Sunday 15 October 2017

Once Upon A Time 7.1 "Hyperion Heights" Review

                                                 Image result for once-upon-a-time hyperion heights
Season 7 of OUAT returned and it was all change for some characters and yet the plots somehow remained the same.  Instead of Snow and Charming, this time round there's grown up Henry (Andrew J West) and Cinderella (Dania Rameriz).  Now no wonder there was a ratings drop, it somehow didn't capture the essence and atmoshere of the 'original' show and characters.  Yes Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) is there as a policeman (now if that ain't a reversal in characters with Emma) oddly enough his name is Officer Rogers.  Which rang bells for me, yeah when I figure out why I'll let you in on it!  Ha.  Then we get Weaver aka Rumples (Robert Carlyle).  I mean, first he spun gold and now he weaves (intricate plots - no not really.)  Reggie, I mean Ronnie (Lana Parilla) is also back as a bar owner, hmm, what else.  There was that bar scene in the episode when she and Emma all ventured to the bar where they encountered Belle as Lacey.

This time round it's Henry's story, at least he tells Reggie he wants to find his own story as he leaves Storybrooke.  As the curse is carried over for the residents of a small town In Seattle, rather a small suburb of Seattle, Hyperion Heights.  Where there's the wicked step mother of Cinderella's known as Victoria Belfry (Gabrielle Anwar) (prob has bats in her belfry) as she is the new big bad in this show.  Even if Cinderella's story has been done before.  Here Cinders is known as Jacinda and has a daughter Lucy (Alison Fernandez) who is also Henry's daughter and he can't recall Cinders as his one true love.  As Henry is now the non-believer, even if he wrote Once Upon A Time, he's now suffering writer's block.  Lucy telling him how Victoria's taking all the people from Seattle to live there.

As we get flashes to:
The Other Realm
Years Earlier

Henry rides on his motorbike and crashes into Cinderella's carriage as her horse runs away, she refers to him as her steed and his bike as headless.  He offers her a ride but she kicks him off and steals his bike for herself.  Well in Seattle, Henry has his car stolen, so he's a bit careless with his modes of transport and that's only so he can meet with Hook.

In Seattle Cinders/Jacinda works at a chicken take out place and gets fired again cos she calls her boss a jerk even if he is one, but that firing doesn't last long as her mother practically owns the place.  Lucy wishes in the well she found and hopes things will change around her.  However Jacinda dreams of a new life for them on the island across the way.  As Victoria threatens to take her daughter from Jacinda, she runs away with her, only for Henry to spill the beans (no pun) and tells Hook where to find her.  Ivy the dutiful daughter turns over the book for Hook to dispose of and he flicks through it finding the pic of the woman he recognizes.  That we know as Emma. Hook/Rogers is promoted and his new partner is Weaver, that was obvious.

Victoria also wants to buy Ronnie's bar, but she won't give up without a fight as she decides she's no longer selling her bar.

The Other Realm we see how Cinders stole Henry's dagger which has his initial on it and she plans on killing the prince who took everything from her including her father.  Henry tells her she can't think of revenge and carry this out, but Alice drugs him and he passes out.  Waking up in a cave, tied up, she doesn't want to be known as from Wonderland and he sees the label, "Drink me" realizing who she is.  That was reminiscent in some ways with Reggie and her lost love Daniel, as well as Snow, with Reggie as her step mother.  Not surprising that Victoria wants her daughter to marry the prince's brother who is more the wicked type, like James was.
Cinders draws the dagger on the prince who is grateful that she didn't kill her, but Victoria does it instead and promptly calls the guards to arrest her.  Before we get a sword fight that was remarkably similar to Snow and Charming.  Even the jacket Henry sported was akin to something Charming would wear!  Henry wants Cinders to meet at his portal at midnight but she doesn't show up and Henry doesn't go through it either.

Henry of course tells us there are alternate versions of all the characters in other realms, but there's only one of him.  Also calling Lucy, 'kid' like Emma used to. "I'm the only me, it's time to figure out where I belong."  Yeah as a taxi driver in Seattle, though he does sport a fancy keychain with a swan on it.  Appears Henry is also affected by the curse and that keychain was seen in season 2.  Then we get Alice (Rose Reynolds) too as she frequents the roof of Ronnie's bar and she's in league with Weaver.  As for Henry's bike, that's kinda a homage to Pinocchio/August who was a writer too and rode around on his bike and that's how he drove into Storybrooke. 

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