Saturday 25 February 2017

Paranormal Lockdown 2.11 "Scutt Mansion" Review

Another episode where the mansion involved has some sad stories behind it as well as hauntings.  But one that draws people in regardless of its curse.  This one pertaining to Hiram Scutt, a Civil War Vet and also a barbed wire magnet.  He built the Victorian mansion in Joilet, Illinois in 1882.  Which has seen its fair share of 'bad' events.  His son, Frank, took it over after his death in 1889 and his wife, Adelaide died shortly after Hiram.  The mansion was also a girls' school, a place where women who came to the city in search of work lived and in 2004 there was a murder when a student was shot and killed there after a rowdy party, the owner had rented the house to college students. The mansion was later bought by Seth and he died there after he had an aneurysm.  Seth's father, Pat Magosky, fell down the stairs he had put there himself and broke his back.  Seth's mother, Andrea saying she would never live there.

Nick and Katrina invited Andrea there to tell them about the mansion and her son who had turned it into a museum and kept various objects there, including a doll room.  Nick and Katrina both hoping that Steh had moved onto a better place and his energy/spirit wasn't there.  Katrina being drawn to Adelaide's room, and is what my sister said too, just as Rob said the same to her, before the figure appeared on the 3D mapping.  Which was even taller than Nick.  Funny how Nick mentioned his height twice in this ep, first when he commented on how the sleeping bags don't accommodate his 6' 1" height and then when Katrina mentioned how the figure was taller than Nick, with Seth's sister, Serena saying he was 6' 6" and was really tall!

Also a first with 16 HD cameras set up to monitor most all the rooms, or at least the strategic ones. When Rob's camera died was gonna swear, ha, saying someone made a rough edit there and missed what was happening!  Katrina sleeping at the top of the stairs with her track record with stairs; thought Nick would've done that.  At least they had proper running water to brush their teeth and Nick fixs his hair as usual as soon as he wakes up!

Nick and Katrina getting help from Dana Matthews and Greg Newkirk, paranormal researchers and friends of his who have a travelling haunted museum: Travelling Museum of the Paranormal and The Occult.  They brought along some haunted objects: a dark mirror, Billy the Idol of Nightmares (!) The Crone and the Dybbuk box.  Which has been the subject of many shows and documentaries.  A box which draws the person to open it and has untold effects on that person.  The Box was originally owned by Keven Mannis of Portland, Oregon.  The box refers to a Jewish wine cabinet and he bought it as a gift for his mother.  And is haunted by a malicious spirit.  She suffered a stroke on the same day.  It was owned by a survivor of the Holocaust in Poland.  (See episode 2.4 Paranormal Witness. The box was the subject of  Sam Raimi's 2012 horror movie The Possession.  With Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Kyra Sedgwick.)

Greg telling them not to open the box no matter what happens, which explains the chains.  It was a good experiment of sorts since the activity came out after the objects were there.  That Dark Mirror looked creepy and really dark, as in black.  Heard all of those deep breaths that Katrina and Dana heard and they were right, they were laboured and did sound like someone on their last breath. (The death rattle.) However, Serena later said that he breathed like that.  Dana also facing her fear of going back up the tower.  Nick directing the energy to Dana and the tower.  Then she got her hair pulled.

On her recorder at 26.37 a man says, "you don't have to do that."  Before Greg hears "they tried to kill me."  Which is what the voice says later on, that Hiram did it when the woman says he wouldn't do that (see below.)  Also when Nick got the child's voice on the Geoport when the girls says "hi;" you can hear a man say "stair."  Strangely Nick has them place the objects on the stair before Dana and Greg leave.

34.22 sound like "Seth."  35.18 sounds like "Nick" was spoken, but it's not every clear.  The whisper at 36.00 can be heard without enhancement and seems to whisper, "still here."  Relevant as they ask where'd the figure go?  The female voice attempts to stop the male voice from speaking, you can hear "sshh" at 36.55. The curse started at this house as Nick asks, before that it sounds like "he hit me..." "He pushed me off the bridge"??
Female; "He didn't do that."
37.06: "Hiram did it."

Though it was said that as his family reaffirmed Seth still being there perhaps it's because he loves the house and is protecting it.  Finding it hard to leave.  But as Serena said, hoping he might get some closure now knowing that his family knows about him and how his mother's last message to him was how much she loves him.  A moving episode more than it was creepy.

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