Saturday 18 February 2017

The Vampire Diaries 8.13 "The Lies Are Going To Catch Up With You" Review

                                               Image result for the-vampire-diaries the lies will catch up to you photos
Turns out it's Dorian (Demetrius Bridges) who kidnaps Stefan (Paul Wesley) cos he remembers what he did to his family and then blamed it on the housefire, compelling Dorian to believe that.  Now Stefan's human his Vics are no longer compelled and Matt (Zach Roerig) calls Caroline (Candice King) about this and once again she has to sort out his mess.  As she compels the Vics with another story of what happened including Violet Fell's father.  She deserved better than this she tells Matt. Dorian is angry and outraged that he could've just killed them like that and Stefan tells him he was travelling to Tennessee with Klaus and he had to do what he did.  Hmm, name dropping Klaus here, for no apparent reason I'm guessing.  Not like Dorian's really interested in who that is.  Stefan says he will die and will go to hell but right now he wants to atone for what he did.  However Dorian tells him he doesn't care about his redemption.

Alaric (Matt Davis) wants to get revenge on Kai (Chris Woods) for what he did to his wife, or fiance as Kai calls her, but Damon (Ian Somerhalder) says they should hear him out no how he can help them with Cade (Wole Park) and especially when Kai says he can bring Elena back.  Well we know she's coming back anyway.  Kai can't eat cos he can't taste anything and he can't feel either, except when he calls the waiter at the Mystic Grill and eat shim instead.  He realizes he's basically a ghost and was able to see Mystic Falls and come here when the bell was being struck.  He's a psychic imprint between the two worlds and needs to get out.  Damon needs  to know how he can bring back a hypothetical person, but Bonnie's (Kat Graham) not interested in helping, as she's trying to communicate with Enzo. (Michael Malarkey).  She thinks she can ask Cade about what to do and has a strong feeling Damon is referring to Kai.  She meets Cade at the coffeeshop and he tells her she's got some sort of strong powers.  As she holds his hands she sees Enzo wherever he is stuck and he tells her not to trust Cade.  Also reliving the moment of Enzo's death again.  She doesn't know how to bring Kai back permanently and sever the tie with Bonnie and Elena.

She tells Cade she didn't see Enzo but she looks that way cos she had to relive his death again.  When she gets outside Cade stops her and reads her mind and knows she saw Enzo.  Kai cough  blood and isn't well and Damon tells him about the sirens and how they were "cannibalistic divas" and Kai asks if they were pretty, well he'd be into them either way!  Also telling them how he had to feed them bad people.  So Kai thinks he can do the same and maybe get some strength back.  Damon tells him the cook is bad and he feeds off him.  However Bonnie tells him Cade's looking for Kai and the only way he can stay out of hell is if he has redemption and Damon will forgive him but only if he brings back Elena now.  Damon falling for his lies again.  I mean didn't they learn all that first time round they dealt with him and all the times after that.

Dorian has had enough of Stefan's talking when he tells him he doesn't want to end up in hell like him and shoots him after he digs his own grave with a shovel.  Ah what's faster the gun or the shovel, probably Stefan could've wrestled with him f he was going to get shot anyway.  Dorian realizes this doesn't make him feel better as he didn't really shoot anything major, with Stefan telling him to shoot him in the head or the heart, and he helps Stefan.  Calling Matt and Caroline rushes to be by his side. Stefan gives up and Cade appears to him whilst he's watching himself outside of his body, telling him he should give up cos he can't let Caroline go through all this misery.  He'll atone for his actions and she'll follow him around and finally he'll get old and she'll have to live with the immortality and he she doesn't deserve this.  But Stefan says he doesn't have to die today right now and he's not giving up; as he returns.

Damon takes Kai to Elena and he comments how she's been well travelled in her coffin.  However he doesn't want to help him and attacks Damon by using his magic and siphoning his vampire blood, stealing the coffin and vanishing.  Enzo returns to Bonnie and he just wants to be with her. Elsewhere Alaric returns to Mystic Falls as the twins powers are getting stronger and invites Caroline to dinner to see them, where Lizzie (Tierney Mumford) attacks Caroline and then has a fight with her sister, Josie (Lily Rose Mumford) who says she hurt their mother.

Sort of a mish mash going on here with the storyline as they try to squeeze everything into it, but this episode felt rushed and Enzo returned pretty quickly.  Bonnie's powers should help with Kai and maybe the twins.  Seems the bigger problem they have now is Kai and not Cade and will probably have to turn to him to bring back Elena and deal with Kai.  So as said not much happened in this episode except for Enzo coming back cos Bonnie needs her happy ending.

The title was said by Damon to Stefan in 1.5 You're Undead To Me, where he said, "the lies will catch up to you."  That nothing will come between Stefan and Elena except for the lies.  As long as he keeps lying to himself about who he is, well here he isn't doing that anymore and wants to make amends even if it takes him his entire mortal lifetime to do so.  Stefan says to Damon in 1.5 that he's the one locked up and he can just walk away.  Kinda familiar here as Damon lets Kai get the better of him and steal Elena away, rather like Stefan getting her in season 1.

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