by Jessica's bedroom, vanishing and then reappearing. 

A spirit box session on Dalen's phone app had them get the name Richard coming through, who was the original owner.  In the kitchen they found the stove turned on by itself and then went off too.  As well as Dalen saying this was dangerous for the family.  In the basement, Marcus used the Rempod which belted out some Morse Code which he hasn't seen it do before.  Also telling Conrad to leave.

They spent the night there and Byron didn't approach them.  Appears he only shows himself in front of defenceless women and children.  Juwan decided to bring in some help and contacted a medium, Carrie.  Showing her the photos, she found that Richard and his wife, Flora, the pretty lady, were looking out for the house and protecting it.  But that Byron was "devious and malicious."  Why would he even do that?  The house wasn't his and he should pass on.  Granted he probably did know he had passed, but wanted to keep hold of the house. An indication that he was still here and malicious, as he said "hurt and halo" on the device used in the basement.  In the closet, the room near to the bathroom where the mirror was pushed on Jessica, the same thing happened to Carrie as she was pushed from behind, almost hitting the vanity mirror if Juwan hadn't gotten hold of her.  Again attacking a woman, a cowardly spirit.  Could be seen from his photo, he looked rather arrogant in it.

Marcus thought it would be better if they left the house, or to get a priest or pastor to carry out some form of spiritual blessing.  Five weeks later, Jessica contacted them to say they were staying and would face this with the "tools" they had provided the family with.  An interesting approach and show which luckily wasn't all about being overly dark and demonic, though it was just the first episode.  It was interesting with the Brothers and their relaxed method of investigating and putting pieces of the puzzle and their evidence together and am looking forward to the other episodes.

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