Monday 27 May 2019

Misha Collins Panels MCM Comicon 25th/26th May

Lots of questions and fun to be had but the people queueing for the panels was unbelievable , it's a shame they didn't do more for those who couldn't get in, like find somewhere to stream it cos that was really unfair for many people.  Also the same with the Sebastian Stan panels too!

Misha felt right at home here being at his first MCM Comicon but of course he's no stranger to cons and to speaking: a helluva lot!!  He was taken aback by the love he was shown and everyone meeting him for the first time saw how cool he really is, or in Dean's words "awesome"  Not from the panel.

Misha on his family and how they're really sweet and he misses them.  Also how they sing songs like 'Twinkle twinkle little star.'  That's what he'd like Sam and Dean to sing in a Supernatural ep!  That he would like to see other songs on the show like maybe The Muppets theme.  As well as Metallica and heavy metal.  Maybe they should all get together and compose one of their own, a real heavy Supernatural metal anthem!

He spoke of Jensen's dream that he had on the ending of the show and he was trading in the Impala for a motorbike on Craigslist and he drives away alone on the bike and there's no second seat cos "Sam is gone...poignant...I feel like the show needs to end tragically and have a finality to the ending...about one of the brother's surviving than having them both die in a sendoff, more Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, I feel like it's something; one survivor, one story and that dream that Jensen had has stuck with me."
Hey that's what I said about The Mentalist too, that Patrick Jane should've so been Red John!  anyhow, that's what I thought too, how they needed some form of closure for one or the other brother since season 2 and how they would always keep bringing each other back in some way!

Was a fan of the show before starring on it.  He's also seen the season 1 promo photos with Jared and Jensen. He's enamoured with Cas's loyalty and wants to be like that in his own life.  As well as wanting to 'teleport.'  Hey he could be a guest on Doctor Who: TARDIS teleportation galore and time travel too. so we could always find him still around in some dimension or another!  My words!

He was snuggling his children in bed, tucking them in and he wanted to tell them to stay his little kids forever and how he loves them so much.  They said they were going to grow up and Maison said:      "we're gonna get old and then we're gonna die."  Aww dude not yet!
The Collins family cookbook is about family and community.  It shows love towards his mother and a re-telling of her story.  That's so sweet I had a feeling of family connection when I wrote one too.  Although the recipes are common and well known, they are handed down from generation to the next and have been tweaked to reflect that!

He said that Jensen is the one he'd f**k!  Jensen is "submissive like your mother."
Misha said Mark Sheppard tries to kiss every one of the cast.  When the show ends, we'll move onto more younger and prettier shows after SPN.
He would love Cas to have his wings returned as he's fed up of driving.  He'd like a smart car with Sam and also perhaps a motorbike too.  The show has always been able to curtail Cas in many ways from being able to help and reach out, so having no wings was another obstacle in the way of positive solutions.
Also adding Cas isn't too riled about his own happiness or losing his life, he perhaps has a pen knife he can use to prod himself and not be happy.

He loved the ep the French Mistake and wanted Cas to be even more douchier, so they let him add to the script.  His agent later told him it was good to see Misha actually being his real self!  He felt a little weird meeting people/fans for the first time in person as they've seen/know him and he doesn't know them.  Having feelings of imperfection when he's told how much he's loved/appreciated.

Did get a spoiler for the show for UK viewers as we haven't watched S14 here yet!! But he said the deal he made with the Empty still stands even though Jack is in the Empty now!!

Misha said he will miss all concerned with the show, the SPN family, crew/cast and eventually there won't be that intense an involvement but the love will still be there and how this fandom had an impact on them and shaped their lives.  There were many moments on the show which were memorable but there was crying too when the final season was announced and they spent about an hour on their farewells!

He's clueless as to what he'll be working on next TV-wise and thinks he may crawl up in a cage and cry for maybe a year!  My opinion: man crying/tears are good for this show and probably many will do that when it ends!  Or he might produce.  Cheers from the crowd when said he should run for President!!  He might direct an ep, but he says the cast are like 'children'!  ha. So it could present a bit of a challenge!

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