Saturday 25 February 2017

The Vampire Diaries 8.14 "It's Been A Hell Of A Ride" Review

                                                 Image result for vampire diaries it's Been a Hell of a Ride photos
Stefan (Paul Wesley) decides he's leaving town and comes to tell Bonnie (Kat Graham) he's sorry but she's not willing to listen or forgive him saying several times how he killed Enzo!  Yeah, right, he wasn't exactly himself.  Enzo (Michael Malarkey) asks her how she can't forgive him cos she should and he was also working for Cade (Wole Parks) and killed many people as a result, but the time's not right for her to do this just yet.  Also she doesn't let Stefan in though he could come in cos he's human now.  Back at the karaoke bar, Kai (Chris Wood) belts out a tune, very out of tune, yeah don't give up the siphoning day job!  As Damon (Ian Somerhalder) asks Stefan for help with Kai cos he's taken Elena and given her to Cade in return for staying on earth and not going to hell.  Though it was risky asking Stefan for help cos one wrong move and he'll die and won't be coming back as everyone does over and over.

So Stefan meets with Kai and wants the weapon from him, the Ashen, as Cade asks Damon for that and once he gets it, he'll return Elena.  Stefan wants the weapon so he can kill Cade instead.  He needs to do that and it's not just part of his redemption.  Kai tries to siphon from Stefan but he realizes he can't and Stefan foolishly lets on he's human now.  Prompting Kai to stab him in his hand. With Damon taking a detour cos he was putting on a song!  Really Damon!  They take him to the Armoury cos it's the nearest place with a holding cell and Alaric (Matt Davis) has his own problems with the twins who are siphoning like crazy.  They try on the wedding dresses which Caroline (Candice King) tells them off for as they could have fallen on them, the boxes that is and they set the boxes on fire, just like they did at school, which Alaric neglected to tell Caroline.  There's no school that will take them.

Caroline tells Damon that Stefan's leaving cos he's going on a 'spirit walk' to come to terms with what he's done and to seek atonement.  Easier said than done.  Stefan asks Alaric for his help even if he's the last person he wants to see right now.  He needs him cos he's not a Maxwell or a Donovan. Obviously that had something to do with the bell.  As he and Damon head to Mystic Falls where Damon says he should be the one to kill Cade cos he's got Elena and Stefan's human now.  But Stefan knocks him out and takes the Ashen into the cave where he finds Elena's coffin.  Stefan already knows his soul is bound for hell and he wants to kill Cade.  Stefan:" Cade is free because of me and that's why I have to kill him."
Damon: "You screw this up, we don't know what he'll do to Elena." Once again its all about her even when she's not around!  But attracted Cade cos of her 'beautiful soul.'
Cade laughs since Stefan's human and well, he's the devil.  He waits until the clock strikes 8, well it'll be 8 on his phone and Alaric rings/strikes the bell.  Stefan:" Cade is free because of me and that's why I have to kill him."

Caroline talks to Kai about the twins' power, again a silly move and he tells her how he was a siphon
and the Gemini coven didn't understand it, how he needed power, to take energy and Jo was the perfect witch.  He was living in a nightmare and it was torture and there wasn't anything he could do. He handled it by becoming a psycho with a penchant for murder. telling her it was stupid bringing them to the Armoury surrounded by all this magic cos the walls have magic practically in them as he places his hand on the glass and it cracks.  The walls do have magic he says.  Then snaps Caroline's neck and escapes intent on  killing the twins.  As Stefan makes some headway in stabbing Cade with the Ashen, Alaric is called by the twins who tell him Caroline isn't here and they heard a crash. Making him stop ringing the bell.  Giving Cade a chance to recover and beat up Stefan.  He likes how that feels and kicks him some more.

Damon tells him to let him go cos they had a deal and he got his weapon. But Cade, being Cade tells Damon to chose, Stefan's soul or Elena's as he sets her coffin on fire.  Damon can't really make that choice and Stefan begs Cade to take him instead, he's going to end up there eventually anyway. Damon says to "choose me" instead.  Bonnie senses the psychic connection and sees fire and Elena being in trouble so she heads there leaving Enzo alone.  He earlier told her that she can bring him back as many times as she wants but she should makes amends with Stefan.

Damon makes the sacrifice of having Cade take his life when he hands him a burning ember from her coffin, even with Stefan refusing for it to be him.  Ending up in a place where Cade thinks he's hiding.  Damon says he never hides and Bonnie turns up but she can't see Damon there until Cade tells her to use her psychic power.  She won't let him take Damon and will fight for him, as Damon struggles to hold onto the rock and to not get sucked into hell.  She will fight for him even if she loses and no matter how hard it might be for her.  Until Stefan shows up and stabs Cade thus ending his reign in hell and on them.  However even if hell isn't the same without him, or doesn't exist.  There still won't be any getting away from it, since they've both side they're hell bound eventually some day.  Though them both coming back alive was becoming a bit Sam and Dean too in Supernatural!

Alaric tricks Kai into thinking he's found the twins and they fight with Caroline getting Kai and then taking turns to beat him saying it's for them, the twins and for Jo.  Bonnie then chains Kai up in his own hell where  he'll listen to the same song over and over, the one he hates.  Using the Gemini compass again and she says there's no eclipse this time round.  He tells her Cade may be gone but hell is still there and is ruled y someone else.  No guesses there then.  But I'll leave the reveal for a bit.  As we head into Winchester bonding territory with Damon and Stefan drinking sitting on the car; well Damon does most of the drinking.  He says he's got his own redemption to do and he knows that he will do it with the people he loves the most and Stefan is at the top of his list.  He hopes to marry Elena one day and he wants Stefan not to be a coward and run away on this spirit journey of his. They won't have each other forever but today isn't a day he should lose him.

Alaric wants to start a school for people like the twins since they have nowhere to go and wants Caroline as his collaborator.  Stefan proposes to Caroline again saying he won't be able to tell her how much he loves her and he'll have to show her by asking her to marry him and she agrees.  Bonnie tells Damon about the other bad in their lives now and who's running hell, obviously it would have to be someone from their past and Damon smashes the bottle in his hand as he says not to say her name and they both utter, "Katherine."  Okay knew that was coming and said it several second before Damon did!  Ha.

Obviously there had to be somewhere else they had to deal with considering Cade was killed off pretty quickly, bit too cocky in thinking none of them would get him but it had to be Stefan as he said he would, not only for making him do all those killings but also for taking Damon from him too. Who admits he's made so many mistakes and hurt so many people.  It could only be Katherine cos where else would she have gone.  Don't think much of Kai's least favourite song having an impact on him cos being a witch he should be able to shut it out of his head.  Think being alone in his own prison will have more of an adverse effect on him.  Kai referring to Caroline as Clarice and himself as Hannibal Lector from Silence of the Lambs.  Don't think so!  Funny though how Damon told Cade to "eat me!"

The title refers to Damon's line to Elena in season 1.20 Blood Brothers.  Have written plenty about this episode over this season and its relevance to the episode it relates to, so no need to repeat it again.  However this episode's quotes have also been referred to plenty of times as episode titles for the final season 8.

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