Monday 29 July 2019

Ian Somerhalder LFCC Q&A 28 July 2019

Finally got to meet Ian Somerhalder at LFCC on Sunday seeing as it was postponed from last year!  Well he couldn't make it as he was filming V Wars.  But he didn't have to live up to the hype, he is genuinely the most sweetest, caring person out there!!  He spoke a lot about the bad things going on in the world, re his ISF Foundation and how working tirelessly to save our world from "climate disruption" as he calls it, to dirty water, pollution and plastic pollution/waste.  How everyone needs to have a hand in speaking up and doing the right thing.

He said how we all need three words: "gratitude, reverence and compassion" and make ourselves better people and those around us too.  That parents can teach their children to be good, teach themselves too in that process.  That it all starts with the parents.  Which is so true, unless you have a starting point and good role models there's no hope of teaching anyone about life and doing the right thing; and I allude to Ian's three words again above.

As well as speaking of being nice to one another.  He loves how everyone comes together at cons, fans et al and are so nice to each other, but as soon as they leave here and go back into the 'real' world, the niceness ends!  Why can't you just carry on being nice?!!  The sense of community vanishes!  No truer words have been spoken and his sentiments weren't demonstrated; but sadly the opposite was.  Actually both were.  Most were all smiles at his talk but once they left and went to his photoshoot, boy did the claws come back out.  Quite a number of fans were, what can I say, butter couldn't melt and all that.  Which was immediately doing the opposite of what Ian just said.  Boy does it not get any better.  That was an insult to everything he stands for and what he meant to better ourselves and those around us!  Never had I seen such pasty faces, snobbery etc, in a lot of people in the queue.  (Sorry but this also included some crew and pit bosses as well!)  Feel I need to apologize to Ian too, seems we need more than just words and even words from someone as cool and awesome as Ian fell on deaf ears!  Sorry dude,  we need to help them do better!

He mentioned his new show, V-Wars and where it's about vampires too, but he doesn't play one this time round and he's a scientist, Dr Luther Swann.  That we gotta watch his shows on Netflix etc when they come out cos he wants a season 2!!  Even if you just click the round button and don't even watch it he added!  Ha.
Also how he had no say in the direction of The Vampire Diaries as it wasn't really his show.  He also died in season 1 so...Then he had a coffee spillage on stage!  Not too major!

Great photoshoot, sadly the prints have shrunk and have so much room around the actual photo, they didn't come out so great and were really dark for some reason.  I looked like a bloke with thick set eyebrows - no joke!!  Anyhoo I said to Ian how I would've loved to have seen him last year and he replied he was filming V-Wars and "you will watch it won't you."  He then took my arm and gosh I had to hold his (hairy! ha) arm back and say 'yes' and that I watch him in everything!!  Of course.  Then they came to drag me outta there, well almost, as I said my farewells!!  (Loud sobbing!)  Hands down he's such a darling and he lives by everything he says about being kind!!  A true humanitarian ambassador if ever there was one!
(Take note all you grumps who couldn't even manage a smile!)

However he made my year with his compassion and positivity!  Would that we all could and should allude to be the same!! Such a shame he couldn't make it last year but hopefully will make it back here more times!

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