Monday 15 July 2019

Ghost Adventures 18.12 "Idaho State Tuberculosis Hospital"

                                       Image result for ghost adventures idaho state tuberculosis hospital
The Idaho State tuberculosis hospital which later became an asylum and now houses a family with twelve special needs children, two of whom died in this place at so young an age. Svetlana saying they feel Johnny's spirit here; as well as locking himself into a room, that is sad and awful, have to wonder if it was just a coincidence.

Gloria, a housekeeper, seeing a man reflecting in the mirror of  the bathroom standing by the edge of the bed.
The door being pushed when Zak was opening number 3 and catch a tall figure on the SLS camera before the investigation began.  As well as the deep EVP voice, sounds like "some bad" after Zak asks if there was "something evil there, something bad?"
Aaron goes into the basement with Nick, an investigator who felt like something went through his body.  Zak looks through the research of those who had passed there and the name Anton Beaver resonates with him.
That spirit box session was uncanny, I'm sure you can hear "An-ton" after Aaron asks "can you tell me his name?"
Sounds like "it's Steve to me" not "it's me;" even though Zak says "it's me."  There's a heavy emphasis on a 'v.'  After Aaron asks "something more clear."

During the investigation, Aaron and Zak both see a dark mass on the floor which frightens Aaron, in turn shocking Billy with his reaction.  Zak sends Jay to the attic where they haven't been before and no one ventures.  The sound appears to be a child's voice saying, "knocked me down, or knocked you down."  Lots of light anomalies floating around too. Then Aaron asking "what do you want me to do?"  Which will echo for Billy too later when he sneezes and Zak exclaims, "why you gotta sneeze?!"  And why not dude!

Aaron feels a lot of energy and Zak tells him there's a glowing face over his shoulder. Which doesn't really freak him out.  The long sentence was a bit grainy "I might get hanged?? for speaking to you..."  Yeah that's just my initial listen through, I need my trusty headphones to decipher further and will get back to ya here!
Billy tells him to do another EVP and they get a voice, when Aaron gets a coughing fit.  The screaming could be the spirit mimicking what he went through and the way he reacted when he coughed uncontrollably, same thing as happened to Aaron?? Should've used the Direct Link here too, it's clearer than the recorder.  Zak then sees some light which could be the one Jay captures on camera in the attic.  The 'creepy' laugh was definitely a child.  Appeared to be laughing at Aaron for his fit, or just generally.

Zak getting "Geek" on the Ovilus was funny cos that's how he would've looked to a child. As well as the stools being moved and plates in the kitchen.  His favourite animal: wolf.  Billy gets spooked by a toy dog moving.  As well as a light anomaly whilst setting up a camera in the family's quarters.
Zak gets the words,
Around on the Ovilus and Aaron gets cold in the basement.  With a voice on the spirit box saying "gonna get ya."   Appear; anomaly; comes through the Ovilus for Billy.  Wonder if the activity has decreased since their investigation or whether it's still the same.  It's not clear the actual end result of this investigation, with so many children there, it would've been helpful if they had said more.

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