Monday 16 October 2017

Once Upon A Time 7.2 "A Pirate's Life" Review

                                                  Image result for once upon a time season 7 episode 2 review
Storybrooke's Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) gives Henry (Jared S Gilmore) (the younger Henry) a bottle where he can speak into it, thus becoming a message in a bottle if ever he needs help.  Obviously it will come in handy later on.  Hook needs to be able to maintain his presence as the guyliner-ed hero we've come to know and love in his leathers!  Here that was shown many times over, as well as the producers/writers being clever in finding ways for Hook to hang around Hyperion Heights, as well as being able to go away with Emma (Jennifer Morrison).  Henry needs it now cos Victoria (Gabrielle Anwar) accuses him of killing the prince and he asks for help from Regina )Lana Parilla) Emma and Hook.  Henry senses something's up with Emma and Reggie tells Hook to tell him but he decides against it.  Talk about making a big deal here, I mean if she's pregnant Henry has a right to know.  It's not as if he wouldn't be happy for them.

Back in Seattle, Hook as Rogers, wants to know about the woman in the book.  Henry says he made her up and she's just a character.  However  Hook recalls her from somewhere so how can she just be made up from his imagination.  Which Henry really has no answer for and see again at the end when Hook recalls her.  Still Henry doesn't make a point about her not being real.  Agghh plot point!!  He asks about Lucy (Alison Fernandez) and Jacinda (Dania Rameriz) but they're separated and not so good.  Jacinda has to buy a ballet ticket to see Lucy as Victoria won't let her in for free.  Harsh seeing as she is Lucy's mother and what does Victoria care about her for anyway.  So she tries to find ways to be there.  Not accepting Henry's apology or help.  So he comes up with the idea to cater for the do and it's on the proviso he can hire his own staff, thus she can earn some money and also see Lucy in  the ballet (which quite frankly wasn't much to write home about!)

Hook isn't too enamoured with his new partner who it seems is under the beck and call of Victoria who wants Henry gone from Hyperion Heights no matter what it takes.  Thus Weaver (Robert Carlyle) takes her bracelet in an effort to plant it on Henry and accusing him of theft.  Hook and Weaver break into Henry's place and he sees Hook open the light the same way Henry did by unscrewing the bulb in the shade.  Thus getting him to help in the dastardly framing deed.  Before Hook leaves he takes the swan keychain hanging by the door.  Weaver asks Ronnie for any help with Henry but she refuses and warns him of who he's getting involved with.

In the other realm, Henry is imprisoned and Drizilla is tasked with finding where the glass slipper is.  Cue Reggie with her magic hand swoop downing Drizilla and Hook takes care of the guards.  Reggie tries to do a spell on the slipper which doesn't work.  However Hook gets the scent of seawater and thar be pirates so he thinks he can get info on Cinders that way.  Leaving Reggie to catch up with Henry.  Hook comes to the port where he's encountered with his other self.  The portly pirate with the beer barrel, or rather the rum belly and Hook thinks he can't be real since he was just a wish from a non-existent realm.  He wants Emma and he will get her any way he can.  Thus knocking out Hook and hiding him the wagon.  He tells Victoria he has Hook's blood and is transformed into his former, younger self, i.e Hook.  He heard Hook's voice in the bottle since the bottle apparently transcended all realms and wants to be him cos he's suffered nothing but misery.

In return for his Hook body he will help her with Henry.  Luckily Victoria has the fairy godmother's wand and transforms him.  Hook returns with a forged note from Cinders telling him she doesn't want anything to do with him and he should go back home to Storybrooke.  Emma appears and tells Henry about the baby news and how happy she and Hook are.  Thus the second Hook is overcome with emotion and heads back to put things right with the actual Hook.  But they get into a fight and Hook is stabbed.  Hook the original wants Emma to help him as he tells Hook about his daughter and he lost her, she's imprisoned somewhere.  He gives Hook a chess piece and he should find her.  Emma works her magic and his wound vanishes. 

Hook is tasked with putting the bracelet in Henry's pocket and as the reveal takes place Weaver only finds Henry's keychain in there, which Henry doesn't remember taking.  Hook tells Weaver he doesn't want to separate Jacinda from Lucy, just as he did back in the other realm, thus this isn't Hook the original but Killian the pot bellied pirate Hook and Emma just saved.  Weaver returns the bracelet to Victoria saying he doesn't work for her.  As well as wanting to work with Hook as he has a "moral core."  But hey as Weaver is Rumples, then surely he must have his memories intact from that curse.  There's certainly more going on with him than meets the eye, as always.

Jacinda forgives Henry with a bottle of beer and he, Hook and Ronnie come up with a plan to find out everything on Victoria so they can sort her out.  Henry can write about it and could maybe even get two books from it.  In the other realm, Reggie is persuaded to stay there along with Hook, as the original Hook returns home with Emma so they can enjoy the perks of parenthood together.  Changing nappies and all the rest of it which she didn't do with Henry.  Thus "Operation Next Chapter" is on...  It was a nice touch though where Hook recalls he was shot in an alley and a woman looking like Emma rescued him.  Planting some faint flicker of a memory where he was actually saved by Emma in the other realm... 

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