Sunday 7 July 2019

Ghost Adventures 18.11 "Union Hotel"

                                             Image result for ghost adventures union hotel
As almost all historic hotels go, this one in Benicia, was no exception with hauntings relating to the Californian gold rush, a flophouse, saloon...  With its employees having encounters and one, Nina, getting an attachment and being possessed, after working in the Peony Room (or as Zak pronounced it 'PandE' - that's what it sounded like on my computer!  They caught a voice in the same room after Aaron holds the meter over the bed and Zak asks about the device and if he's causing it to move.  The voice saying "yeah."  That was much clearer than the usual EVPs they get.  Especially when Nina was in the room with them too.  One where a prostitute hanged herself.   In that same room where Zak got angry, nothing on the Ovilus and the word 'make' came up after Zak hands Nina the recorder.

Zak also talking about the stone tape theory again as the hotel still boasts the presence of the original bar, recording every moment that went on there when drinks were ordered, fights broke out etc.  Hearing growls and seeing figures in the hall.  Heard a muffled voice which they say said "hello."  Zak hearing footsteps behind him during the investigation and lots of bangs, especially on command. The laser mic moves and sounds like walking can be heard. With 'big' showing up on the Ovilus.

The static energy detection device goes off many times.  The Direct Link device is used and a mist is caught by the full spectrum camera.  The voice at that time says "run."  A forewarning perhaps before the hectic events in the Poeny room.  Zak gets, "one, two, three" in response to his question of "how many spirits are here with us?"  The female voice sounds like "all the f*ed up music."  "Adam" comes through.

The male voice says "hurt Zak."  Who then passes out on the bed.  Boy I wish I could fall asleep like that!  Ha.  But of course he's blacked out and has no recollection of what happened to him within those two minutes. That's what was possibly meant by "hurt Zak" but also makes sense in the context of Aaron and Billy also getting affected in the room with violent thoughts and especially Billy.  Who wants to overturn the bed and attack Zak!  Then Billy goes out onto the balcony and if not for the cleanliness of the air who knows what might've happened.
I don't hear "ashes" I hear 'Scott' or 'hot'??  Though hot could be relevant as Nina was feeling hot out in the hallway earlier on.

The Geo device shows up a ten degree temperature fluctuation.  A figure is mapped by the SLS from the lamp crawling onto the bed and the camera freezes.  Around the 28.26 mark you can hear almost like a breath which Zak says is a growl and no one else hears it.  Unless it's him, but you can hear something if you listen carefully.  It goes "huh."  That's when the agitation increases even more.
The recorder captures an EVP asking "are you talking to me?" in an accent. After Zak asks "is this what you want to do to us? and I wanna hear its voice."  Not being funny but that voice sounds like Miss Piggy in a deeper voice!  The Ghost Adventures School of Languages and Accents.

A shame we didn't get to see the female figure if she could have been caught on camera and Zak asks her to do something and she makes a banging sound.  In the room directly below on the second floor, after Aaron puts a paranormal puck on the bed, Billy types in 'is there a portal' and 'Adam' comes up.
Something is moved or dropped above them but they don't find anything.  Then Billy gets "between, killed, cleansing" on the Ovilus.  Wonder if they did anything about the cleansing though it'd be up to the owners to do so.  Doubt if they'd want any spirits to be cleansed or removed; no matter how much Adam may have wanted this plea for help to not be ignored.

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