Tuesday 28 May 2019

Sebastian Stan Panels MCM Comicon 25/26 May

Another panel like Misha's where there were far more wanting to attend than could.  Most of the queues were impossible. They should have gotten a separate hall just for those instead of squeezing them into one small space.  Anyway didn't think much of the moderator either, just cos she's on YouTube, whatever, doesn't mean she was a good choice, then they always do that with their moderators!  Claire Lim was useless! Whether you agree or not!

Anyhow Sebastian was great but I wondered why everyone went for Bucky cosplay cos if I was doing cosplay I would've gone for the Mad Hatter from Once Upon A Time.  He was so different in that and so very underrated, but a perfect fit (misfit) for that!  Maybe next time!
                                                    Image result for mad hatter once upon a time
Anyway Seb says he tries to have more compassion for himself these days.  Even on the off days he tries to see not everything will be perfect but he likes to go for a walk, especially in London where he can see other people and say he's not alone.

He said looking back he would have played Bucky more enjoyably if he wasn't quite afraid when he go the role.  He would have trusted the role more and "owned" it.  I remember his questions at the AppleStore 2014 (See blog post from then) where he was much more relaxed as it was a much more intimate setting, better questions too and he didn't get pushed around from pillar to post!  You know, do this, autographs where he didn't get a chance to talk or personalize pics, then talk, photo ops, it was maddening and yes no pun intended re mad Hatter!!

Seb was in awe of the fan drawings and loves to see them, adding "we need that sense of self-expression".  He hopes they will carry on drawing.  Seb said it's hard having long hair when playing Bucky.  If Bucky ever went into space he'd want Groot along since he'd let Bucky speak more so than not.

Re Avengers Endgame he commented on how both he and Captain America/Steve are free at last.  If he had the Infinity gauntlet he would use it for good unlike Thanos.  He would like to see Bucky in a relationship with Nat.  He was happy for Steve going back to be with Peggy [Agent Carter.]
On accents he spoke of the posh "Dr Strange guy" ha, yes Benedict Cumberbatch but he loves the Cockney accent, something the mod couldn't point out to him when he said that!  Cos how the hell do you not tell him it's known as Cockney!!  He likes showering over having a bath.  Likes to watch Netflix when he's chilling out and loves Star Wars too.

In his opinion Captain America's shield is way cooler than Thor's hammer! That Black Widow is better than Captain Marvel and strangely or not feels John Wick would win a battle between him and Chuck Norris.  He enjoyed Winter Soldier and Civil War as he thought they were more fun and Anthony Mackie doesn't do his own stunts since he's on a wire.  Yeah they were good films cos he was in them more and Bucky had more of a story; something more to do.

When Steve and Bucky were saying their farewells, Seb wanted them to have more to the conversation between them, but the Russo's were of the belief they would have already had that conversation.  Well they could have repeated it for us fans!!

His fave long lasting memory was filming with Chris in the first Avengers movie and that it was in London.  He absolutely loves London as he can be himself here.  As well as being fascinated by the history and he visited Shakespeare's Globe Theatre too.

Seb enjoyed MCM Comicon.  He might return to theatre sometime next year.  Great he should come here for theatre, but then the fans/stans will be out in force and a lot of people will still be disappointed at not being able to meet him!  One day he'd also like to direct.  He left Romania at a turbulent time and he visited last year after being away for 14 years.  He's looking back at his country and re-educating himself about it.  He said one fan was freakin' [fu**king] amazing for learning Romanian.  Ah Vlad would be proud! ha.  Okay bad joke!

That's the gist of it, I typed from memory so hopefully I got everything!  Hopefully Seb will return for a con here again but a more better one where he'll be treated with more than just being an object or piece of meat, harsh but that's what it felt like!

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